"Good morning." Long Cheng and Mu Qi also responded.

"By the way, is student Xiaoqi really Ji's cousin? Why haven't I heard Ji mention it at all?"

"This..." Ying Manji sweated on his forehead.

"Well, Ji used to live on the big island, and Qi also lived there. Ten years ago, when Ji moved here, the two lost contact. After a long time, it's normal for Ji to forget.

If Qi hadn't been looking for Ji when he moved here recently, he still doesn't know that his cousin is a star. "Long Cheng said nonsense in a serious manner.

"Oh, I see.

So, have Mr. Long Cheng and Xiao Qi known each other for a long time?You seem to be very close. You acted together at school yesterday, and you went to school together today. Could it be that the two of you are living together? "

Facts have proved that all women have a side of gossip, and Long Cheng felt a little ashamed when he saw the questions popping up in the Xiaotiao Festival.

"Well, I have known Qi for a long time, but we met in reality recently." Long Cheng replied, as for the latter question, he forcibly ignored it.

"It turned out to be online dating... um..." Xiaotiaoji seemed to have made up something automatically, and nodded with a smile.

"Really, Ji, you are too gossip." Ying Manji said helplessly.

"What, how can I not be curious about a star like Xiao Qi. Ji this idiot."

"Hey~ Why am I such an idiot?" Ji muttered.

"An idiot is an idiot~" Matsuri glanced at the hard-working Ji, and said with a light smile.

"Haha, you two have such a good relationship." Long Cheng said with a smile.

Hearing this, Xiaotiaoji secretly glanced at Ying Manji next to him, his face flushed slightly.

"Eh? Is it alright there?"

Ying Manji said with a dazed expression, not paying any attention to the swollen face next to Ji.

"—It hurts! Why are you pinching my arm, Miya."


"Hahaha..." Long Cheng and Qi Qi smiled and looked at the two in front of them.

After staying on the tram for about half an hour, the four of Longcheng finally arrived at the station near the school.

Walking out of the station, on the way to the school, the four of Long Cheng became the center of sight of all the students.

The reason for this is also very simple, because the news that Egoist's lead singer 楪吉 transferred to Tianwangzhou No. [-] High School had already spread throughout the school yesterday. .

The four people who became the center of sight, the faces of Ying Manji and Xiaotiaoji became a little stiff, and they didn't like to be noticed.

As for Long Cheng and Mo Qi, one doesn't care at all and the other is used to it long ago, so there is no discomfort at all.

330. Conversation

Not paying any attention to the eyes of other students, Long Cheng and Mo Qi walked into the school calmly.

Entering the classroom, once again enjoying the baptism of the eyes of the whole class, Long Cheng and Mo Qi sat in their seats.

"That...Xiao Qi." Just as the two of them sat down, Soul Pavilion Satai came over with a blushing face.

Mo Qi looked at the other party suspiciously and didn't speak.

"Well, classmate Xiaoqi, I would like to invite you to join the [Modern Video Culture Research Association]. The members include me, Samukawa Tanihiro, Sakura Manji, Xiaojo Festival, and the squad leader of the ghost department." Said Soul Museum Satai returned He patted Sakura Manji on the shoulder.

"I'm really sorry, member of the Ghost Club." Kusama Hanon knocked Souta on the head of the Soul Museum with a knife, and then secretly glanced at Samukawa Tanihiro who was next to Souta.

But today, Han Chuan Tanihiro, who was obviously a bit out of his mind, didn't notice the squad leader's sight, he looked at Long Cheng with complicated eyes.

Sensing the other party's gaze, Long Cheng raised his head and smiled at him.

"If Cheng joins, I will join." Facing the invitation from Soul Museum Sata, Miao Qi turned to look at Long Cheng beside him.

Hearing Mu Qi's answer, everyone looked at Long Cheng again, and Long Cheng just nodded in agreement.

After finishing the boring cultural class in the morning, and having lunch during lunch break, Long Cheng's class started the physical education class in the afternoon.

Japanese physical education classes are generally separated for men and women. Girls sit and stretch in the center of the gymnasium, while boys run around the gym hard.

However, the boys who should have been frowning were acting in the same way today - they all looked at Qi Qi who was doing stretching exercises with the class monitor at the same time.

"But, actually, don't you think Xiao Qi looks like a doll?" A boy running together said abruptly.

"Well, it should be said that it is more like CG." Ying Manji replied.

"I feel more like a puppet, the Cave of Garan." Long Cheng said.

Maki is like an empty shell right now, empty in the chest, unfulfilled like a hole.

Originally, it was just a copy of Eve's body, and even the heart was borrowed from Yingman's real name.

Now with the help of Longcheng, she has disconnected from Yingman's real name, but this does not mean that the existence of Qiqi has become an independent entity. The last time Longcheng pulled out of her body was still the void. The sword can understand - the existence named Uki has not found the meaning of his life.

Now Maki may not have the real sense of being alive, but Long Cheng believes that as time goes by, she will find the purpose of her life, and one day she will realize that she is Maki and not others.

"What are you talking about!" Soul Museum Sata suddenly yelled, his voice could be heard even from the girls.

"Student Xiaoqi is not a doll, nor a CG, nor a puppet, wake me up, idiot!.

This kind of thing must not be said to her herself, you know!Because Xiaoqi is very easy to get hurt. "Souta of the Soul Museum said angrily.

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