"Matsuda, what are you doing?" Yuan Bin asked suspiciously.

"Oh, Hatsuse and I are talking about the sports meeting, we plan to..." Matsuda said blushing.

"Damn—! Why am I the only one?

Okay, what about the Unpopular Alliance?As a result, each of you betrayed the organization. "Yuan Bin gritted his teeth and said with tears in his eyes.

"Huh? No, aren't we talking about Yicheng again?" Long Cheng suddenly realized that the topic had changed.

"It's nothing, it's just Aisha, Genovia, and Irina who always talk behind my back about things I don't know. Recently, I've been sleeping alone. Woooooo~~"

"Emm..." x3

"Hyoudou." At this moment, Kiryu Lanhua suddenly called out to Ise.She stands in front of the blackboard and is the one who writes down the candidates for the sports meeting.

"You have a hole in your armpit."

"Huh, really?" Hearing Kiryu's words, Hyoudou Issei looked at the armpit of his shirt - it was too late when he realized it.

"Okay! It's decided!" Kiryu Lanhua wrote Ise's name on the blackboard.

"Wow! Kiryu, how dare you lie to me!"

Tongsheng Lanhua showed a sinister smile, and said: "You are going to participate in a two-person trip. Your partner is——

You and Aisha-chan will participate in a two-person three-legged! "

Aisha was blushing and raised her hand.

That's it, with the help of Kiryu Lanhua, Yicheng and Aisha became partners in the three-legged trip.Yicheng has nothing to say about this.

"So, Long Cheng-jun, what do you want to participate in?"

"I do not mind."

"Then, let's have three legs together."


"Where's your partner?"

"It doesn't matter, it's better to be an acquaintance. Then that's it, I'll leave first." After speaking, Long Cheng got up and left the classroom. Long Cheng had the privilege given by Rias, so the teacher didn't say anything.


In a remote park in Juwang Town (the place where Ise was stabbed)

Long Cheng walked all the way here. In the classroom just now, he felt a slight fluctuation from his God Extinguisher, but since all the Divine Exterminators are now connected together to suppress [Supernova], he did not know the fluctuation Which God Exterminator is it?


(in a certain country~)


(There lives a dragon who likes Opie~)


(When the weather is good, I am walking while looking for Opie☆)


Walking near the fountain, a soft and gentle female voice came.

Well, the voice is very pleasant, and the tune is very cheerful, but Long Cheng couldn't help covering his forehead when he heard it, and turned around and left as soon as he wanted.

No reason, because she was singing the song of Opalon, and this song was sung by all members of the Paranormal Research Department.

But in the end Long Cheng gave up the idea of ​​turning around and leaving, and walked towards the direction where the singing came from.

When Long Cheng walked to the fountain in the park, he also saw the person who had fluctuated with his god.

This is a beautiful woman about eighteen or nineteen years old. She has a beautiful appearance and a proud figure. She has waist-length purple hair and surprise in her orange eyes. Obviously, she did not expect this remote park. How could anyone come.

Seeing the person in front of him, Long Cheng frowned.

He has already recognized the identity of the other party——

The holder of the God Extermination Tool [Song of the Last Emerald Sea] (Nereis Kyrie), a descendant of the true demon king Levitan, Ingeville Levitan.

But what makes Longcheng feel strange is why the other party came here. Logically speaking, Ingeville cannot escape the control of [Disaster Group]. Mu Li Lenin Lucifer.

"That, that... If my singing disturbed you, I apologize to you." Ingewell said timidly, seeing Long Cheng frowning, she thought she had disturbed him.

"No, the song you sang is very nice, I was just thinking about something just now."

"Yes...is it? That's good. It's the first time someone said that I sing well."

"Your singing voice is really nice, but I think you are more suitable for melodious tunes. Of course, you can sing the cheerful style of Opalon's song very well, but relatively speaking, you are more suitable for other tunes."

"Really? Then... can I sing another song then?"

"of course."

Then Ingewell opened his mouth slightly, and a melodious melody came. This song has no lyrics, but she just played it as she wanted.

Soon, Inglewell ended his performance.

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