At the same time, thunder and lightning appeared above the remains of the remaining silver creatures.

"—Lei Guang!"

The thunder that shone with the sound fell on the silver creature.

His whole body burned after being hit by a strong lightning strike.When the lightning strikes ceased, only the charred human form was left there.

Then a slender young man with black hair appeared in Long Cheng's field of vision.

The two teenagers walked up to Long Cheng, sized him up and said, "Long time no see... No... It should be the first meeting for you now, Uncle Long Cheng."

"!!! Uncle?" Long Cheng was stunned when he heard the two addressing him, and then he immediately came to his senses.

"The other party called me and Yicheng strangely, Hyoudou Aisha, Durandal, Lei Guang, uncle...

You... from the future! ? "

The two teenagers were taken aback when they heard Long Cheng's words, and then they said, "Yes, Uncle Long Cheng. We come from the future, to be exact, the future 30 years from now."

"My name is Jano Quarta." said the boy holding Durandal.

"My name is Himejima Ohong." The black-haired boy said.

"We are your disciples, the sons of Hyoudou Issei."

"Why did you come to this time and space? Time travel is a very rigorous thing, as long as you take a wrong step, the entire time and space may collapse.

Besides, this time span is 30 years, as long as there is a little negligence, when you go back, things may be different. "Long Cheng said seriously.

"There's a reason for that."

"In the future... What happened 30 years later? And what is the alien just now, can you tell me? Just remember to tell the general situation."

"The mysterious life form that appeared just now is - from the future." Said the black-haired boy - Himejima Hong.

"Its true identity is—a creature from another world. We call it "UL". Abbreviation for "UnderWorld's LifeForm". "Jian Quarta, the boy holding the holy sword, continued.

That's right, that's right.In the original book, Yicheng did communicate with the elves serving the Milk God in another world when he was fighting Loki.

"Another world?" Long Cheng asked.

"Yes, that's right, we call it the EXE world."

"Tell me about what happened in the future." Now that the other party has also traveled here, it is useless for him to abide by the rules of time travel.

"In order not to cause a time paradox, I can't go into too much detail. After 30 years, there will be a great war known as the "War of Evil Gods".

The evil god Melvazoa of the EXE level in another world, his elder brother Liga Saiva and his younger sister Serra Serbes led [Rahu Qiyao] and a large number of [UL] to attack our DXD world.

Thanks to my father and the others, and the good gods of other worlds to protect the peace, the future worlds are developing in an orderly manner.Of course, there were a lot of brutal wars...but Father and the others broke it down without sacrificing anything. "

"Wait, I...didn't participate in the war?"

"Yes, at that time, Uncle Longcheng, you had more important things to do, so you didn't participate in the war.

In fact, five years ago... that is, 25 years later, you left here, and we don't know where you went. "Jijima Hong said.

"It turns out that's the case, no wonder you resist so hard."

"Father also once said that with your help, even all the strong in the EXE world will definitely not be your opponent." Jian o Quarta said with emotion.

"I understand the future. So, why did "UL" come to this era?There is always a reason, right? "

"Yes, although the war is very difficult, we have made great achievements. The evil gods are almost unable to support them, so they plan to act first and erase everyone from history." Jiano Kuata said.

"In this case, what our father and Aunt Rias should have done in the future will be rewritten." Jijima Hong continued.

"In our era—the world of the future, there are people with abilities who can observe parallel worlds, the so-called world lines.

According to him, only this world line is safe and has the existence of the uncle, and the rest of the world lines have gone to different histories. "Jiano Quarta said.

"The ability to observe the world line, so there will be such a person in the future?"

"Yes, it is said that his ability is obtained from the information left by his uncle. As for the details, we can't go into details."

"Okay. In the future, will Orpheus and I..."

"Drip!" Before Long Cheng could finish speaking, the watches on their wrists made a sound.

"The [UL] at this time has been cleaned up and we're leaving.

Uncle Longcheng, there will be a period later, we should meet again soon, and please don't tell father and them what happened today. "

"I see."

"Then, Uncle Longcheng, goodbye." After speaking, the two disappeared in a burst of distorted light, and with [the evil king's eyes dominated by time and space], Long Cheng saw the existence opposite him through endless time and space.

It was a mature man with blood red eyes and golden hair combed back.The man and Long Cheng looked at each other, showing nostalgic expressions.

221. The Title Girl Runs Away Again

The distortion of time and space soon ended, and only Long Cheng was left in the park.

Long Cheng shook his head with a smile, "I didn't expect that the snail living in women's clothing with super social phobia would turn out like this, it's incredible.

Ah~ I didn't have time to ask them, what is my child's name, I am a patient with naming difficulties. "

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