There is no other reason, the elf that the girl took out is like a toy played by a child, with swirl-shaped eyes, not to mention no neck, the head and body are not only separated but also turned upside down.The mouth is like a duck, and the feet look more like wings. There is a blue pattern on the chest and the wing-like feet are connected together, and the posture is like a bee bird.In fact, this pokemon is not just like the bee-crow, its entire body is suspended in mid-air.

The strange toy-like Pokemon that Xiao Meiyan took out made the audience feel at a loss for a while, almost no one knew this strange thing.And Xiaoyao, who was in the auditorium, took out the Pokemon with a look of surprise and said, "What is this elf, it's so strange!"

"3D Dragon Z, imaginary Pokemon, the attributes are normal. A computer-controlled Pokemon, 3D Dragon 2 evolves into 3D Dragon Z through computer language. As an improved version of 3D Dragon 2, initially to make it I modified the program to be able to show my skills in a different dimension, but the expected goal did not come true and instead caused chaos in the action. 3D Dragon Z usually lives in cyberspace, but they don’t need to breathe in fact Can live anywhere. Because 3D Dragon Z is a virtual Pokemon, it doesn't need to eat. But if you feed it, it will still eat."

Classmate Xiaoyao looked at the information on the illustration book and said with a blank face: "What is this? Why can't I understand the information given in the illustration book? What does it mean to be a virtual pokemon?" It's not just Xiaoyao Classmates, even the well-informed Xiaoxue and reporter Pan Qian were very puzzled. Tou Zijiang used the illustrated book to call up the pre-evolution form of this strange Pokemon, which is the information of 7D Dragon 3 .

"3D Dragon 2, the imaginary Pokemon, the attribute is normal. The smart Pokemon created by humans using the power of science, the evolution of the 3D dragon. Because it is equipped with artificial intelligence, it can learn new behaviors and emotions by itself, So sometimes it will show a reaction that is not in the program. The purpose of 3D2 development is to upgrade the version of 3D Dragon in order to be able to develop planets. However, with the deepening of research, although the ability of 3D Dragon 2 has been improved. , but it can’t even fly into the sky, so it’s far from being able to meet the established purpose of the development place.”

Seeing the data of 3D Dragon 2, Xiao Zhiyi felt crazy on the first day, so he simply used the illustrated book to transfer the original version of this strange Pokemon, that is, the initial form data before evolution, Finally, this time, there is some eyebrows.

"3D dragon, imaginary Pokemon, the attributes are normal. 3D dragon is known to people, the first artificial Pokemon deliberately created in modern times, it is made by the Pokemon Research Center based on the report of Shiluf Company Creation. The 3D dragon can only perform basic actions according to its program. It can be said that the behavior of the otaku is artificial. Because it does not need to breathe, it is expected to be an artificial pokemon that can move anywhere. The body is composed of programs and has The ability to move freely in the electronic space. Because the 3D dragon is completely made by people, it does not need to eat, but it can still be fed with berries, energy cubes, bread and orange fruits. Although it is hoped to be the only one that can Pokemon flying into space, but no matter whether it is 3D Dragon, 3D Dragon 2 or the latest version of the evolved form 3D Dragon Z, there is not a single successful example.”

Looking at the information on the illustrated book, Xiaozhi looked at the toy that seemed to be floating in the air on the playing field with a look of surprise and said in disbelief: "This... this Pokemon is... a man-made virtual pet. Elf?"

Xiaozheng, the little ghost who has always regarded himself as a little adult, was also very surprised. He wiped his glasses carefully and said inexplicably with surprise: "This... this is really amazing. It turns out that human technology has developed to this level. To the extent that only virtual Pokemon can be created? Could it be that this is the so-called power of civilization!"

And the commentator at the scene may also have asked someone to help find the information. After Xiao Meiyan took out the 3D Dragon Z for a long time, he said in a surprised tone: "Really

It's unbelievable that Xiao Meiyan won the first round of the second half

The Pokemon that came out turned out to be a virtual Pokemon of artificial intelligence.You may not know that its original predecessor and the improved evolution version of the first stage, 3D Dragon 2, are both produced by the report research provided by the famous Shilufu Company in the Kanto region.But later this project was taken over by Chienwa Group, a well-known scientific research company of Sinnoh. The 3D Dragon Z Legend you see now is the latest research achievement of Chienwa Group. 3D Dragon Z is a secret research result belonging to Chiwa Group. Although the research data has been released to the public, 3D Dragon Z is still in the stage of internal testing and improvement on the 1st. How did contestant Akami Homura get this rare Pokemon? ? "

The commentator’s book asked all the audience on the scene, including the doubts of the dragon in the arena, “3D Dragon Z is the only Pokemon that has appeared in the game. This is the first time I have encountered this situation. Is this girl Who would have such a rare Pokemon?"

Seemingly seeing the confusion in the dragon's eyes, the girl on the opposite side said coldly: "My full name is Qianhe Xiaomeiyan, now, can you take out the elf that will fight my 3D Dragon Z? "

"Chien and Akatsuki Homura?"

Long was obviously stunned when he heard the name, and finally realized after three seconds, "Ci'ao, could it be that this girl is the daughter or eldest lady of Sinnoh Qianhe Group? It must be like this, otherwise how could other people know?" Get such a special Pokemon, even if there are very few people who can see it!"

Long muttered to himself and couldn't help but said: "It seems that my previous guess was not bad at all. Apart from being born in a noble family, can ordinary people cultivate such a girl with outstanding temperament? And I know that in Pokemon Academy, no matter it is The branch schools and academies in the area, but all the students of the elite school are of extraordinary background, and they are not nobles and cannot enter this threshold. Really, is this f---ing a threshold? It is simply a rooftop, and ordinary people can enter Is it?"

In the stands, Ms. Sakurai exclaimed in surprise: "I just remembered, this girl who fought against the dragon is not the second lady of Qianhe Group, I remember meeting her at some time Whether it was three years ago or four years ago..." Miss Sakurai finished speaking, then looked at Sundae and said curiously: "They are also famous families in the Sinnoh area, why, is it the second of the Youto family? Miss and the second lady of the Chiwa family, don't you know each other at all?"

Sundae heard Miss Sakurai's words and said coldly: "Before I met the dragon, I had been studying at the Kanto branch, and I didn't like celebrity parties and these direct social occasions of the nobles. It's really enough. It's okay to be boring."

Upon hearing Sundae's words, Ms. Sakurai showed a trace of sullenness on her face. She wondered if Sundae meant something, what did she mean? Could it be that she is boring as she often goes to these social occasions of celebrities? ?

"It's so pretentious, damn it, don't I just like that kind of party and place!"

Ms. Sakurai was so angry, she couldn't help muttering in her heart, but at the same time, she hated Miss Youto so much.The two members of the Youto family, whether they are the "big" lady or the "little" lady, are so unpopular, it's really annoying!

Sundae and Miss Sakurai dislike and disdain celebrity gatherings and aristocratic social occasions, but there are people here who are yearning for such gatherings. Didn’t you see Toko-chan, Rina-chan and Xiaoyao students all showing a look of disgust? Fascinated expression.Kenta-kun, who is familiar with the character of his childhood sweetheart who grew up together, patted his head. He didn't need to guess what kind of image Rina-chan was thinking about...

On the playing field, after being stunned for a long time, Long finally took out the Pokemon he sent out to deal with 3D Dragon Z.The red light flickered and bounced, and a figure as tall as an iron tower appeared on the field, with the iconic upturned nose and chest-beating movements. Who else is there besides the Monkey King?

Kenta-kun in the stands cheered up after seeing the dragon take out the elf, "Leave the king, according to the performance of this guy in the previous game, I feel that he is very skilled, but it is a pity that there is a time limit for the battle in the qualifiers. I haven't seen its true strength yet. The performance in the 16-to-8 competition was too strong. Regarding the weakness of this big guy, besides the lack of flexibility, it needs to be further investigated. This time is undoubtedly a good opportunity. The 3D Dragon Z, whose financial strength and various abilities are unknown, may have some unexpected gains!"

With this in mind, Kenta-kun continued to focus on the game on the field, and after the dragon took out the battle spirit, the first player Akami Homura finally commanded the 3D dragon Z to launch the first attack, "Triangle attack!"

"Beer Man" 3D Dragon Z made a sound like electronic synthesis, like wings, I don't know whether it's hands or feet, and the tail with the same shape emits three different colors of light in unison. Red, yellow and blue!

"Leave the king, super forgetful!"

Long waved his hands and shouted, while Beast King Kong on the field kept fanning his palms and patting himself on the head, and wailing from time to time.

In the stands, classmate Xiaoyao looked at the very weird leave king and asked with black lines: "What kind of trick is the super forgetful that Long said? What is the leave king doing? I have never seen such a cruel shooting The skills of your own head, is this self-harm?"

"Uh, sister, your imagination is really rich. Super forgetfulness is a skill that greatly improves one's special defense..."

Hearing Xiaoyao's words, Xiaozheng almost bangs his head on the steps, ignorance is not wrong, ignorance and talking nonsense is really wrong.

On the court, Wang Wang, who was said to be self-harming in Xiaoyao's mouth, withstood the powerful triangle light attack of 3D Dragon Z-Ji head-on.There was a violent explosion, and a burst of fire and lightning could be seen in the arena. The flames and lightning ravaged the body of the leave king, and finally the leave king was completely covered by layers of frozen ice layer by layer from top to bottom. Freeze it.

The dragon frowned, and couldn't help muttering to himself: "It's really powerful. Even Wang Mingming, who asked for leave, has already greatly improved his resistance to special special moves, but the triangle attack issued by this 3D dragon Z is still amazing. It seems that even artificial intelligence cannot be underestimated. The power of human technology and civilization is not inferior to the gifted Pokemon, just like the power of anti-air laser beam cannons is not as powerful as destroying death rays Difference!"

In the auditorium, Sundae, who had some knowledge of the abilities of 3D Dragon Z, said aloud, "According to the information provided by Shiluf Company and Qianhe Group. The characteristics of the 3D Dragon family have not changed before and after evolution. They are downloaded and adapted. One of the three of strength and analysis. Judging from the performance of the 3D Dragon Z on the field just now, its characteristic is very likely to be adaptability. Because this characteristic can change its own skills with the same attribute into one that can cause significant damage to the opponent. damage effect, so it can explain why the triangle attack just now has an extraordinary power!"

Hearing Sundae's words, Kenta-kun was the first to agree, staring straight at the battle field and suddenly said: "So that's the reason, the reason is very reasonable. Although the triangle attack can cause fire, freezing, and lightning The damage effects of different attributes, but from the attribute point of view, it will only be a common-type skill. If the characteristic of this 3D Dragon Z is really adaptability, then it means that any common-type special moves it uses next will cause damage to the king of leave. Amazing damage effect."

Speaking of this, Kenta sighed and continued: "It's amazing, it is obviously a virtual artificial intelligence Pokemon, but it has powerful characteristics, and its strength is quite amazing!"

407 Science and technology against nature, artificial intelligence VS original ecology "Speaking and choking people" The leave king who was frozen in a huge ice cube let out a huge roar, his tower-like body shook violently, and the thick layer of ice was crushed. The King Kong beast shattered violently, the shattered ice splashed, and the ice flakes scattered like mist.

The King of Asking for Leave stepped on heavy steps, staring straight at the doll-like 3D dragon Z on the opposite field with a pair of sharp eyes, panting heavily with the iconic upturned nose of Monkey Monkey.The leave king turned on the anger mode again, roared suddenly, and his tower-like body stepped on heavy strides all the way towards the 3D dragon Z and rushed towards him.

The dragon waved his arms and said loudly: "The king of leave, rushed forward in one go, and punched three times with the peasant ∥ 'choking people'" The king of leave roared loudly, with heavy fists in both hands, condensing a mass of hot flames and golden lightning flashes respectively, It's like Flame Fist and Lightning Fist!

"Farmer's Three Punches?"

After hearing Long's words, the corner of the girl's mouth twitched, "Is there any trainer who changes the name of the skill used by his Pokemon without authorization, and this new name is still like this...Turtle! Farmer Three Punches, he can really Think about it...--" Yi Xiaomeiyan's indifferent personality had the urge to complain, seeing the leave king who was flying towards him at such a high speed.The girl's eyes flicked and she waved her hand violently and scolded: "Xiaolong, use high-speed movement to avoid it!"

"Beerman" 3D Dragon Z's eyes flashed a burst of colorful light after hearing the trainer's words, as if floating in mid-air, the 3D Dragon Z turned his head, and his body suddenly moved at high speed like a spinning top. Not only the speed is fast but also the movements are very r:;jK, from "Xiaolong, that is the name of this 3D dragon Z, but is it Shi Xiaolong or Bruce Lee? "

At this time, Long is still in the mood to complain about the nickname of the other party's 3D Dragon Z, "Are there so many people named Long these days, not only humans, but also Pokemon...--" During the period of complaining, 3D Dragon Z has already avoided the three punches of the farmer who asked for leave one by one. With the high-speed movement of 3D Dragon Z and at the same time taking into account the agility, the heavy punch of the leave king could not hit the target at all. 3D Dragon Z is really more flexible than loach.

Xiao Meiyan frowned, raised her hand and shouted coquettishly, "Xiaolong, electromagnetic gun!"

"Beer Man I' 3D Dragon Z's rapidly turning body stopped suddenly, and the wing-like feet and tail condensed a mass of flashing high-voltage electric energy bombs. 3D Dragon Z threw the electromagnetic gun and flew straight towards the leave king. bombardment came.

The dragon waved his hands violently and roared loudly: "Leave the king, let's play together with energy∥'Shut up and choke people'" The king asked for leave roared angrily, punching his chest with both hands, and then quickly condensed a blue light of energy-gathering energy The gas bomb was ejected with the sound and then collided with the electromagnetic gun, and the violent explosion quickly spread and swept away in mid-air.

The flames burst into lightning, and a tall body suddenly clashed out of the smoke. The leave king waved a powerful tan punch, and the 3D Dragon Z, who was unable to react in time, was thrown flying with his head.This powerful blow directly blasted 3D Dragon Z's entire body away, and then slammed into the protective wall outside the arena. The effect of this blow was remarkable, and the damage was [-]%!

"Oh duo, the heavy-armed hammer of the king of leave is really powerful. This big trick of the fighting type is very effective for ordinary Pokemon. Can 3D Dragon Z hold up the power of the king of leave? Shen made a great move, or was he defeated just like that?"

"Is it a unique move of the fighting system?"

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