The man suddenly lifted his cloak, raised the corners of his mouth and said loudly: "It's a pleasure to meet you, everyone! I am the evil god of Norse! Loki!"

"Isn't this Lord Loki? It's such a coincidence to meet you in this kind of place. What's the matter? Lord Odin, the chief god of Northern Europe, is in this carriage. Did you act only after fully understanding this?" Asa Shell asked calmly.

"It's nothing, it's just that our lord god left our mythology system and repeatedly came into contact with mythology systems other than ours. It's really painful. I can't bear it, so I will come to hinder him."

"You said it very directly, Loki." Asachel also became serious after hearing what Loki said.

"Loki, do you... want to cause a war between the Asa gods and the Bible gods?" Long Cheng said coldly.

This Rocky is a real shit-stirring stick. Anyway, compared to him, Long Cheng still prefers the Rocky in Marvel movies.

"Huh ha ha ha ha, isn't this the governor of the fallen angels and the emperor of the red dragon? Originally, I didn't plan to see you and those demons, but I can't help it—you can accept my purge with Odin."

"Can you contact other mythological systems by yourself? What a contradiction."

"It's fine if it's to eliminate other mythological systems. I can't accept peace. It's your mythology that forcibly broke into our territory and passed the Bible in."

"...It's useless for you to say these things to me. You should go to Michael, or the dead God in the Bible." Asachel scratched his head and said.

"In any case, it is a problem that the main god Odin personally came to make peace with the gods of the Far East.

In this way, we can't complete the "Twilight of the Gods" that we should welcome——what did he want in exchange for the information of the world tree (Yggdrasill). "

"Let me ask you a question! Is this action of yours related to the "Disaster Group"? But you, an evil god, probably won't answer obediently." Asachel asked.

Loki replied in a rather uninterested manner, "It's disgusting to associate my thoughts with those stupid terrorists - I came here of [my] volition."

244. Valli team breaks in

"...It's not the "Disaster Brigade". But this problem is still very difficult. I see, old man, this is an internal problem in the North."

"Well. There is no way, there are still some dead-headed guys, this is the reality.

One of the idiots even ran over by himself like this. Odin said helplessly, spreading his hands.

"Master Loki, this is an act of ultra vires! You actually intend to rebel against the Lord God! This is not allowed! Any objection should be raised on a proper and just occasion."

Roseweather put on the armor and said to Loki seriously.

"A mere Valkyrie hinders me.

I'm asking Odin, do you still want to continue this behavior beyond Norse mythology? "Loki ignored Rossweisse's questioning, but looked at Odin.

"Yeah. At least the conversation with Suzeks, Asachel, and the Red Dragon Emperor is [-] times more interesting than talking with you.

I really want to know about Shinto in Japan, and they just seem to be very interested in our World Tree.If a peace agreement can be reached, the two sides can invite each other's ambassador to have a cross-cultural exchange. "

Hearing this, Loki smiled wryly: "...I see. Your idea is really stupid--you might as well start the dusk here."

"That sentence can be regarded as a declaration of battle?"

"That's what happened." Loki said with a sneer, and then a burst of spatial fluctuations struck, transferring everyone into a huge different space.

"Just now I said that I have nothing to do with [Disaster Group], isn't this a different space created by [Juewu]?" Long Cheng looked around, then said.

"Hmph... [The Brigade of Misfortune] at best just reached a certain cooperation with me." Loki said unhappily.

"Yeah, it's just a bunch of hateful humans and a miserable loser anyway." At this time, a person who looks exactly like Loki in terms of clothes and looks appears, and at the same time there are a lot of [UL] and a silver fusion mechanical monsters.

"You are……"

"Long time no see! No, I should say this is the first time we've met... the true Red Dragon Sage Emperor!"

"You are... the Loki of 30 years later! Have you... joined the evil gods?" Long Cheng said with a frown.

"Yeah, I think they are more suitable for me.

But no matter what, we were really not strong enough at that time, so we decided to kill you in different time and space!

Now apart from this world line, other worlds can only be regarded as lingering, hahahaha. "Future Rocky said with a wild laugh.

"Come out! My lovely son!" With Loki's cry, a giant gray wolf about ten meters tall appeared.

"That's right! Godslayer Wolf—Fenrir!

Attention everyone, don't be bitten by it! "Asachel said with a solemn expression.

"Fenrir! I didn't expect to appear in this kind of place! And it's Loki from the future..." Odin said distressedly. After all, the last time he faced [Rahu Qiyao], he almost got cold.

"Yes, yes, you must be careful. This child is also one of the most vicious among the monsters I developed.

After all its fangs could kill any god.Although I haven't tried it, it should also be effective against gods and Buddhas of other mythological systems.Even dealing with superior demons or legendary dragons can easily cause fatal injuries.

I didn't want to use Fenrir's fangs on people outside of northern Europe...

But it might be a good experience to let the kid taste blood outside of northern Europe. "Loki looked at Longcheng and Orpheus with a wicked smile.

Hearing this, Fenrir bared his fangs and roared towards Orpheus.

Long Cheng immediately entered the forbidden state and sent him flying with a punch.

Now that Orpheus is not in its heyday, Long Cheng is worried about whether she can resist Fenrir's fangs.

After all, Fenrir is also one of the top ten strongest players in DXD (the Red Dragon Emperor Draig, the White Dragon Emperor Albion, and Suzeks are all at this level).

The battlefield became chaotic, Asachel and Balakir confronted Loki, Odin confronted Loki in the future, Long Cheng and Orpheus confronted Fenrir and the two summoned by him. While the children were playing, Ise and the others were fighting with [UL] and monsters.

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