Grandpa, I'm surprised~

I didn't expect that my grandson, known as the strongest White Dragon Emperor in all dynasties, wanted such an extremely ordinary family. "

Valli couldn't refute Rizevim's disgusting words.

"I didn't expect that deep in my heart, I longed for my family so much..."

"Brother! Let's go outside and play football!"

After dinner, Wally's younger brother pulled Wally and said.

"No! My brother is going to teach me how to read today!"

Valli's sister took his other hand and said.

"You want to play with me!"

"You want to study with me!"

"Hey, if you pull it down again, you will tear off my brother's hand!" Wali's mother said with a smile.

In the end, Valli went to school with his younger sister before playing football with his younger brother.

Seeing his mother and younger brother playing in front of his eyes, Vali smiled unconsciously.

"If you want, you can always live in that world~

This is love from Ou~chicken~ sauce~" Rizevim's frivolous words came again.

At night, for the first time in his life... Wally falls asleep with his family.

'It turned out that there is such a reassuring time in the world, which shocked him from the bottom of his heart. '

A gentle world, a peaceful world—

There are no fights, only happy times spent with family——

As the harmonious time passed, Vali smiled from the bottom of his heart—and stood up.

"Brother? What's wrong with you?"

"Brother? Are you sad?"

Before he knew it, Vali couldn't suppress the myriad of thoughts rushing to his mind, and shed tears.

'It turns out that there is such happiness in the world...this is...the ordinary happiness that can be obtained in an ordinary family...that is...the time that I can't get! '

If you can bury your head in such a day, I don't know how great it would be!

I don't know how happy I would be if I could immerse myself in this world!

Wally wept and hugged his brother and sister tightly.


I don't even know your names...

I can't even call you...

Therefore, I knew in my heart that this was fiction.

The most ironic thing is that I didn't go to see you at that time, but it became the main factor enough to deny this world.

Valli hugged the two of them tenderly and said: "I have to go somewhere. I can't continue to play with you...I really feel sorry for you...Sorry."

'Even if it's a dream!

Even a phantom!

Even so, we met.They still touched each other!

For the first time in my life, I lived an ordinary family life. '

"Even if this is a dream, a phantom, I am still very glad to be able to meet you...and talk to you. Just like this, I will be able to fight for thousands of years and live for tens of thousands of years...!

...Sorry, I can't say your names—but, I'm leaving.To protect you! "

Valli said to his mother with a sad face, even if it was just a phantom, he still had to say: "Mom, we probably won't meet again... probably won't talk anymore, but even if that's the case, I will Watching you from afar, as well as your younger brother and younger sister."

'If I hug my mother at this time, I will definitely not be able to return to reality., don't touch her.Once I touch her, I...'

"So, thank you. Thank you for speaking with me again. Even if it's a phantom, it's enough for me. I will always protect you, so... goodbye, my family."

"Really... do you want to go?" A blonde beauty hugged Valli and said.

"Yeah! Lavinia... I won't avoid you anymore!" Valli said softly.

After walking out of the gate, waiting in front of him was a figure that looked like his father.

Not the dad who beat up Wally, or the dad of the real brother and sister.Perhaps, the "father image" in Vali's mind is reflected in this technique.

"Are you going?"

"Yeah, I'm leaving, Asachel. I'm really very glad that I can meet you in reality.

I am—Walli Lucifer! ! ! "

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