The strong wind spread out from the center of the two people.


Feeling the resistance from the Mandao, the goblin leader was surprised that this thin-looking human actually took his own attack!

"I'm not Kiritani Kazuto now, but the fraud sealer—Kirito!"

Excessive light like stars covered Kirito's whole body, and the black coat and trousers were condensed in the light and put on Kirito's body.

"This, what is this thing!? You, who are you?"

"I am—Swordsman Kirito! Remember it for me!"

Kirito swung the goblin leader's wild sword slightly with both hands, and the system light effect flickered when the sword skill was launched on the two swords.

"Star Burst Stream!!!"

Right hand horizontal cut, left hand sudden forward horizontal cut, turning round and round cut, double sword parallel cut, cross upward cut, cross downward cut, sudden advance downward cut, put the sword with both hands, reverse grip, alternate left and right chops seven times, and finally one thrust with each left hand!

The [-]-hit combo was completed in one go, and the goblin leader was dismembered by Kirito before he could even react!

The clothes on his body changed back to normal in the next instant, and Kirito quickly ran to Eugeo's side to check other injuries. .

"Don't worry, Eugeo is fine."

Long Cheng patted Kirito on the shoulder, then removed the shield and let Selka come out.

351. Over Write

The severe pain came from the abdominal wound, causing Eugeo to faint for a while.

In the dark space, there seemed to be a golden light flickering behind him, and the radiance like sunlight warmed Eugeo's body.

'Turn around! ' A voice came from within.

But no matter how hard he tried, Eugeo couldn't turn his head away.

Even if he couldn't see it, Eugeo knew in his heart who was behind him!

"Damn... move me!!!

...When I was young...wasn't it...a promise...I, Kirito, and...Alice are going to be together forever..."

A blue light shone from the chest, and the trembling body slowly turned around.

The translucent golden figure hugged Eugeo, and the long silky golden hair fluttered slightly.

"Eugeo, Kirito...I will always wait for the top of Santoral Cascedoral, waiting for your arrival."

"Love... Lise..."

The girl in his arms gradually turned into golden light particles and dissipated and drifted away into the distance. Eugeo reached out his hand to keep the girl, but unfortunately there was only a black space left in the end.

"The top of Santoral Cascadoral? Wait for us...Alice."

Grabbing a floating particle of light, Eugeo clenched his fist and placed it in front of his chest, the ice crystal-colored azure flame burst out suddenly, and the cyan ice rose stood proudly!



Flashes of deep blue flickered in the shade of giant cedar trees.


The jet-black metal pillar broke at the waist, and hit the ground heavily, splashing a burst of dust.

The blue knight sword in his hand was polished like ice, and the next moment it turned into a delicate wooden sword, which was inserted into a leather scabbard by Eugeo.

Eugeo nodded in satisfaction, looking at the mirror-smooth metal pillar in front of him and Kirito sitting on another broken pillar beside him.

Two days had passed since the incident. When everyone returned with the unconscious Eugeo, the village head and Sister Azalia almost organized the villagers to come out to find everyone.

Facing the inquiries from Sister Azalia and the village chief, Long Cheng just took out the head of a goblin.

So the topic naturally became to increase the defense force of the village to prevent the invasion of the Dark Continent.

Everyone escaped smoothly, and after eliminating all the goblins, except for Long Cheng, everyone's item operation authority, destiny, and system operation authority were all greatly increased.

Eugeo and Kirito have also reached the second stage of mind, which can be said to be very fruitful.

Because Eugeo was seriously injured, although Long Cheng healed him immediately, but just to be on the safe side, the village chief still let Eugeo rest for a day.

"Not bad, both of them have completed the second stage of mind skills.

What exactly is an Incarnation Technique, you should be able to answer this question. "

Long Cheng walked out of the forest, and threw two freshly baked bread to the two of them.

"That's right, mind skills are really, as Mr. Long Cheng said, completely different from sword skills.

It is obviously something that cannot be done at all, but it can be done with the power of the mind. "

Eugeo took a sip of Siralu water and began to describe his understanding of his mind in his own words.

"It's more like... directly rewriting the facts."

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