Park Dong-jun felt that being able to speak Korean so authentically was almost impossible without Korean living experience.

But to his surprise, Zeng Xiaoxian shook his head with a smile, "Director Park is absurd. My Korean is just self-taught. As for Korea, this is my first time here."

Standing by the side, Jin Zhongguo saw that the two were chatting relatively harmoniously, so he quickly said, "Director Park, why don't we find a place to sit down and chat?"

Director Park also became curious about Zeng Xiaoxian, and nodded in agreement.

When they came to a booth, the three of them sat down. Manager Park asked, "I don't know what is the direction of Mr. Zeng's development in China?"

They, sbs, are currently packaging some boy groups, and after they are packaged, they are going to sell them to some Asian markets such as China, and Zeng Xiaoxian gave him the impression that he not only has a good image and temperament, but also speaks generously and decently, and most importantly, he can speak fluent Korean.To be honest, he was really tempted. If he packaged it up a bit, the young man in front of him should have great potential.

Zeng Xiaoxian didn't know Pu Dongjun's plan, so he thought for a while and said, "I have almost four development directions, namely film and television, singing, variety shows, and literary creation. I plan to develop these four directions at the same time!"

He has a system to help. The simultaneous development of these four directions is difficult for others, but for him it is just a drizzle.

Pu Dongjun was stunned, and then he despised Zeng Xiaoxian a little bit in his heart. You must know that no matter which of these four directions requires a lot of effort, it is possible to get a certain result (bgdb), but the young man in front of him said: To develop in four directions at the same time, does he think he is a god?

After thinking about it, Pu Dongjun said in a frivolous tone: "It turns out that Mr. Zeng is so powerful, I don't know what achievements he has made now?"

Zeng Xiaoxian was a little puzzled, this Pu Dongjun was fine just now, why did he suddenly become a little bit weird now?But when he thought about it, he immediately understood that he thought he was bragging!

Thinking of this, Zeng Xiaoxian laughed secretly, since you think brother is bragging, then brother will simply give you a big jump!

He smiled faintly: "It's not about the results, but luck is not bad, there is still some small improvement on Thursday."

"First of all, in terms of film and television, we are now making a joint venture with Huayi Film and Television, with a total investment of more than [-] million yuan (due to time and space differences, the parallel world is still in the early stage of the entertainment market, and an investment of more than [-] million yuan is considered a big production.). "


"A total of three new songs were released some time ago, one of which was picked up by a big director and chosen as the theme song of a TV series. The other two are ranked first, second, and second respectively on the online hot song list."


"Before that, I wrote a supernatural novel "Notes on Tomb Raiders" and put it on the Internet. The number of hits is not too many, about [-] million. Not long ago, the physical publication began. Two days ago, my editor called and said that the first volume has been published. It sold, it sold [-] copies on the first day, huh, too little! Only [-] copies! Oh, by the way, I also wrote the script of this movie. Huayi thought it was well written, so they made a big production , with an investment of over [-] million! In fact, I think the writing is so-so!"


"As for the variety show, it's even worse. Apart from participating in the Running Man imported from Korea, I haven't made any other achievements."

Zeng Xiaoxian said lightly, Jin Zhongguo was stunned, he knew that Zeng Xiaoxian could write scripts and act as the leading actor, he already admired him, but now it seems that he is far more powerful than that!

And Pu Dongjun's forehead is already sweating, Nima, is this still human? .

210. To Be Eaten (First Update, Please Subscribe!!)

After all, Pu Dongjun is a veteran who has been in the entertainment industry for many years. From Zeng Xiaoxian's words, he can already hear his dissatisfaction with his attitude just now.However, he didn't mean to blame Zeng Xiaoxian, on the contrary, he felt that he was indeed a little reckless just now.

With a talent like Zeng Xiaoxian, I am afraid that there are not many major entertainment groups in South Korea who do not want to cooperate with him. If they fall out with him, it will be a big loss for their sbs.

Pu Dongjun wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said with an embarrassed smile: "Zeng Xiaoxian, please forgive me, I was a little blind just now, and I apologize to you for my attitude just now."

Kim Jong Kook also didn't want the two to have conflicts due to "five two three" and chimed in, "Yes, Xiao Xian, you and Director Park don't know each other. In fact, Director Park is in charge of music and film and television in SBS. Maybe you still have the possibility to cooperate!"

Zeng Xiaoxian just now was just showing off his power, and he didn't mean to fall out with Pu Dongjun.

At this moment, someone sent a ladder over, so he naturally wanted to go down the ladder, and said with a smile: "Zhong Guo, you are overthinking, I still admire Director Park very much, how could it be unpleasant?"

The three smiled at each other, raised their glasses, and took a sip.

Director Park said: "Xiaoxian, in the Korean entertainment industry, I, Park, can still speak a few words. If you need help with anything, just ask, and I will definitely help you!"

Zeng Xiaoxian knew very well that this was an olive branch thrown at him, so he didn't refuse immediately, and directly expressed his thoughts.

"To be honest with Director Park, I really want to ask you for your help this time. My debut movie "Ip Man" is about to start shooting. I imagine that this movie will be screened simultaneously in South Korea and China. I don't know Park Can the supervisor help me?"

Director Park's eyes lit up. This matter was not too difficult for him. He nodded and said, "No problem, but there are some procedures to go through in the middle. You can go directly to SBS tomorrow, brother Zeng. Then we will sign the relevant agreement." a bit.

"Okay, then I'll thank you first, Director Park." Zeng Xiaoxian smiled and toasted Director Park.

Several people chatted for a while, Zeng Xiaoxian said his goodbyes and left, today he was accompanying Song Zhixiao to the ball, he can't patronize himself to discuss business and lose Song Zhixiao, can he?

Holding a glass of red wine, Zeng Xiaoxian looked around in the hall, and saw Song Ji Hyo surrounded by several Korean young men, among them was Lee Zai Kyung, whom he had met down below.Zeng Xiaoxian's eyes were slightly cold, and he walked over.

"Ji Hyo, the dance is about to start, will you dance with me?" Lee Jae Kyung said gracefully.

Song Ji Hyo looked a little unnatural, just now Zeng Xiaoxian warned her to stay away from Lee Jae Kyung, she had already decided not to associate with him in the future, unexpectedly this guy would take the initiative to invite her to dance.

"I'm sorry, brother Zai Jing, I already have a dance partner tonight, as you saw just now, I will dance with him later." Song Ji Hyo refused.

Several young Koreans next to Li Zaijing heard the words and shouted one by one.

"Ji Hyo, what's the matter with you, how can you refuse brother Zai Jing's invitation?"

"Yeah, Zhixiao, you should know what Brother Zaijing means to you!"

"Zhi Xiao, you have to know how many beauties here want to dance with Brother Zai Jing, and Brother Zai Jing doesn't agree!"

Li Zaijing waved his hand to stop the clamor of several young people, and said with a smile: "Ji Hyo, since he is your dance partner, he should be by your side at the ball. Look where he has gone now? It means that he is not I didn't take you to heart..."

Song Zhixiao didn't know how to answer this sentence, and couldn't help thinking bitterly, where did Zeng Xiaoxian go with Kim Jong Kook, and why didn't he come back?

"Who said I didn't take Zhi Xiao seriously?" Zeng Xiaoxian came to Song Zhi Xiao with a glass of red wine in one hand and a small plate of snacks in the other, and said with a smile: "Zhi Xiao, I know you like this , I went to get some for you just now!"

Passing the butterfly in his hand to Song Zhixiao, Zeng Xiaoxian turned his head and looked at Li Zaijing, "I said Brother Li, it's not the work of a man to speak ill of others behind his back. Women like this kind of person will not like it!"


Li Zaijing's face was livid with anger, but in the end he didn't attack. Instead, he forced a smile and said, "Mr. Zeng knows how to please women, but what women need most is a man who can give her a sense of security. He only pleases women." If Huanxin is 3.7, this kind of relationship will not last long!"

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