319. The title girl is sick

"Thrush, where is Qi?"

Ayase, who has already invaded the supply line of the Bone Christmas Tree, checked her weapons and equipment while looking at the three-dimensional network map. 20mm Gatling gun, ready; micro-missile, ready; ammo and fuel ample.

"It's moving on the eighth transportation road, and it's about to leave Xiaofutou Bridge. Three GOCEs are chasing after it."

"Three sets?"

Ayase knew that the thing that Qi went to snatch was an important secret, but she didn't know what it was.Ya said it was very important, but he just followed Ya's orders.However, Qi must already know what it is... Thinking of this, Ayase felt uneasy, and she clenched her lips.


Ayase confirmed the shortest route to the middle section of the bridge sent by Tsugumi, deployed Jumon's camouflage program, and quietly moved towards the bridge.However, with a machine as big as a house, it is impossible to completely silence it when moving, and it will still cause certain vibrations.

After all, this is just an optical camouflage program that hinders the naked eye. As long as there is friction on the interface device, the camouflage will be delayed.On the battlefield, this is a moment of life and death.

The iron bridge stretched all the way to the port, and Ayase found the two people running fast on it.

Although Long Cheng can easily deal with the chasing soldiers, it's better not to expose his strength yet.

Excessive power will bring fear, and I have already opposed Dart, so it is better not to let the people in the funeral home fear me.

Ayase jumped from the bottom platform of the bone Christmas tree, and swooped down towards the descending iron bridge.From the microphone outside Jumong came the sound of speeding past.Landing rapidly on the bridge gate, my feet collided violently with the steel of the bridge, as if I was hitting with my own feet, and I felt a strong feeling.

"Eat me!"

Ayase yelled and fired the Gatling Cannon.Burnt-out shrapnel rained down, and all of these 20MM bullets hit GOCE's shoulder joint.

Although ENDRAVE is an epoch-making humanoid weapon, it is also because of this that it has too many joints, which has become its weakness.The two GOCEs that were hit lost their balance and fell due to the random struggle of their hands. Ayase shot two more shots at their exposed waists and jumped down.

Ayase landed between the remaining GOCE and Inori and Ryomako, and the ground exploded. GOCE caught Ayase's body tightly by surprise, and Ayase couldn't dodge.The steel bodies collided with each other, and Ayase felt a sharp pain in her chest, and couldn't help moaning.

"You still... dare to do it!"

She stretched out her mechanical wrist, and tightly grasped the GOCE body in front of her.

In terms of horsepower, GOCE is slightly better.But in order to improve applicability. GOCE does not have fixed armor on the chest.Ayase aimed at its waist, and fired all the armor-piercing bullets into it at zero distance.

Sparks flew, GOCE's steel melted and deformed like sugar, and the lower body lost control and jumped around.The junction was broken, and from the waist down it shattered into a thousand pieces.Metal tubes that snapped under the strain looked like arteries.

"Sister Ling!"

Tsugumi suddenly roared at Ayase.I saw a part of the armor on the back of the GOCE body hanging weakly in the middle of Ayase's arm suddenly stood up, it was a miniature missile!Ayase hastily aimed the Katrin cannon, but it was too late.

The missile flew over Ju Mong's shoulder, and the target was not himself, but the two people behind him.Because the function of Qi's invisibility cloak is the same as that of the guided missile, the aiming method of this missile should be infrared guidance.

Target hit.The missile flew past Jumong, hit the bridge, and exploded immediately.

Facing the incoming missile, Long Cheng sighed, and then manipulated a large amount of metal to wrap himself, Mo Qi and Fei Nalu inside.

The shock from the explosion knocked the pair off the bridge and into the sea.


After walking behind Fei Nalu for an unknown amount of time, I finally saw light at the other end of the sewer.

Along the way, Long Cheng just quietly followed Mo Qi, and if he wanted to find Dart, following the replica of 'Eve' was the most convenient way.

"Gu..." The two were walking quietly when a discordant voice came.

"...I'm hungry." Qi whispered quietly.

"Let's find a place to rest first." Long Cheng suggested so.

Miao Qi turned her head to look at Long Cheng, then nodded lightly.

When the two walked out of the cement-filled sewer, the sun had already risen high.

The dazzling sunlight caused Uki to narrow her wine-red eyes.

Long Cheng manipulated the river water to condense into a ladder, and the two of them and Fei Nalu walked up the river on the elastic ladder.

During this process, Qi looked at Long Cheng curiously.

Waiting for the two on the shore is a clearing covered with weeds and a rusty fence.

There is a sign on the fence that reads [Tianwangzhou University land, irrelevant personnel are prohibited from entering].Opposite it, stands an ancient building made of red bricks quietly, which is the No. [-] High School in Tianwang Prefecture.

Finaru found a gap in the fence, deftly expanded it forcibly, and then got in.

Afterwards, a pair of metal wings grew out of Longcheng's back. Longcheng hugged Miqi, and the wings on his back shot out light blue flames.

The two easily climbed over the railing.

As imagined, this is a somewhat "old" building, but when you get closer, you will find that this dilapidated appearance cannot be described with the word "old".

There are scorched marks everywhere, and there are landslides, which are more like explosions than fires.

Qi felt that he had seen similar scenes before.

"What's going on... There is a feeling of nostalgia."

Qi leaned on the cold wall while walking in the corridor. She didn't know why she had such an idea.Looking back on the past, she only remembers white, white bed, and white room, and then only life in Roppongi. She probably has never seen this scene.

Why do I feel nostalgic even though I have never been here before?

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