The running boys asked one after another.


Zeng Xiaoxian briefly described what happened just now, and then said: "I suspect there is a traitor among us!"


"Is there a mole?"

"real or fake?"

Deng Chao and the others were stunned. They never thought that there would be moles among their male brothers.

Wang Baoqiang and Zheng Kai, who were approaching Yu Zhen and others, also heard Zeng Xiaoxian's words.Immediately froze.

"Wow grass, Xiaoxian has already suspected that there is a traitor in the team, so he already knows it's me?" Wang Baoqiang thought guilty.

"How does this guy know that there are traitors in the team?" Zheng Kai also looked puzzled, and he was also worried that Zeng Xiaoxian would suspect him.

"Xiaoxian, is there anyone you suspect?" Deng Chao asked in his voice.

Hearing this, Zeng Xiaoxian couldn't help complaining, although he was basically sure that it was Zheng Kai and Wang Baoqiang, but he couldn't say it on the walkie-talkie, otherwise they would hear them, how could he tear them up by surprise?

Thinking of this, Zeng Xiaoxian said: "It's still not sure who it is. But from now on, everyone, don't trust anyone easily, except me and baby!"

The baby heard Zeng Xiaoxian say this at the prize machine, and she felt sweet in her heart. She didn't expect Zeng Xiaoxian to doubt her at all.

Although the other people had doubts in their hearts, they also knew that it is not appropriate to talk too much on the walkie-talkie, so they expressed that they would be vigilant to those around them, including teammates.

On Wang Baoqiang and Zheng Kai's side, the two quickly changed the frequency, and connected with Yu Zheng and others.

"Feiying, what should we do, now Xiaoxian has begun to suspect that there is a mole in the team!"

Regarding this, Yu Zhen didn't make much fuss, because when Zeng Xiaoxian saw through their plan, he felt that Zeng Xiaoxian might have realized something.However, he was still not sure how suspicious Zeng Xiaoxian was.

Thinking of this, he asked, "Does Zeng Xiaoxian have any specific suspects?"

"No, he seems to be just guessing that there may be spies in the team, not sure."

"Okay, then it's fine, you don't need to be nervous, just be content with yourself."

That's what he guessed in his heart.

With Yu Zhen's advice, the two of them were no longer nervous, what should they do.

After a while, Wang Baoqiang and Deng Chao met, and they stared at each other for a while, Wang Baoqiang suddenly shouted, "Brother Chao, tell me the truth, are you a spy in the team?"

Deng Chao's face was full of anger, "You're a spy!"

Wang Baoqiang pretended to be very hurt, "Brother Chao, do you think I look like a spy?"

Deng Chao glanced up and down, "Well, it doesn't look like it!"

The two walked together, and Bibianke met Zeng Xiaoxian, and saw Deng Chao and Wang Baoqiang together.Zeng Xiaoxian was startled in his heart, he thought to himself, Deng Chao, you are so lucky to be alive till now!

But thinking about it, Zeng Xiaoxian didn't show the slightest difference on the surface, "Do you two know who the spy is?"

Wang Baoqiang and Deng Chao shook their heads.

Zeng Xiaoxian walked while talking, and when he came to the two of them, he suddenly stretched out his hand and pushed Wang Baoqiang to the ground.

Stab it!

The name tag behind Wang Baoqiang has been torn off, and inside the big name tag, there is still a small name tag.

Work carefully! 997

Seeing this scene, Deng Chao only felt chills on his back. He was talking and laughing with the spies just now, and he was not prepared at all. If Zeng Xiaoxian hadn't appeared in time, he might have been torn apart by Wang Baoqiang now.

Thinking of this, Deng Chao had a heartbroken face, "Baoqiang, how can you be a spy?"

Wang Baoqiang spread his hands, "I can't help it, who made me so unlucky!" Then he looked at Zeng Xiaoxian again, "Xiaoxian, how did you know that I was a spy?"

Zeng Xiaoxian chuckled, "Not only do I know you are a spy, I also know that Zheng Kai is also a spy!"

Now that Wang Baoqiang has been torn apart, Zheng Kai will definitely become vigilant. Then it will not be easy to carry out a sneak attack, so Zeng Xiaoxian simply confessed.

As soon as these words came out, Wang Baoqiang's eyeballs almost fell out.

I don't know where there was a mistake, which exposed both him and Zheng Kai.

When Deng Chao heard it, cold sweat broke out again, "What are you talking about Xiaoxian? Zheng Kai is also a spy?".

386. Li Cheng out (1/8 Subscribe!!)

"Wang Baoqiang is out!!"

"Wang Baoqiang is out!!"

As the news of Wang Baoqiang's elimination came from the loudspeaker, Zheng Kai immediately became nervous. He looked around and found that there were no running boys nearby, so he quickly switched the walkie-talkie to the frequency of thieves.

"Hey, Feiying, what's going on, how did Baoqiang get out?"

Yu Zhen and others were puzzled when they heard the broadcast, when they received an inquiry from Zheng Kai.

After a little thought, Yu Zhen understood, "Owl Owl, your identity may have been exposed, pay attention to concealment, and find a chance to reconcile with us!"

Then, Zeng Xiaoxian's voice also rang on the intercom channel.

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