[Apocalypse Answer Apocalypto! ! ! 】

Long Cheng exuded black streamers all over his body, ominous arrogance poured into the red and black magic gun crazily, and twenty black Mobius rings circled the gun shaft.

A white crystal appeared at the end of the gun, and then all the power gathered at the tip of the gun, turning into a huge black beam and bursting out towards Rama!

"The Light of Salvation!"

Under Rama's control, the huge platinum star began to compress, and finally turned into a brilliant golden ball of light hundreds of meters in diameter.

The ball of light merged into the divine knife, and the platinum-gold divine thunder kept beating.

Under Rama's waving, the divine sword exploded with white divine thunder, which collided with Long Cheng's world-destroying light.

The collision of black and white, the interweaving of light and thunder, the two devour and annihilate each other, and no one retreats.

"Oh!!!!" Rama roared, and Lakshmana appeared behind him, with black flames attached to the Lightning Light of Salvation.

Slowly, the white divine thunder with black flame overwhelmed the pure black light of destroying the world, and gradually approached Long Cheng.

"Roar!!!!" Long Cheng also roared and exploded with strength beyond his limit, but just like that, he still couldn't resist the combination of Rama and Lakshmana.

As self-discipline artifacts, Draig and the others are different from Lakshmana, and they cannot give Longcheng strength help.

The savior thunder with flames and reaching the tip of the spear, as the attack continued to approach, the holy spear began to distort, and Long Cheng's black armor was also shattered by the tiny arcs that spilled out.

"I... can't die here! My life no longer belongs to me!"

In his heart, he no longer allowed despair to breed, this was something Long Cheng decided when he left Douluo Dalu.

"Since the strength is not enough... then give me a breakthrough!!!"

The [Supernova] in the body was compressed desperately, turning into a jet-black dot, and the space-time around it was distorted.

At the same time, the [root] godhead emitted light, which turned into a stream of light and shot into the pitch-black dot.


The small, barely audible voice exploded in Long Cheng's body like a furious thunder!

The time in the outside world seemed to stand still, and Long Cheng could clearly see Rama's expression full of guilt and the crazy Lakshmana behind him.

[Supernova] expanded again and turned into a pitch-black star. Cracks began to appear on it, and the cracks continued to spread.

"Bang!!!" When the cracks spread all over the star, the star core began to collapse.

Soul rings, god-killing tools, powers, and Pandora's Great Mystery—the ring of usurpation were all sucked into the collapsed center of [Supernova].

At this time, in Longcheng's dantian, only the collapsing [Supernova] and Orpheus' restored [-]/[-] godhead existed.

The ever-shrinking pitch-black star exudes a trace of mysterious aura, which is absorbed by the [Infinite] Godhead, and in an instant, the cracks in the Godhead are repaired again.

When the breath completely disappeared, Orpheus' godhead had recovered half, and then it burst into a soft feather-colored light.


in the black space

There was no other object, no sound came, and there was endless darkness in front of him. For some reason, Long Cheng appeared here alone.

Eyes open, but only darkness; ears pricked, but silence.

Even if you move your fingers, you can't touch anything.No, now I don't even have the feeling of moving my fingers.

I couldn't even hear my own heartbeat, and even had the illusion that I was dead...

Accompanied by a "pop" sound like an electric shock, a tingling and intense nerve-stimulating feeling hit the whole body.

Long Cheng closed his eyes due to the pain, and when he opened them again, his eyes were filled with light, and a petite white arm stretched out from the other side.

I always feel that it is the arm of someone I know, the arm of someone trying to pull him to my side.Long Cheng stretched out his right hand, trying to grab the opponent, but when he raised his hand, he found that his right hand was pitch black.

I am still in the state of AXA, my arm is covered with jet-black armor and sharp scales, and all five of my fingers are extremely sharp.

Someone's hand stretched out from the light is gradually moving away.

"If this goes on, I won't be able to catch that person's hand..." Long Cheng wanted to reach out to grab her, but he was afraid that the sharp claws like sword blades would hurt her.

"Your blade can hurt everything, but... at the same time, your blade can also protect everything..." A gentle voice came from the arm.

Without seeing the other person's face, Long Cheng can understand who the owner of the voice is.

"Yeah, how could I hurt you...".

Confusion and worry disappeared without a trace in an instant, and Long Cheng resolutely held the white and flawless soft palm.

The next moment, a white light burst out from the place where the two touched!

313. Orpheus!!!

When he came back to his senses, Long Cheng had already arrived in a familiar space.

Colorful streamers spread all around, this is the gap between dimensions, the place where Orpheus was born.

Just when Long Cheng was puzzled by this, a gentle, calm and pleasant voice came into Long Cheng's ears.

"Dimensional Cracks—There are countless [worlds] here, among which there are [worlds] attached to the human world such as heaven, underworld, hell, and fairyland, and they are also connected to [worlds] such as EXE.

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