When Long said this, he raised his arms and shouted loudly, "Manula, do it again, the cat's hand∥'Manny'" Manula shouted angrily, waving her shining white arms while The figure of the iron-clawed lobster appeared behind him, and the afterimage of the iron-clawed lobster opened its pair of huge claws and together with Manuella, it shot a powerful black shock wave at the iron-clawed shellfish.

When Long saw this scene, he couldn't help but feel disappointed. This time, the cat's hand did not achieve his expected goal.If the evil fluctuates, Manula can use it by herself, so there is no need to rely on the power of the iron-clawed lobster to perform it. This is obviously taking off your pants and farting, so it is unnecessary!

Zhe Ye was inspired, "Tiejiabei, don't let go of this good opportunity this time, concentrate on gathering the blizzard ∥ 'Quackman'" Tiejiabei's mouth condensed a cloud of blue frozen light, in Manula's The energy accumulated for a long time was launched at one stroke when the attack was about to come. The powerful blizzard trick overwhelmed the evil fluctuations in one fell swoop, and submerged Manula in a burst of blue poles along the way. in the beam.

Manuella's body was instantly frozen into a large ice cube, and then fell from the air and hit the ice surface.The black-clothed referee raised the flag in his hand and announced loudly: "Manula loses the ability to fight, Iron Armored Bei wins!"

"Manula fell and was defeated by Blizzard, which is also an ice-type ultimate move. However, Manula had already shown us his efforts to defeat Tetsuya's two Pokemons before. The dragon player finally lost his true self This game, the next one, should be the first Pokemon defeated since the start of this year's Fangyuan League Conference. Here I have to add an additional sentence, before Manula, no dragon player has ever been defeated spirit!"

Hearing the commentator's words, the audience was in an uproar, and the 10-person stands sounded like gasps.What the commentator said was really shocking. Most of them didn’t know until now that this Manula was the first one that was defeated by the trainer from Zhenxin Town since the start of the competition. Pokemon, this is too powerful!

"Come back, Manula, you've overachieved and you've done a really good job."

The dragon held Manula's elf ball and murmured to himself: "Originally, it was hoped that the cat's hand could use the power of the great god to wipe out that stubborn armored shellfish in one fell swoop, but now it seems that all hopes are pinned on this one." The idea of ​​random events is really not advisable."

Looking at the armored shells on the field, Long took out a Poké Ball from his body and threw it out forcefully, "I will use you to finish the first half of the game, big brother, please∥"嗤见人""red light bullet" Open, the flame monkey bowed and stood on the ice, its expressionless face looked a little dull.

"Dragon player took out his third Pokemon that appeared on the stage. In fact, we already knew that this Pokemon was defeated when Manuella used the cat's hand to defeat Meka Yangma with the power of the flame monkey. It exists. Now that the deity is personally in battle, what kind of performance will it show?"

Brother Monkey 396, Zhe, the winning guarantee, looked at the flame monkey on the field solemnly. He was not complacent at all because the dragon sent a flame-type Pokemon.Although the expression on the elder brother's face seemed to be that he hadn't woken up, he always felt that something was wrong.The flame monkey is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface, but the whole thing is more murderous and restrained!

In order to verify the idea in his heart, Tetsuya decided to launch a tentative attack first, waving his hands and shouting loudly: "Iron Armor Shell, bubble light∥'Quack Man'" Iron Armor Shell opened its two hard shells, and then shot a series of waves at the flame monkey Blue flat bubble rays.

The dragon folded his arms around his chest, and did not respond to the attack launched by the other side, while the flaming monkey also seemed to be powerless or hanging his arms, standing in the same place blankly, even the expression on his face did not change at all. .After a while, the flame monkey's entire body was swallowed by a series of rapidly lasing bubbles of light, and a burst of white evaporating water vapor rose up.

The expression on Zheye's face was startled, and he said incredulously, "How could this be, is this flame monkey too lazy to move?"

Seeing the calm and calm expression of the opposite dragon, Zhe Ye, who succeeded in the first blow, became more and more worried, and always had a feeling of unreliability lingering in his heart.However, just as he was thinking this way, Long Gao raised his arm and shouted in a deep voice: "Sonic Fist!"

There was a bang, and a burst of raging flames suddenly burst into flames in the arena. The handsome man who was surrounded by flames slowly raised his head, and his eyes suddenly shot out a bright light.Zhe Ye felt palpitated by the fierce aura that the flame monkey erupted at this moment, and he turned his head and said loudly to Tiejiabei: "No, hurry up and use the iron wall..." Zhe Ye hadn't finished speaking, and the field There was already a muffled thud, and when I turned my head to look again, the place where the armored shell had been was now occupied by the flame monkey.And Iron Armored Shell's entire body had already flown out of the arena, its body thicker than a diamond smashing open several fine cracks in the parapet outside the arena.Just now, the armored shell didn't even listen to the trainer's words. In this situation, there was no time to use some unique skills.

Before Tetsuya and the audience could react for a while, the flame monkey suddenly puffed up its chest and roared violently, and then ejected a stream of hot flames from its mouth and bombarded the armored shells outside the playing field, raging flames Immediately, that area was buried and turned into a sea of ​​flames.

"Iron Armor!"

Contestant Tetsuya screamed, and hurriedly went to look at his pokemon, but the thick hard shell of the armored shell had already been burned red.When the fire weakened and the armor shell opened its thick shell, which was harder than diamonds, the whole body lay flat on the ground, with its tongue sticking out, and it was almost baked into Wangwang senbei.

The black-clothed referee waved the flag in his hand and said loudly: "Iron Armor Beetle lost the ability to fight, and Flame Monkey won. Because Tetsuya had three Pokemon who lost the ability to fight, the game entered the intermission. Both players left the field and continued after 10 minutes. Battle for the second half!"

"Ah, it was too unexpected and too fast. It took less than 2 minutes for the flaming monkey to defeat the armored shell shell with strong defensive power. You must know that this armored shell was facing Manula's attack before. During a fierce attack, he also showed calmness and calmness... How can I describe the current situation? I can only say that the dragon player's flame monkey is really too powerful. It is also extremely powerful!"

The audience in the stands who finally reacted gave out a burst of cheers, and Tou Zijiang stood up from his seat with a whoosh and shouted loudly: "It's too powerful, it is indeed the Pokemon I dream of subduing, it is It should be like this. Senior brother, you are amazing!"

"Sweat! If the popcorn was just for this girl to turn her grief and anger into food, but now she is completely revived with full blood...--" Xiaoxue said with a little shame: "If I knew this, I should have let the dragon Take out the flame monkey earlier, rather than food, it is the flame-type Pokemon that makes Touzi burn more easily."

Regarding Xiaoxue's words, both reporter Pan Qian and classmate Xiaoyao all agree, but Miss Sakurai has a dull and boring feeling, no matter how fierce the competition or battle is for this lady. nothing special.Alas, this house girl can stay in her room and watch movies all day long, but the fiery atmosphere of the league conference does not arouse her interest. Among Long's companions, only this young lady looks the most unusual .

During the intermission, the playing field was replaced by a flat field from the frozen water field.Players Long and Tetsuya returned to the field again, and changed the starting order in the second half. This time, when changing dragons, they took out their Pokemon first.The elf ball bounced off in mid-air, and after the red light flashed, the flame monkey supported the ground with one fist and made another strong appearance!

Contestant Tetsuya looked at Long's flaming monkey and frowned slightly, then threw out a poke ball Dalu and shouted: "The opponent is a very powerful enemy, so I'm counting on you, Alloy Cross∥'Retters' 'The steel crab waved its four thick steel claws and hit the ground heavily, its pair of beady eyeballs rolled and stared at the flame monkey.

"Dragon and Tetsuya finally ushered in the second half of the battle after the half-time break. The dragon came out at the last moment of the first half, but it didn't take long to sweep the armored shells with strong defenses. The flame monkey at the end of the half. Tetsuya took out his fourth Pokemon, an alloy cross with a super brain!"

On the playing field, Long looked at the huge steel crab standing in the opposite half and murmured: "How do you think this big guy who stands at the top of the food chain in the Fangyuan area with the storm salamander is more suitable to be cultivated as an ace and main force. Although Cowboy Miaomiao is indeed very cold and handsome, but this is not a gorgeous contest, handsome and cold can not get bonus points in battle..."

While thinking this way, Long smiled and folded his arms and said, "You know the opponent is an alloy cross, but you still use the steel-type Pokemon without hesitation? It seems that you are very good at the strength of this steel crab." Be confident, since that's the case, let's use tentative moves to test the strength of this alloy cross."

Long He waved his hand violently and shouted loudly with a smile: "Brother, spray flames!"

"Aww!" The Flaming Monkey's eyes lit up, and it suddenly puffed up its chest and sprayed a stream of scorching flames towards the alloy cross.

Contestant Tetsuya waved his hands solemnly and shouted anxiously: "Alloy Cross, the mental interference will bounce back the opponent's trick∥'Riter'"The Alloy Cross roared, and burst out suddenly when the flame monkey's flame attack was about to come. A burst of powerful spiritual power. The speed of the originally aggressive flame trick was getting slower and slower, and finally stopped directly. This group of hot flames just floated and stopped in front of the alloy cross and could no longer move forward. .

"The Rhett people" the Alloy Cross roared suddenly, using powerful spiritual power to manipulate the flames to turn around and turn back immediately. The senior brother's eyes flickered suddenly, and he waved his hand to direct the flames bounced back by the Alloy Cross directly. It was taken apart.

"The strength and level of this alloy cross is quite strong. Not only can it use spiritual power to interfere with the flame attack of the big brother, but it can even counterattack back, although the counterattack is a bit weak..." Long laughed, and then clenched his fist Ning Sheng said: "But from now on, we have to show our real strength!"

Long turned his head abruptly to look at Alloy Cross and shouted loudly: "Brother, Sonic Fist!"

"Fireman" Flame Monkey turned his head abruptly, and his body quickly started to disappear in place in an instant. Alloy Cross wanted to freeze the figure of Flame Monkey with mental power. But facing the big brother, it was so fast that even the camera couldn't capture his figure. With such a high speed, the Alloy Cross is powerless at all.

"Wow, meet people" There was a series of sonic booms in the air, and the senior brother flew to the front of the alloy cross, and slammed his powerful fist on the head of the steel crab. Alloy cross let out a muffled groan , the four steel column claws firmly grasped the ground, and the body slid back five or six meters all the way.

"Okay... one is so strong!"

Tetsuya gritted his teeth and said in a condensed voice: "Not only does it show an unparalleled advantage in speed, this flame monkey is also unexpectedly strong in terms of strength!"

Tetsuya waved his hand violently and shouted loudly: "Alloy cross, use the comet punch...'Retter I' was punched back by the flame monkey. The heavy fist hit the elder brother head-on.

There was a bang, and a burst of dust was flying everywhere. The elder brother slid back several meters on the ground with one palm across his chest.Flame Monkey shook his aching hand, turned his head and looked at the alloy cross, as if he was a little surprised at the tyrannical force of the opponent's heavy punch just now.

"Oh duo, what happened just now, the flame monkey of the dragon player actually received the powerful comet fist of the alloy cross with a single palm. It is really too powerful, even if it is not particularly effective against the steel-type special move, but the flame just now The hand shown by the monkey is still extremely shocking!"

"Nani? Such a thing will happen again, this flame monkey is too strong!"

Tetsuya gritted his teeth and looked at the alloy cross and shouted loudly: "Since that's the case, then this time it will be replaced with the ultimate move of the super power department, Missing the head hammer!"

"The Rhetters" roared loudly from the alloy cross, and a burst of reddish-purple spiritual power flowed around its body. The huge steel body was suspended from the ground, and the steel crab rushed towards the flame monkey.

The dragon clenched his fists tightly, waved his hand violently and shouted loudly: "Elder brother, kick with explosive flame!"

"Aww!" The senior brother roared loudly, flew up and swung his powerful whip legs, and the flame monkey's explosive kick hit the steel body of the alloy cross. A group of hot flames exploded instantly, and the alloy cross gritted its teeth hard With the strong whip leg of the big brother, he wanted to use his strength again to fly the flame monkey out in one fell swoop.

But just as the Alloy Cross was about to act, the senior brother took a step ahead, his eyes suddenly shot, and a ball of white-blue flames burst out from his legs and feet again.The Flaming Monkey let out a roar, and the powerful whip leg exerted force again, like a gust of hurricane sweeping by, the heavy legs of the elder brother directly swept away the alloy cross, and the huge steel body hit the ground heavily.

"Rui oh... [-]" the Alloy Cross let out a roar, and its huge steel body was wrapped in a hot stream of flames, just like the additional burn damage added by the Explosive Flame Kick to the Alloy Cross.

Long Leng snorted, and then with a knowing smile on his face, he waved his hands and shouted loudly: "Brother, take advantage of the situation to pursue, the flames collide∥'Ao Miaoren'"The flame monkey raised its head and roared, pulling the flaming monkey on its head with its arms. With the burning flame crown, the senior brother's entire body was immediately wrapped in a hot stream of flames, and then the hot flames on his body instantly turned white and blue.

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