The huge Ice Princess stretched out her four arms and embraced the two of them. The azure blue thin ice surrounded the three of them like a protective cover.

"Hehe, such a thin ice wall can be broken with a single poke, little ones, let me do it!"

The goblin leader shouted, and looked at Long Cheng with disdain, as if what he did was not worth mentioning at all.





All kinds of weapons were continuously hacked on the thin ice layer, but it was beyond everyone's expectations.The ice layer remained motionless like hard steel. On the contrary, some of the attacking goblins were shaken back a few steps.

"Damn it, what are you eating? Keep going until I chop up this piece of broken ice!" The goblin leader roared furiously, and after saying that, he also grabbed his big knife and rushed up.

"Selka, don't be afraid, they can't get in." Long Cheng casually sat on the ground, rubbing the opponent's head, not paying attention to the goblins' attack at all.

"But...we won't be able to escape in this way." Selka grabbed Long Cheng's arm, sat beside him, and said worriedly.

"It's okay, Kirito and Eugeo will come later.

I taught them sword skills, so it should be easy to kill the goblin leader with a sneak attack.

As long as the leader is dead, the other goblins should retreat. "

Long Cheng comforted Selka in a soft voice, if it wasn't for tempering Kirito and Eugeo, Long Cheng could have killed these youngsters with just one look.

about half an hour later

Half of the goblins are resting in place, while the other half are constantly attacking.

As the leader, the goblin giant still has some means. In order to prevent the exhaustion of the clan's strength, he divided his men into two parts to attack in turn.


Eugeo's shout came from the entrance of the cave, and about half a minute later, Eugeo and Kirito ran out of the cave and came to the cave.

They stared at the scene in front of them and couldn't help being stunned.

"Hey, look, two more Baiyum boys are coming." A goblin who was resting on the ground picked up the saber in his hand and smiled sarcastically.

The other goblins who were resting also took up their weapons one after another, and let out a "cheep chirp chirp" laugh.

"It's the useless male Yiwumu again, kill them quickly. Let's treat it as an extra meal for today."

The goblin leader cast a glance at the two of them, and then fixed his gaze on Long Cheng.The wild intuition formed by years of fighting told him that the man in front of him was more dangerous than anyone he had ever seen.

Seeing more than a dozen goblins gradually surround Kirito and Eugeo, the two knocked several goblins away by virtue of their size advantage, and then kicked down their raised torches left and right.

The huge ice cave instantly became dark, and the light difference from bright to dim made everyone have the illusion that there was no light at all around them.


The azure blue excess light suddenly rose like a will-o'-the-wisp, and the slightly embroidered blade was drawn on a goblin's neck, causing a bloody flower.

In just a few seconds, three goblins were killed by Eugeo's sword. This was due to both the Incarnation technique and the unpreparedness. .

"Damn Baiyum!" The goblin leader roared angrily, picking up his sword and rushing towards Eugeo, who was shining with a blue sword light.

Although the goblin leader doesn't know mind skills, Eugeo, who was beaten by his huge murderous aura and huge brute force, was retreating steadily, so he could only rely on his guarding mind to deal with him.

350. Star Burst Stream

"Clang, Clang, Clang..."

The sound of sword blades intersecting echoed in the ice cave, attracting most people's attention.


"Ah, it's another Baiyum!"

"Dare to sneak attack, kill him!"

Kirito quietly came to the ice crystal shield with the iron sword he picked up from the ground, and killed a few goblins.

But this is not a game after all, and Kirito was soon discovered when his own people were killed beside him, fighting with three goblins.

"Long Cheng!"

Kirito yelled, and then concentrated on fighting the goblins.

"Selka, you stay here, I'll help Kirito and the others."

After touching Selka's head, Longcheng's hand had a shining platinum light, illuminating the entire cave.

Selka at the side saw a divine sword as dazzling as a star appeared in Longcheng's right hand!

There was a slight fluctuation in the ice layer, and Long Cheng walked out of the protective cover made by Bing Ji. At the same time, about five goblins shouted and rushed over with their weapons.

Facing the siege of the five goblins, Long Cheng just raised the Divine Salvation Saber in his hand, and the platinum lightning flashed on the sword.

"The Godly Sword of Salvation, the Godly Thunder of Salvation!"

The indifferent voice without any emotion echoed in the ice cave, and the thunder on the God Blade turned into five beams of light to wipe out the goblins without leaving any traces.

the other side

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