Xenovia quickly took out the holy dagger from her bag, and asked Asia to hide behind her.Durandal was adjusted by the heavens, and now he is holding the holy sword created by Kiba.

Hyoudou Issei summoned the gauntlet, and the others also entered the fighting state.

"Wait a minute." Roseweather suddenly appeared.

"Roseweather, why are you here?"

"Well, Teacher Asachel asked me to pick you up."

"Azazel called you over? Did something happen?"

"After Long Cheng-jun's explanation yesterday, the misunderstanding has been resolved—the daughter of Nine Tails would like to formally apologize to you."

At this time, a big sister with beast ears came forward and bowed deeply to everyone: "I am the fox demon who serves Lord Nine Tails.

I'm really sorry that yesterday's incident was so offensive.

Our princess also expressed that she wanted to apologize to everyone, and invited a few of you to come with us.

Let's go to Lidu Castle, where the youkai of Kyoto live.Lord Demon King and the governor of the fallen angels have already passed. "


The place we stepped into—is enough to be called a different world.

Of course, it's not something exaggerated like EXE, but something similar to the underworld...to be exact, a place like the enchantment of Gensokyo.

It is attached to the human world, but it is a different place.

After passing through an inaccessible torii gate in Kinkaku-ji Temple, everyone came to this completely different world.

The old houses here look like the town scenery of the Edo period.On the doors, windows and roads of the houses, weird-looking creatures poked their heads everywhere.

The dark space, the unique air, the old houses mentioned earlier, and the residents who live here welcome everyone... a one-eyed monster with a big face, a monster that looks like a kappa, with a plate on its head, standing and walking Tanuki, etc., there are many creatures that have only been heard in stories.

The fox elder sister said that she would take everyone to Jiuzhong's location and lead them all the way.

In the dim environment, the only light source is the little fire that extends all the way forward.

"Is this the world of monsters?" Hyoudou Issei asked curiously, looking around.

Others are also very curious.

"Yes, this is the shelter of the youkai who live in Kyoto.

You demons use space domains when you play ranked games, and we create this space in a similar way.

We call this place Rikai or Lijingto.Of course, there are monsters who don't live here, but live in Omote Kyoto. "

The fox demon who led the crowd explained to them.

"...Is it human?"

"No, I heard it was a demon."

"Demon. It's really strange."

"Is that pretty foreign girl a demon too?"

"I still feel the breath of the dragon. Demons and dragons..."

The monsters were also curious about the crowd and discussed in whispers.

After passing the place where there are many houses, I cross a small river and enter the woods.After walking for a while in the woods, a huge red torii gate appeared in front of me.

Behind the torii stands a large mansion.The history and majesty of the house can be felt from the appearance.

Asachel and Seraflu in kimono are at the torii.

"Oh, here you come."

"Yeah—how are you all☆"

The two of them still looked like they were here, greeting everyone frivolously.

There was a blond girl between them, it was Kunou.

Today she is not wearing a shrine maiden costume, but the luxurious kimono worn by princesses during the Sengoku period.

"Master Jiuyi, I have brought the guests here."

After the big sister fox who led the way reported this, she turned into a ball of flame and disappeared.

"Once again, I introduce myself, I am the leader of youkai who live in Omokyo and Urakyo - the daughter of Yasaka, Kunou.

I'm really sorry yesterday, I attacked Sekiryuutei, Ryusei-sama and Orpheus-sama indiscriminately.Also please forgive me. "

"It's okay. After all, it's my mother who disappeared. It's understandable for you to be anxious, and we have nothing to lose." Long Cheng said with a smile.

"But, but..." Kunou seemed to be very concerned.

"It's okay, don't you feel guilty because you know your mistakes??

Then we won't blame you either. "Long Cheng touched Jiuzhong's head and said.


264. Talks

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