Wang Zunan didn't want to dig either, because she had exhausted her physical strength when she was catching ducks.

On Zeng Xiaoxian's side, everyone took turns digging, while the baby was in charge of distributing the pistachios.

Pistachios are trophies to be taken from the table after winning a duck game.

While eating pistachios to replenish energy, several people took turns digging the foam wall. After a while, a ray of light projected from the other side of the wall.

"Ah, it's almost there, the light is on!" the baby exclaimed.

Seeing that the great work was about to be completed, several members of the blue team worked even harder. In a blink of an eye, they made a hole in the foam wall that could accommodate one person. Zeng Xiaoxian was the first to get out of the hole.

But he was happy as soon as he went out. Next to their tunnel, Wang Baoqiang had already dug through the foam wall, but the hole was not big enough for one person to pass through.

At this time, Wang Baoqiang was sticking his head out~ wanting to look around, and saw Zeng Xiaoxian at the first sight.

At that moment, Wang Baoqiang was overwhelmed. .

275. The Past of Haiquan (6/7, Please Subscribe!!)

"Xiaoxian? You, you, why are you so fast?" Wang Baoqiang's tongue and head began to curl.

Zeng Xiaoxian went up and touched Wang Baoqiang's protruding little head, "Good boy, Baoqiang, we have already come out, now we are going to make a helicopter!"

At this time, baby, Deng Chao, and Zheng Kai also came out one after another. Everyone went up and gave Wang Baoqiang a pat on the head, and then rushed towards the helicopter listening on the lawn not far away.

The rest of Wang Baoqiang's red team still looked confused, and when Wang Baoqiang shrank his head back, Wang Zunan asked, "Baoqiang, what's going on, I seem to have heard Xiaoxian's voice just now?"

"Couldn't they have gone out already? "Zero Baqi"" Yiyi and Haiquan also asked worriedly.

Before Wang Baoqiang had time to speak, he didn't know that Lu Hao's roar suddenly came from the loudspeaker installed in that corner.

"Let everyone have bad news. Zeng Xiaoxian and his blue team have successfully walked out of the tunnel, and they are now on the helicopter."

"Ah, our mission failed!" Yi Yi put his head in his hands, looking in pain.

Haiquan didn't care about winning or losing, he touched his mouth and said, "It's good to be trapped on the island, we can eat seafood now!"

"Eat you big-headed ghost!" Everyone annoyed at the latter who sprayed Haiquan with an innocent look, "It doesn't seem to be my fault!"

Being stuck on the island was just for the broadcasting effect of the program. In fact, that night, the running boys all left Xiushan Island and ate sea food in a big seafood hotel in Sanya.

After dinner, everyone chatted and fought against landlords, and the next day they were all busy with their own affairs.

Before leaving, Haiquan and Zeng Xiaoxian were together, but Zeng Xiaoxian was flying to Shanghai, and Haiquan was flying to the imperial capital.

When he came to the airport waiting hall, Haiquan smiled and said, "How's my "Cold to the End" writing?"

But she couldn't wait any longer. After all, he and Yu Fan liked the song just by listening to the name. She couldn't wait to see the song.

But fortunately, after the joint shooting of Xiushan Island, the two have become good friends, so Haiquan is not polite anymore, and directly asks what is in his heart.

Hearing this, Zeng Xiaoxian said with a smile: "I see you are in a hurry, don't you know that you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry?"

"Hey, of course I know that!" Haiquan scratched his head and said with a smile: "But I know what you are capable of, Xiaoxian. Rather than saying that you are a genius, I think you are more like a classic production machine! I have a hunch, cold After all, there are eyebrows."

"Heh, your sixth sense is quite accurate. I have already finished the lyrics of this song, but the music hasn't been written yet."

Hearing this, Haiquan became excited, "It's only been a few days, and the lyrics have already been finished? Show me quickly, I can't wait!"

"Bring a pen and paper." Xi oh, stretch out your hand.

As a professional singer-songwriter, Haiquan needs to record the inspiration that pops up at any time, so it has long been a habit to carry a notebook with him.

Seeing Zeng Xiaoxian's request, she quickly took out a notebook and a gel pen and handed them to Zeng Xiaoxian.

Zeng Xiaoxian began to write the lyrics line by line on the paper with rustle.

——I would rather you be cold to the end

——Let me obsessively forget

——I would rather you be heartless to the end

- Let me give up completely

- I'd rather be sad just once

——Don’t be sad day and night

——I would rather you be cold to the end

- please stop

——The rainy night when you walked

- is my sadness

——I can’t erase your smile, your hypocritical lip marks

—Recall the topic of your deceit


——The rain you walked in

- Wet my heart


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