But... he was able to transfer us all here with almost no movement... That's why Shen Mieju is scary. "

"...Mother, the dead guard said when he was dying that when he came to his senses, he was already trapped in the mist." Jiuzhong said tremblingly.

Several auras appeared in the direction of Togetsukyo Bridge.There were many figures in the fog gradually approaching the crowd, and appeared in front of Long Cheng and the others. .

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Governor Asachel, Chiryuutei, long time no see, Longcheng!"

A black-haired young man in a student uniform greeted everyone. He was wearing a Hanfu over the student uniform and carried a platinum holy gun on his shoulder.

266. Rizevim

Beside the youth, there were several people wearing similar school uniforms.

"Cao Cao—!" Long Cheng looked at the other party, frowning and said.

The other party should be very clear about how big the gap between himself and Cao Cao is, and this time the Wali team is also here, Longcheng can't think of where Cao Cao's confidence lies.

Jiuzhong shouted angrily at the young man holding a long gun——Cao Cao: "You bastard! I want to ask you something!"

"Oh, what's the matter with this little princess? If you don't mind, I'm willing to answer any questions." Cao Cao said calmly.

"Are you the ones who took my mother away!"

"That's right." Cao Cao replied bluntly.

"What are you going to do to your mother!"

"We want to ask your mother to cooperate with our experiment."

"Experiment? What are you thinking?"

"As a reward for an ally, help him once."

"Allies... who are you referring to? Also, what's the matter with you suddenly appearing in front of us?" Asachel asked.

"It's nothing, it's just that there is no need to hide anymore, so I want to say hello before the experiment, and try my skills a little by the way.

Red Dragon Sacred Emperor, let us continue, the follow-up to that battle. "

"Hey, no matter how you look at it, we have the upper hand." Asachel said.

After that, Hyoudou Issei, Vali and others all entered the fighting state.

"Oh, isn't this my lovely grandson?

As the Hakuryuuu, you actually played house wine with Sekiryuutei and the others~"

At this time, a frivolous voice came, and at the same time, there was a girl's singing.

The girl's singing caused the strength of Long Cheng and Orpheus to drop significantly.


"Rezevim!!!" Upon hearing the other party's voice, Vali erupted with fiery silver-white magic power, entered [Silver Extreme Tyrannosaurus], and then turned into a silver-white streamer and rushed towards Rezevim .

[Compression Divider! ! ! 】

"Hehe, you really don't learn well~

Artifact invalidation~"

Following Rizevim's frivolous voice, all the arrogance and armor on Vali's body disappeared, and he was stepped on by the opponent.

"Hahaha, Valli-chan~ you have become stronger and playable, but it seems that you have become stupid, have you even forgotten your most-dearest Oujijiang~ ability?" Rizevim kept stepping Looking at Vali, he said with an evil smile.

"Knight of the Dragon Star!"

[Welsh Sonic Boost Knight! 】

Hyoudou Kazuma couldn't stand it any longer, and rushed directly in front of the opponent.

"The Chariot of Dragon Gang!"

[Welsh Dragonic Rook! 】

The huge arm swung towards Rizevim mercilessly with a strong fisting wind and crimson dragon flames.

Just a leak of fist wind destroyed most of the buildings in this area.


Violent dust rose up, and then what was revealed——

"What, what!" Hyoudou Issei's full body armor disappeared, and his fist was easily caught by Rizevim.

"Hurry, go! Hyoudou Issei! This guy's ability is [Sacred Artifact Nullification], and the attack formed by the artifact is ineffective against him." Vali, who was stepped on by Rizevim, said with difficulty.

"Ah~ ah~ Tiantianlong is really a fun toy~ But the time is almost up, so I will return Sekiryuutei-chan and Vali-chan to you~"

Rizevim smiled viciously and kicked the two towards Long Cheng, before disappearing.

"Cao Cao, as heroes, you actually borrowed the power of the devil's son."

"This is the so-called tactic [to drive away wolves and tigers]. It is also a good way to use the power of the enemy to destroy stronger enemies.

Emperor Chilong, if you want to stop us, come to Nijo Castle. "

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