"Suddenly came to ask to meet the chief and second-ranked swordsman-in-training who stood at the top of all students. They are really two very courageous junior trainees. They are really worthy of their attendants.

But still have to pay special attention, too excited attitude can sometimes become rude and disrespectful ah.Don't you think so, yu~ji~ou~ swordsman-in-training.

Oops...that's my gaffe.It’s useless to ask Eugeo about the etiquette of swordsman-in-training nobles, haha, hahaha…”

"Next time I have a chance, I will definitely listen to the chief's opinion. Now, can you tell me where Tijie and Ronnie are?"

Ignoring the mocking smiles of Laos and Humbert, Eugeo continued to question them.

"... Eugeo-san, although they are only the children of a lower-ranking jazz family, is it too heavy a burden to instruct them for a commoner who was originally just cutting down trees on the border?

Heh heh heh, or... is it because of Eugeo-san's lack of guidance that those two people acted so rudely towards me, the eldest son of the fourth-class viscount?

If this is the case, I can only do my noble duty, although I am extremely unwilling.Because as a superior jazz, he was obliged to correct the discipline of the junior jazz. "

"Student Humbert...! Are you..."

Eugeo was about to continue saying "what did you do", but Humbert stopped him with his left hand first, and stood up after drinking the wine in the glass in one breath.Then Laos also got up, and the two moved a few steps to the east side of the room together.

"...Then let Eugeo-san enjoy today's most exciting program, Master Laos."

"Okay, Humbert. Although there is one less audience, I can't wait. He should catch up soon."

"...the show...can't wait...?"

Humbert and Laos spoke in a strange tone as if they were talking about cross talk like a clown, and Eugeo's uneasiness suddenly rose to the peak.

Then Humbert and Laos turned around while dragging their long gowns, and walked towards the bedroom on the west side.And Eugeo could only chase after him with vain footsteps.

Behind the door that Humber opened, there was a dense darkness and a pungent scent and smoke.Laos disappeared into the darkness first, and then Humbert also walked in.

Seeing the lavender smoke lingering on the floor, Eugeo stopped walking.Because he had a feeling that these smokes should not exist in this Sword Cultivation Academy—no, this kind of evil aura should not exist in the vast human world at all.

It feels like they are even more evil than the smoke from the fires of the Goblin Group, a terrifying dark race encountered in the cave at the End Mountain Range two years ago.

The moment Eugeo reflexively wanted to turn around, he suddenly felt a very subtle fragrance.It was very similar to the aroma of Sauer Bay leaves that I had smelled.

And Tijie's uniform has this smell.


The moment he rushed into the dormitory shouting the name of the attendant trainee, the oil lamp on the wall was suddenly lit.

What Eugeo saw was—two girls lying side by side on a large canopied bed.No, it should be said that he was thrown on the bed.This was because the two men in gray junior trainee uniforms were heavily tied up with bright red ropes.I don't know if it's because of the strong aroma, but the red and brown eyes are staring blankly at the sky, looking a bit confused.

"Why...why, why..."

After saying so in a low voice with a stunned expression, Eugeo realized that he had to untie the two of them first and rushed to the side of the bed.but……

"Don't move!"

Screaming, Laos stretched out his open palm in front of Eugeo.So he had no choice but to look away, and then made a hoarse voice: "Lai...Laos, what is going on? Why are you treating me and Kirito's attendant trainee in this way..."

"It's impossible, Eugeo-san."

"I can't help it...?"

"That's right. Junior trainee Shuttleini and Yarabel came to our room this evening without prior notice, and they behaved extremely rudely towards us."

"What... disrespectful... thing?"

Hearing this, Humbert showed a mocking smile.

"It can only be said to be extremely rude. I really want you to listen to it... These two little girls of the lower nobles dare to say that I, a fourth-class knight, abused my attendant for no reason to satisfy myself desire.

As the second-in-class swordsman-in-training, I obviously only wanted to correct Frenica.No matter how lenient I am, I can't forgive this rude behavior. "

"It's not just that, Eugeo-san. These two people also said that I, who shared the dorm with Humbert, was also responsible.

I just replied that I didn’t understand what they were talking about, but the result was really scary... It’s just a little girl from a sixth-class knight’s family who dared to say to me, the eldest son of a third-class knight, “You still have the honor of a nobleman.” Do you feel like this?

Alas~ This is really disturbing. "

At this moment, Humbert and Laos looked at each other again, and then sniggered.

It's clear that they intended to create this situation from the start.Humbert knew that his attendant, Frenica, had a good relationship with Tijie and Ronnie, so he continued to abuse and humiliate her until Tijie and the others came to this room to protest. .

"But... Laos-san. Even if there is such a thing... tying them up and locking them up in the dormitory is a disorderly act that exceeds the punishment right of a swordsman-in-training...!"

Eugeo made such an accusation after holding down his right eye with his hand and finally suppressing the anger that was about to explode.

366. Noble Judgment Power

"Punishment rights for swordsmen?"

Hearing Eugeo's question, Laos showed a playful smile, then bent down and brought his face closer to Eugeo.

"When did I say that I exercised the right of punishment, the right to deceive children, swordsman-in-training Eugeo?"

"This...what the hell is going on here. There should be quite strict regulations on punishing trainees' disrespectful behavior in the academy rules..."

"This is your negligence. Have you forgotten that there is such a postscript in the college rules? It says

——In addition, all punishments cannot override the higher-level regulations~~”

At this moment, Laos' expression suddenly changed completely.The ends of the unusually red lips were turned up completely, revealing a sadistic smile.

"The higher-level regulations are the Taboo Index and the Basic Law of the Empire. Therefore, I can't take the initiative to reduce the fate of those two girls. Therefore, the rope used is made of silk produced in the Eastern Region. ...No matter how tight you tie it, no one will get hurt~"

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