"So, there seems to be a place in Kyoto called Tenryuji Temple. I kind of want to see it.

By the way, master, what are you thinking? "Hyoudou Issei said with a smile.

"I'm thinking about how to bring Orpheus with me. Well, since I brought Orpheus, why don't I bring the kitten too."

"Long Cheng-jun, can this kind of thing be done?" Matsuda and Yuan Bin asked.

"Hehehe, Shanren has his own tricks." Long Cheng smiled mysteriously.


Department of the Paranormal Research Department after school.

"Lias~Let Orpheus and Kitty go on a school trip with me~" Long Cheng said flatteringly.

"I also want to go on a trip with Long Cheng-jun... Ah~~Damn it, why am I already in the third grade?" Lias said helplessly after drinking her black tea.


"Have fun. Remember to take pictures, and—you owe me a trip."

"Yes, the task is guaranteed to be completed!"

"By the way, where did the minister and Akeno go last year?" Hyoudou Issei asked curiously.

"We are also going to Kyoto. The Minister and I will go to the Kinkakuji Temple, Silver Pavilion Temple and other places of interest." Zhu Nai said with a smile.

"That's right. Although the four-day and three-night itinerary doesn't look short, the places we can go are unexpectedly limited.

Don't set your goals too far, it's better to set a detailed schedule before taking action.

Be sure to schedule the visit content and meal time, otherwise it will be miserable.The transportation should be mainly bus and subway, but it actually takes more time than expected. "Lias asked everyone.

“We just failed at that time because we didn’t really grasp the movement time.

Rias had to look around everywhere she went, but she didn't have enough time to go to the last Nijo Castle, so she had to stamp her feet unwillingly on the platform of the station. "Zhu Nai spread his hands and said.

"Really, didn't you say it's better not to mention this? But it's also my fault for being too excited. I like Japan so much, and Kyoto is the place I yearn for the most, so I spend too much unnecessary time admiring the street scenes and visiting souvenir shops." Li Ya Si pouted, blushing and said.

"Lias, haven't you been to Kyoto before the school trip? Just use the magic circle to move around." Long Cheng asked suspiciously.

"You don't understand this. It's good to go to Kyoto for the first time on a school trip. And I don't do such boring things as moving with magic circles. It is precisely because it is the ancient capital I yearn for the most. Walk around with your own feet and experience the atmosphere for yourself." Rias said excitedly with little stars in her eyes.

"It's good to talk about travel, but it's time for us to discuss what activities will be held during the school celebration." Zhu Nai said at this time.

"Ah——the school celebration is coming soon. Our school's sports meeting, school trip, and school celebration are held one after another, with short intervals. From this point of view, it is really hard for us high school sophomores." Hyoudou Issei said with emotion.

"What are you talking about, Yicheng? Isn't it good to have so many activities? You must know that your master and I were..." Long Cheng couldn't help thinking of his gloomy high school career, and lamented that Hyoudou Issei was in the midst of blessings and didn't know his blessings. .

"Because of this, it is better to discuss matters related to the school celebration now and start preparing. As long as the content is decided in advance, the third and first graders can start preparing while you are traveling. This year, there are a lot of people, which is great. .”

"School celebration! I'm looking forward to it!" Aisha said excitedly.

"...Looking forward." Orpheus also said lightly.

"Well. I'm also looking forward to the various activities in high school. The sports meeting is even better." Genovia said with stars shining in her eyes.

"It's also my first time participating in this kind of event, so I'm looking forward to it~~ It seems that the timing of my transfer is just right! This is also the guidance of Lord Michael!" Irina also opened her mouth in a posture of praying to the sky.

"Last year... I remember it was a haunted house, right? Although Yicheng and I hadn't joined the club at the time, I heard that the layout was very elaborate, and everyone was discussing it." Long Cheng said.

"I didn't go to the haunted house at the time, but someone in my class went and said it was quite realistic when they came back. I remember this incident very clearly. I heard that the ghosts and ghosts in it look the same as the real thing." Hyoudou Issei said.

"Yeah, since real demons and ghosts are used, of course it's scary." Rias said proudly.

"Yes, is it true...?" Long Cheng and the two asked in surprise.

"That's right. We entrust monsters who won't harm humans to scare people in the haunted house. It just so happens that those monsters are also troubled because they don't have a job, and the interests of both parties coincide. Thanks to them, last year was truly unprecedented." Rias smiled. said.

"Later we were scolded by the student union. President Cang Na, who was the vice-chairman at the time, said: 'It's simply ignoring the rules to find real demons and goblins!' scolded us badly." Zhu Nai continued.

"So this year is going to be a haunted house? Or a cardboard vampire circus?" Houtou Issei said jokingly, causing Gaspar to puff up his mouth.

"Senior bullied me~~! Take me as a stalker at every turn!"

"Anyway, I want to try a new plan." Rias said distressedly.

"Dinglingling—!" Everyone's phone rang, and everyone present knew what it meant.

Lias adjusted her breathing and said in a serious voice: "Let's go! Cheng, please guard the base camp with Orpheus. We will ask for help in times of crisis."

"Well, you have to be careful."

"Yeah!" Then everyone in the Supernatural Research Department used the magic circle to jump away.

240. Odin Arrives

In the middle of the night, Kitten and Rias returned to the apartment.

"What's wrong?" Looking at the tired two, Long Cheng asked with concern.

"It's nothing, it's [Hero Faction]'s little guy again.

This time there are several artifact holders, namely the flame attack artifact "Baiyan's Hands" (flameshake), the defensive counterattack artifact "Dark Night Shield" (nightreflection), and the attack artifact "Blue Light Arrow" (starringblue) and "Green Light Arrow" (starringgreen)

There was another one who used shadows, but he escaped.

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