Everyone went to see each other.Cang Na went to visit other members of the student union, Hyoudou Issei and Xenovia went to visit Aisha first, Rias went to visit Junai, Long Cheng and Orpheus went to visit Kitten. (Forgotten Kiba: π_π)

The injury the kitten received was not serious, and it had basically recovered after treatment, so when Long Cheng and the two entered her ward, the kitten had already woken up.

At this time, she was eating an apple, and when she saw Long Cheng and the two coming, the kitten's ears moved, and then drooped down.

Long Cheng stepped forward, touched the kitten's ears, and said, "Baiyin, you've done a good job. The reason for your failure this time is that the rules and venues of ranking games are not suitable for large-scale damage." All of you."

"...Well. Next time I will help sister Lias win." After hearing Long Cheng's comfort, the kitten's ears perked up again.

"Yeah, I believe in Baiyin, you can do it." Long Cheng kissed the kitten's forehead, stroked her white mid-length hair, and said softly.

"Orpheus also believes that Baiyin can do it..."


In the second half of August——

Everyone in the Supernatural Research Department greeted the moment of farewell to the underworld at the station in front of Gremory's main house, and before they knew it, the summer vacation was coming to an end.

"Issei-kun, and everyone, we will pay your salary on the card specially handled for you. But since everyone is underage, so everyone's finances are managed by Gurefia." Rias's father Jio Tix said to everyone.

After the ranking game ended, Asachel found everyone and said that he planned to shoot a special drama, the title of which was "Oupailong", the protagonist: (Oupailong) Hyoudou Issei, the heroine: (Oupailong Maiden) Elsa...

Basically, there are role-playing in the paranormal research department and the student union.

Long Cheng acted in his true colors, and was also Yi Cheng's master. He didn't appear many times, but every time he was full of force. Whenever the protagonist group couldn't beat the boss, he would help out. He was almost in the same position as the King of Ultra.

And you guys designed the theme song for this.

Song Name: Song of Opalon

Lyricist: Asa☆Sher

Composer: Suzeks Lucifer

Special Supervisor: Odin

Dance choreography: Seraflu Levy Sauce

It is said that this song is now popular in the underworld.

"Then Long Cheng-jun, I look forward to the day when I meet you again. You can come back here anytime, you're welcome. Treat Gremory's house as your own home." Geotix Gremory said.

"Ah, I also very much welcome Mr. Long Cheng's coming again. We didn't have a good chat this time." Rias's mother, Vinilana Gremory, said with a smile.

"Okay, if there is a chance, I will come."

"In the human world, Rias will ask you to take care of her. My daughter is a bit capricious occasionally, and I am really worried about her." Vinilana said to Long Cheng.

"M-mother! You, what are you talking about!" Rias said with a flushed face.

"Of course, Lias can leave it to me, I will protect her." Long Cheng patted his chest and said.

"... Woohoo, my lacrimal glands are too fragile. Now our family's future is bright..." Geotix burst into tears suddenly.

216. New semester and sports meeting

Seeing her husband bursting into tears, Venilana sighed and said:

"Wait, dear. At this time, according to the routine, you should show your father's majesty and answer "I don't plan to hand over my daughter to you!", right?"

"It's true to say so, but Mr. Long Cheng's strength has surpassed mine, no, he has surpassed Suzeks, should he be qualified? I think it's almost time to settle down."

"It's kind of like a declaration of retirement, at least we should wait until after Rias graduates from high school."



Then Rias' mother began to teach her husband a lesson, and everyone looked ashamed for a while.

"Rias, at least send a letter back for the rest of the summer vacation." Suzeks said while holding his child Millikas.Gurefia is standing by behind the two of them.

"Yes, I understand, brother. Millikes should also take care."

"Well, sister Rias!"


On the return train.

Long Cheng and Hyoudou Issei were busy solving their summer homework that had not moved at all.

Long Cheng basically has no time because of [system] matters, while Hyoudou Issei spends more than half of his summer vacation playing hide-and-seek with Tenny on the mountain.

Everyone else seems to have finished it, and even Orpheus seems to have finished it with the kitten when he was in the underworld.

"I spent my precious youth surviving in the wild in the mountains! I didn't go on a date with Aisha-chan, nor did Akeno-senpai say she wanted to work with me in the room. It all fell through! I still have to make up for my summer homework! Unfortunately—— —!”

"Don't quarrel with Yicheng, hurry up and do your homework. You do the Chinese, leave the math to me, and we'll work on English later." Long Cheng patted Yicheng on the head and said.

"Yes! Tell me, master, are we finished?" Looking at the mountain of homework, Hyoudou Issei asked with twitching eyes.

"Hmph, what is this? I used to write my summer homework the night before school started, master."

"Okay, that's awesome."

"Don't be shocked, don't stop your hands, don't do it. We have to finish our homework on the train in order to be salty in the human world...no...to relax. Look at my [Evil King Eye of Time and Space Control]!"

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