Zeng Xiaoxian was also at a loss, "Walk to go and have a look?"

Deng Chao and the others nodded, and everyone approached Yuan Hong on tiptoe.

Yuan Hong is now completely distracted by the little girl's cries. How can he notice that there are people approaching behind him? He just keeps coaxing the little girl in front of him, "Little sister, don't cry, okay? Please!" If you cry again, you will bring in the bad guys.”

Yuan Hong's two photographers had seen Zeng Xiaoxian and others a long time ago, and thought, brother, the bad guys have already arrived, and they are already in front of you!

Deng Chao went to the front, came behind Yuan Hong, patted him on the shoulder, and...

A stab.

The name tag on Yuan Hong's back was torn off.

Yuan Hong was stunned, and the little girl stopped crying. She raised her head to see Zeng Xiaoxian and the baby, and ran over with an aggrieved expression.

"Big Brother, Big Sister, this bad uncle just robbed my ice cream!"

The baby picked up the little girl and turned upside down, "Don't cry, baby, we have taught this bad uncle a lesson just now!"

Yuan Hong turned his head and saw that the other parties were all there, I'll go, the price of this ice cream is a bit high!

There's nothing I can do now, just tear it up!

"Why are you here?" Yuan Hong asked the doubts in his heart.He deliberately ran away from them just now, why did he bump into them again inadvertently?

"Don't ask us first, let's talk about you first, why did you grab the ice cream from the little girl? Xiaoxian bought it for her!"

Yuan Hong almost fainted, could it be that the legendary Heavenly Dao Patroller was unhappy with his response?He ate the ice cream that Zeng Xiaoxian bought for the little girl, and then they tore off the name tag effortlessly?

Yuan Hongsu felt unwilling, but there was nothing he could do, because the staff of the program team had already taken him away.

Looking at the back of Yuan Hongyuan, Zeng Xiaoxian and others waved goodbye to him. Yuan Hong was the only strong man left in Wang Baoqiang's team, and now he was torn off in such a dramatic way. The remaining three are not justified. .

Li Cheng rubbed his hands, "The remaining three are easy to deal with, we can abuse them as much as we want!"

Deng Chao said: "It's easy to find, but I'm afraid it's hard to find?"

Zheng Kai looked confused, "Why?"

Zeng Xiaoxian rolled his eyes at him, "It's a shame that you and Wang Zunan have hosted so many episodes of Running Man, and you don't even know Wang Zunan's dirty tricks?"

The baby thought for a while, "Haha, I see, Wang Zunan will definitely hide, right?"

Immediately after that, a reminder sounded from the horn.

"Yuan Hong is out!!"

"Yuan Hong is out!!"

Wang Baoqiang and the others were still hiding in the fitting room and staring at each other. They were stunned by the sudden bad news.

Zhang Xinyi still looked a little unbelievable, "What? Who was eliminated just now?"

Wang Zunan also looked hopeless, "Yuan Hong was eliminated by them."

Wang Baoqiang stroked his beard with his hand, "Oh my God, my leader Yuan Hong has also been eliminated, what should I do as a veteran!"

Zhang Xinyi covered her face with both hands, "Oh my God, Guo Jingfei and Yuan Hong are the two strongest members of our team, they were eliminated, so what are we going to do?"

Wang Zunan also felt the same way, "I don't think we can do this. When they find us, we will be wiped out. Rather than doing this, I think we should go all out and fight vigorously!"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????

Wang Baoqiang and Zhang Xinyi also nodded in agreement, "The only chance we have now to turn defeat into victory is to tear Xiaoxian off, otherwise we will surely die, so we will start to search for Xiaoxian now with all our strength, and then tear him up!"

"come on!"

The three of them gave a high-five in the fitting room, and then they walked out of the fitting room. The six sweaty photographers were relieved, and finally they didn't have to huddle together!


After tearing up Yuan Hong, Zeng Xiaoxian and the others began to relax. They searched around but couldn't find Wang Baoqiang and the others. Basically, they could be concluded that they were looking for a place to hide.


The entire Wanda Plaza is so big, it's not easy to find a few people who can hide, so the few people agreed to split up and remind each other loudly if they found someone.

Zeng Xiaoxian left the crowd, went to the clothing area alone to search, walked into a fashion store, and saw Wang Baoqiang and the three of them coming out of a fitting room Shi Shiran.

The three of them turned their heads and saw Zeng Xiaoxian, they were confused for a while, and then they became happy, Wang Baoqiang said with a strong Henan accent, "Xiaoxian, what a coincidence, we met you here, we were just looking for you! "

Wang Zunan was also gearing up excitedly, "There is a saying that it is easy to find nowhere to go, and it is really suitable here!"

Zhang Xinyi quietly walked around behind Zeng Xiaoxian, stretched out her hand, and closed the glass door of the boutique.

This posture, you want to catch a turtle in the urn!

Zeng Xiaoxian looked around, but his expression was still as calm as ever, "Hehe, even though you three are together, it's not so easy to tear me apart!"

"Oh, is that so?" Zhang Xinyi began to undress after finishing speaking.

Zeng Xiaoxian was immediately dumbfounded, Wang Baoqiang and Wang Zunan were also dumbfounded, and even the photographer was dumbfounded.

Should I shoot or shoot or shoot? .

481. I Cried Being Played by Zhang Xinyi (1/5 Begging for Subscription!!)

However, what made everyone dumbfounded was that Zhang Xinyi actually wore two T-shirts, and one inside the outer T-shirt.

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