"Well, after experiencing life and death, it's normal for them to behave like this. Alright, let's rest." Long Cheng shrugged, and seeing that Tongyu Lanhua was already panting, he proposed to rest.

"Don't you call them?"

"Don't worry, Yicheng and Aisha don't feel tired at all now."


"Then Lan Hua, rest here, I'm going to buy a drink." Looking at Tongsheng Lan Hua sitting on the lawn, Long Cheng said.

3 minutes later……

"Sorry, there seems to be something wrong with the vending machine, only room temperature ones are available." After speaking, Longcheng handed a bottle of sports drink to Tongyu Lanhua.

"It's okay, give me your drink too." Kiryu Lanhua said with a mysterious smile.

After receiving the drink, a blue magic circle less than the size of a palm appeared in Kiryu Lanhua's hand, and then she aimed the magic circle at the drink in the other hand, and it didn't take long for the drink to start to emit cold air.

"This is! Magic!?" Long Cheng said in surprise.

"Shh...be gentle. It would be bad if someone finds out, I haven't learned hint magic yet." Kiryu Lanhua said.

"Ah, I'm sorry. By the way, Lan Hua, where did you learn magic?" Long Cheng frowned and asked, you must know that although Lias and the others have regarded her as their own, the devil's cultivation system is not suitable Humans, humans cannot use magic.

"It's the magic master introduced to me by Teacher Asachel. You should know the name - Lavinia Renee. I won't just learn from people with unknown backgrounds." Tongsheng Lanhua saw Longcheng After a worried expression, he quickly explained.

"What!? It's [Bing Ji]! Are they also in Juwang Town?"

"Hey~ Don't you know? There are a few transfer students from Kuoh University recently, and Master Lavinia is one of them~"

"??? Asachel didn't tell me." Long Cheng said with a confused face.


Asachel, who was drinking tea and looking at the documents in the supernatural research department, suddenly sneezed.

"My profile! Damn, where's the rag.

emm... I always feel like I forgot something?Forget it, it is more important to study the information Long Chengjun gave me. "


"I don't know about that either. By the way, Teacher Asachel is really the fallen angel Asachel in the Bible, right?"

"Well, although it's unbelievable, he is indeed the twelve-winged fallen angel Azazel recorded in the Bible." Long Cheng said with certainty.

"Amazing (?▽?)!

But why would the fallen angel in the Bible know the wizard of Oz? Tongsheng Lanhua asked Longcheng with a light called gossip in his eyes.

"Well, Azachel's [God Son Watcher] and the extra demon Mephisto Ferrus, who founded the Magician's Association, are old acquaintances.

And even if it is a different mythology system, different forces are not inseparable from each other.

For example, during the summer vacation, we met the Nordic God King Odin. "

"Eh~ Really? Then what does he look like?"

"How should I put it...he just looks like a one-eyed old man."


"Lan Hua, I didn't expect you to wait long enough to worship [Bing Ji] as your teacher.

Lavinia is a well-deserved strong in this world.

Study...don't be lazy. "

"Yes!" Tongsheng Lanhua looked at Longcheng and replied firmly.

"By the way, is Master Lavinia really that strong?"

"She is not only a powerful magician, but also possesses [Eternal Ice Princess], one of the thirteen god-killing tools.

You must know that every god-killing tool has dangerous items that can disrupt the balance of the world.

With Lavinia's ability, it's just a matter of lifting the entire Juwang Town to freeze it into ice. "

"Really...Really?" Kiryu Lanhua swallowed and said.

"Lavinia's friend Ikase Tobio has one of the thirteen [Black Blade Dog God], and he has reached the ultimate state of the artifact [Forbidden Hand] since he was born.

Lavinia's brother-in-law, Valli Lucifer has one of the thirteen [White Dragon Emperor's Light Wings], and he also inherited the blood of the real Demon King Lucifer.

Hyoudou Issei has the [Sekiryuutei's cage hand] opposite to Vali.

I have all the god-killing tools.Even so, we still have powerful enemies, and life and death may happen at any time. "Long Cheng said, he hoped that Tongsheng Lanhua could stay away from the other world, and hoped that she would retreat in spite of difficulties.

"I...I won't give up. After knowing the beauty of the other world, I don't want to be an ordinary person!

For example, if this is not the case, I... will be getting farther and farther away from you..." Tongsheng Lanhua's voice became softer and weaker, and in the end even Long Cheng could barely hear it clearly.

"...Ah~ okay.

Now that you have made up your mind, I am no longer persuading you.

Remember not to leave the range of Juwang Town recently.

The real world is not peaceful during this period, but there are three powerful forces from the biblical pantheon here, which can guarantee safety. "Long Cheng sighed, and then instructed Tongsheng Lanhua.

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