Without obstacles, Long Cheng arrived at Adomina Star very easily.

Release the perception, and the huge spiritual consciousness can easily cover a radius of ten thousand li.

Unlike Planet Cardina, there are no humans or sub-humans on Planet Adomina.All the creatures living on this planet are strange beasts and mythical beasts.

The gigantic lizard monster like a dinosaur spewed flames and swallowed an animal in front of it in one gulp.

A unicorn with hoofs burning with pale flames stomped through the air.

A huge fireball like the second sun is rolling on the ground, and when it occasionally hits the forest, it will turn the surrounding into a sea of ​​flames, and the beasts will flee.

Under the ground, a thick worm tens of meters long was constantly shuttling, with more than a dozen tentacles wriggling irregularly at the front end, and two rows of juxtaposed red light spots flickered in the depths of the darkness, which were its eyes.In the round mouth, there are several rounds of jagged teeth, dripping mucus constantly, and the cloudy liquid makes a "hissing" sound when it hits an object!

Under the sunlight, a transparent human-like and bird-like silhouette appeared on the top of a high mountain, and the silhouette gradually spread to the left and right, like wings.

"These are all beast-level creatures!

And why is it so familiar?Must be my illusion. "

Although I don't understand why there are monster-level public enemies in the accelerated world in Underworld, but the purpose of Long Cheng's trip is not to deal with them, so Long Cheng didn't think about it.

After finding a secluded cave, after doing a simple cleaning, and asking [Blade], [Bing Ji] and [Regurus] to help protect the law, Long Cheng sat down cross-legged in peace of mind, and closed his eyes.

Consciousness entered the dark space, and Draig and his two were protected by the sphere composed of the god-killing tool and the soul ring. The blue-silver light band and the light golden mist filled the inside of the sphere, slowly matching the god-killing tool and the soul ring melt.

Long Cheng and Draig sat cross-legged under the godhead, carefully comprehending the law.

The sacred power of various colorful attributes gathers towards Longcheng within the range of the planet! !

The drastic changes in the sacred power have attracted the attention of the gods and beasts everywhere, but Long Cheng can no longer pay attention to all of this.

With the protection of the three self-disciplined God Exterminators, Long Cheng didn't think that anyone in this world could threaten him.

353. One year

adomina star

This year, the planet has undergone tremendous changes.

For some reason, the sacred power of the entire planet is concentrated towards one place. Although the other places have not changed too much and turned into a dead zone, the great beasts are all heading towards the gathering point of the sacred power.

On the one hand, divine beasts possess great power, but relatively they place more emphasis on the content of sacred power in the environment.

On the other hand, at the level of divine beasts, they basically possess intelligence no less than that of humans. Whether it is for themselves or this planet, this matter cannot be ignored.

On the third day after the incident, Inti, a mythical beast like the sun, came outside the cave where Longcheng was.

Inti, which is itself a huge fireball, turned its surroundings into a sea of ​​flames, and the dense forest was burned into charcoal by the high temperature of Inti in an instant.

The land became dry and sandy, and the water surface of the river a little farther away began to bubbling, and a large number of unknown fish were cooked by the scalding river water.

In just a few minutes, the entire mountainous area turned into a pitch-black dead zone, except for a small area near the cave.

When Inti appeared, ice-blue mist filled the air. The extremely cold freezing wind collided with the extremely hot fire waves, and large expanses of white water vapor rose up.

The ice princess with six eyes and four arms came out of the cave, and behind her, a giant black dog and a golden lion followed on the left and right respectively.

The giant dog held a pitch-black magic sword with blood-red magic lines in its mouth, and the shadows around it and itself began to sway and tremble.

The lion is three meters high, and its body seems to be made of gold, exuding a metallic luster.


The giant black dog [Blade] barked low towards Inti, which was a warning, telling him not to get any closer.

In the next second, golden flames rolled towards the three of Bing Ji.

As a divine beast, the Sun God Inti has always been a thousand miles away, except for the divine beasts of the same level, it doesn't care about others at all.And because of its own particularity, even if it exists at the same level, it is generally not dare to provoke it.Now it is suddenly warned by [Blade], how can it not be angry?

Bing Ji and Regulus did not make a move. On the one hand, their mission was to guard the cave behind them.On the other hand, this is [Blade's] battle, they have no right to interfere, and there is no need to interfere.

The dark smog spreads out from [Blade] and collides with Inti's golden flame!

There were no earth-shattering explosions, nor any visions, but pure darkness completely devouring the fire and light!

This is the change that Longcheng experienced when he reached the third stage of mind [Absolute Theory]. Absolute darkness will swallow everything like a black hole!

Soon the dark smog enveloped Inti, the sun god, and the flames around Inti suddenly became weaker, revealing his real body.That's a huge egg!

It seems that there is something conceived in the giant egg, but it is a pity that it has not matured yet.

Under the darkness of [Blade], the color of the giant egg seems to be a bit darker, and some fine cracks appeared on the shell of the egg under the erosion of the darkness. [Blade] had no intention of beheading the opponent, so he threw Inti out of the dark field.

Putting away the dark haze, [Blade], Bing Ji and Regulus turned and returned to the cave.

On the other side, Inti, who was knocked into the air, turned back into a huge fireball. It didn't dare to approach the cave, and just settled down on the nearby rocky ground.

Anyway, the sacred power in this area is unusually strong. Although it is not as strong as that in the cave, it has already surpassed the territory where he was originally located.

About a month later, there were more than ten mythical beasts gathered outside the cave. They were basically persuaded by Inti and did not violate them. arrogant.


They were easily kicked out by [Blade], and their distressed appearance was clearly seen by Inti and the beasts who followed Inti's suggestion.

This is an absolute crushing battle without the slightest suspense. Whether it is the dinosaur-like mythical beast Nigelhogg like Godzilla, or the unicorn with four hooves burning with pale flames, they are all under the darkness of [Blade] The abused body was completely shattered, and then it was pulled out by [Blade]'s tail like a dead dog.

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