"Oh oh oh oh... such a big sinner... I'm going to~deep~freeze~all of you~ and integrate them after you get tired of playing~ hahaha...

Especially you, little~love~li~si~

Ah~ I still have endless aftertaste of your expression back then~"

The figure who continued to yell strangely also had a rather strange appearance.

It can only be described as round.A round head is added to the almost perfectly round body, which looks like a snowman.But the color of her body is not snow white, but a bright clown costume with red on the right half of her body and blue on the left half of her body.The sleeves that wrap around the short arms also have straight red and blue stripes.

There is no hair on the snow-white round head, which is no different from the previous elders, but what is different from them is that this person's skin is quite shiny.Also on top of the head is a vulgar golden hat.


Elder Chu Dekin, turned me into a puppet, used the "integration ceremony" to seal the memory, and then buried the obligatory loyalty, making us integrity knights believe that we are knights summoned from the heavens... did you participate? ? "

"Why do you know these things..."

"Although it was sealed, it seems that there are still some memories left. When I stepped into the senate next door, I saw for a moment... a girl full of anxiety and fear was tied up in the middle of the hall, and then the elders chanted three Tian Sanye's multiple techniques forcibly opened her heart. That is the real situation of the integration ceremony... The floor of that hall should be stained with the tears of grief and despair that I shed when I was a young girl."


Eugeo couldn't suppress the anger in his heart, an ice blue flame rose from his right eye, and the blue rose sword condensed in his hand.

While listening to Alice's repressed but still sharp speech like a steel blade, Chudkin had an extremely despicable smile on his face.

"Uh...hahahaha...yes...you are right! I still remember it very clearly! You were young, pure and cute, crying and pleading...you said that "Please...don't make me forget the important people...", hehehe..."

Chudkin imitated little Alice's tone at that time with a thin, weird voice. The distorted smile and crazy whisper kept stimulating Eugeo and Alice, and even Kirito rose up in his heart. A nameless rage.

A golden radiance emanated from Alice's right eye, light particles condensed like petals ignoring petals in Alice's right hand, and a golden Excalibur engraved with an osmanthus pattern appeared.

The black sword held tightly by Kirito seemed to have faint stars shining, but upon closer inspection, there was nothing there.

Facing the menacing three men, Qiu Dejin continued to speak without hesitation as if he didn't care at all.

"Hehe, hehe~ I remembered! I even enjoyed that scene as a dish for the whole night!

Brought here from some shit country place, you were first trained as a novice nun for two years.

During this period, you, a wild child, found a loophole in the rules of life and went to visit the summer solstice festival in Centoria, but you still believe that as long as you study hard, you will be able to return to your hometown one day, so you have been working hard~

But~ How can we let you go back~ After you raise the authority to use sacred arts to a certain level, of course you will be forced to perform the integration ceremony!

When I knew I could never go home again, your crying face really made me want to turn you into a stone statue and put it in my room forever as a decoration!Heh, heh, heh! "

Qiu Dejin's extremely vicious speech made Long Cheng unable to stop his right hand holding the Divine Salvation Saber from shaking.

Eugeo and Kirito almost rushed forward and cut this disgusting guy.

Only Cardinal seemed to remain calm.

At this time, Alice also seemed to be clenching her teeth, but she did not lose her self-control, so she directly questioned the chief elder.

"You bastard just said something strange like 'compulsory integration ritual'. Could it be that there are optional synthesis rituals?"

Chudkin narrowed his eyes into a thin line and kept laughing strangely.

"Heh, heh, I didn't expect you to have sharp ears. You're right~ Six years ago, you resisted chanting the secrets necessary for the usual integration rituals~ You even said "Hometown" to me I still have unfulfilled vocation in my village, so I don’t need to obey your orders!”

'It's really like what Alice would have said when she was a child. ’ Eugeo and Kirito showed such expressions at the same time.

At this time, the Elder Elder may have remembered what happened at that time, and he twisted his lips bitterly and threw out such a sentence:

"Totally a willful brat~

Originally, I had already asked His Highness the Highest Priest to wake up, but I had to prepare for the ceremony before I could wake His Highness~

In the absence of any alternative, I can only temporarily suspend the tasks of automating the veterans, and use magic to forcibly open your barrier that protects the most important things~

But because of this, I also enjoyed the rare sight~!Oh hee hee..."

The sharp laughter stopped suddenly when the petals transformed by the sword of golden osmanthus surrounded it.But the smile that appeared in the eyes and lips did not disappear.

"After finishing the first stage of the forced integration secret ceremony, I will bring you unconscious to the side of His Royal Highness~

It's a pity that I can't witness the following ceremony, but after completing the ceremony and waking up as an integrity knight, you have already firmly believed that you are the apostle of God sent from the heaven~

Just like other knights~ I just want to hear you knights talking about the heavens and so on, and I feel like laughing my belly out... huh huh huh..."

Surrounded by golden osmanthus petals, Qiu Dejin uttered a series of words like a cannonball, his eyes were constantly shaking.It looks like it's waiting for something.

Then a sound that was colder than the freezing air in the northern cave resounded in the room destroyed by Long Cheng.

"Prince Elder Chu Dekin, you may be the same as the Integrity Knight, a poor clown whose life was manipulated by the highest priest, Adominius Strait.

Even so, you seem to be enjoying your situation to the fullest.I think you should have no regrets.I'm tired of hearing your words. "

The golden petals turned into fine golden lightsabers and pierced the round Chudkin.

Countless slender lightsabers pierced the opponent into a hedgehog.Chu Dejin's slender eyes widened, and the red and blue clown suit became tense because it was more inflated, but at this moment...


After a huge explosion, Chudkin's perfectly round body flew towards the back of the Senate like a balloon.

374. Battle against Integrity Knights

"Let's follow, that clown should lead us to where Adominius Strait is."

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