"turn down!"

Rias immediately rejected Hyoudou Issei's proposal.

Today's community activity is to discuss what activities to hold during the school celebration.Although the situation is urgent, it must be decided in advance.So everyone spared today's day to come to the school.

"Listen up, Ise. You might get a good evaluation for showing off your appearance, but you probably won't be able to pass the test of the student union, and the school will reject it."

"Ah~ Cannian~" Hyoudou Issei said with a disappointed face.


"Yicheng, you won't be able to pass my test before then~" Long Cheng grabbed Yicheng's head and said with a straight face.

"Gudong... yes... I'm too complacent, master..."

"By the way, what project are we going to hold, we have to finish it today.

Cheng, do you have any suggestions? "Lias watched the two people's "love" interaction and said with a smile.

"emmm... How about the COSPLAY cafe....

At that time, everyone will simply appear on the stage with a fighting image and special costumes. "

"is this OK?"

"I think it's a good idea."

"Okay, I must let everyone see the brilliance of angels~"

"Sounds like fun, doesn't it, Isaiah?"

"As long as you don't use power, President Canna should not object."

"Okay, it's decided, the school celebration project is the COSPLAY cafe."

Asachel has been drinking tea in the corner of the department.It was rare for him to quietly watch the people meeting, but after seeing the sunset outside the window, he muttered to himself: "Dusk [RAGNAROK]..."

Hearing what Asachel said, everyone couldn't help but look serious.

That's right... After this, everyone in the Supernatural Research Department will have a decisive battle with Loki.

"Jingle Bell--!"

The bell announcing the end of club time echoes across the campus.

It's still very early to welcome the twilight of the gods [RAGNAROK]—you guys, cheer up and work hard.


...the moment of decisive battle...

The sun has set and the time has come to evening.

Everyone stayed at the place where Odin and the Japanese gods met, on the roof of a high-end hotel in Tokyo, and belonged to [God Child Monitor].

Sidi's family members were on standby on the roofs of surrounding buildings.

A small figure can be seen in the distance.

Asachel followed Odin and acted as an intermediary for the talks.

In order to replace Asachel, who was unable to participate in the battle, Balakile stayed on the roof with everyone on standby.Rossweisse also put on his armor and prepared to fight.

There is also Tanny's figure in the sky.If he showed up directly, it would definitely cause an uproar if he was seen by others, so he cast a spell to make him invisible to ordinary people.

Valli and others are also on standby not far away.

"It's time." Rias said, looking at her watch.

"Don't play petty tricks. It's really amazing." Long Cheng looked in one direction and said.

Everyone followed Long Cheng's gaze.

The space above the hotel distorted, gradually forming a big hole.

Appeared from it——it was the evil god Loki and the huge gray wolf Fenrir.

"Confirm the target. The battle begins." Balakile spoke through the small communicator equipped on the ear, and a huge enchantment magic circle unfolded, covering the surroundings of the hotel.

The Sidi family led by Cang Na launched a large magic circle in order to transfer Long Cheng and others, Loki, and Fenrir to the battle field.

Loki also sensed it, but only showed a fearless smile without resistance.

A strong light envelops everyone——


When Long Cheng opened his eyes again, he was already in an open land.

There are exposed rocks everywhere, and this should be an abandoned stone mine prepared for battle.

"Master Loki, if we leave now, we can still let the past go." Roseweather said coldly.

A disdainful smile appeared on Loki's face, and a weird magic circle unfolded behind him.

A large number of [UL], headed by twelve figures, looked at everyone fiercely. Among the 12 people in the future, Loki was among them, and the murderous intent in the eyes of four of them was particularly strong.

"Loki, is this the god of origin [Zheno Chilong Sage Emperor] and Orpheus, one of the [Infinite Dragon Gods]?

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