"You should understand. Why does this world have such a system? Although the total population is only about [-], there are four empires and nobles with about [-] people.

And now, they, the viruses of this world, will be the reason for Kirito and Eugeo to rebel against the Axiom Church. "

"But... will things really go as you think? Under the double restrictions of the taboo list and the academy's rules, can they really do things that make them desperate?"

Cardinal asked in confusion, although Long Cheng didn't tell the whole story, but just a few words were enough for her to understand Long Cheng's meaning.

"Don't underestimate the malice of human beings!

That... is the power that can destroy the world. "

Long Cheng looked into the distance, through the wooden ceiling, he didn't know where he was flying.


It was already the afternoon of the second day when I returned from Cardinal's library.

The white mist that suddenly rose in the living room attracted everyone's attention. Kirito and Eugeo held their foreheads with a headache expression.

"Yu, yu, Eugeo senior swordsman-in-training-sama!!!"

A cute girl with long red hair and red eyes, Tije Shotellini hid behind Eugeo in fear.

"Kiri, Kirito Senior Swordsman-in-training-sama~"

Ronnie Yarabell, a girl with brown hair, timidly ran behind Kirito.

"Yo, how are you?"

The white mist dissipated, and Long Cheng's figure appeared in the living room.Not paying any attention to the two terrified girls, Long Cheng greeted everyone with a smile.

"You, you, who are you, and why did you appear in the room of Eugeo's senior swordsman-in-training?"

The red-haired girl Ti Jie plucked up her courage and asked Long Cheng.

"Okay, Tijie, Ronnie, Longcheng is my friend and teacher of Kirito, you don't have to be afraid."

Eugeo patted Tize on the shoulder, signaling to her not to be nervous.

Following Eugeo's explanation, the two girls gradually relaxed. Although Long Cheng's appearance was indeed surprising, if it was Eugeo and Kirito's friends, then the problem shouldn't be too big.

359. Artificial God Exterminator——The Frozen Blue Rose

After about a few minutes, the two junior monks, Tijie and Ronnie, calmed down.

"That... Mr. Long Cheng is probably not a student of the Imperial Sword Cultivation Academy."

Ronnie asked in a low voice, with a somewhat timid personality, she couldn't help shrinking her neck when she saw Long Cheng turn his head to look at her.


"But...the academy has regulations that outsiders cannot enter the academy casually."

Ti Jie exclaimed in surprise, after all, Long Cheng has already violated the rules of the academy, although this is not as serious as violating the taboo list.

"I was asked by the highest priest (Cardinal) to come here."

"So that's the case, if that's the case, there should be no problem." Ronnie suddenly realized, after all, no one in this world can violate the rules on their own.

"However, it's surprising that Long Cheng-jun was able to meet the highest priest. Could it be that Long Cheng-jun is an integrity knight?"

Ti Jie's eyes twinkled with little stars, and she asked curiously, as a swordsman, there is no one who does not aspire to become an integrity knight.

"I'm not an integrity knight, but I dare say that no integrity knight is my opponent."

"It's amazing!" Ti Jie and Ronnie looked at Long Cheng with eyes like idols.

Kirito and Eugeo on the side kept awkward but polite smiles, but the corners of their eyes kept twitching.

After finally sending the two away, Long Cheng couldn't help but wiped the sweat that didn't exist on his forehead.

Women's curiosity is really serious.Long Cheng was overwhelmed by their questioning, and it was not easy to drive people away when he saw them acting like a fan, he was really helpless.

"You two didn't help me deal with it just now."

Sitting down on the sofa, Long Cheng looked at Kirito and Eugeo with an unfriendly expression, making them feel hairy.

"Eugeo, give me the Blue Rose Sword."

"oh oh……"

Although he didn't understand Long Cheng's intentions, Eugeo believed in Long Cheng's character, after all, he taught him all by himself.

The ice-colored Excalibur was handed over by Eugeo. The blade was slightly cold, and the whole body was carved like a piece of blue crystal.Blue roses bloom at the junction of the hilt and the blade.

The moment Long Cheng held the Blue Rose Sword, countless ice-blue lights condensed behind him.

"Good, so beautiful..."

Kirito and Eugeo looked behind Longcheng, and couldn't help expressing emotion. White mist spit out from their mouths, and then turned into tiny ice crystals.

The ice-blue light spots condensed into a three-meter-high ice princess with six eyes and four walls.

The next moment, ice-blue mist and golden light covered the Blue Rose Sword.

It didn't take long for everyone to wait, and all the mist and golden light melted into the Excalibur.

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