"The sun elves, moon elves, ice elves, and leaf elves are not named by you, do you?"

Sakura asked, then looked at the Ibrahimovic Elf Ball in her hand with a troubled face and said, "Originally Ibrahimovic was supposed to evolve into a water elf, but now I'm really looking forward to the ice elf and I don't know what to do."

Lan akimbo yelled, "Why didn't you tell such important information earlier?"

"You didn't ask me."

Long muttered and then said to Nazi, "Why don't we have an elf duel to prove it, and I'll borrow the sun elf temporarily."

The girls' eyes lit up, this is a good proposal.Xiaoxue quickly took out a notebook and said, "I want to write it down to see what skills the sun elves know."

Nazi was noncommittal, and Sundae said excitedly, "To verify whether this little guy is from the superpower department, the three-headed dragon from the evil department is the most suitable."

"Roar" The three-headed dragon is not only a quasi-sacred beast in the Yixiu area, but also a quasi-sacred dragon alongside the fast dragon, violent salamander and tyrannosaurus, and a king of the evil line alongside Bangira. The outer three-headed dragon and Bangira are undoubtedly the N01 in the evil series.The sundae took out the three-headed dragon to deal with the sun elves, which can be said to have completely blocked the superpowers of the sun elves.

If it was playing a game, the dragon would never use the sun elf to fight against such an opponent, but this is the world of elves, so everything is possible.With a move of the dragon's arm, "Sun Elf, this is your battle, go."

"Squint..." The sun elf jumped from Nazi's arms to the dragon's shoulder, and then confronted the three-headed dragon along the direction of the dragon's arm.

"It's really dear."

Sundae pouted, "I don't know whether this Ibrahimovic evolved because of its intimacy with you or with Nazi."

sweat!The dragon was speechless, recalling the skills of the Sun Elf Club, and then gave the command, "Sun Elf, high-speed star."

"The three-headed dragon meets with the wave of the dragon."

Sundae calmly ordered the counterattack tactics. In her opinion, the newly evolved Sun Elf would definitely not be the opponent of the three-headed dragon in terms of the strength of the ultimate power. This is the difference in level.You must know that the elf teaching materials clearly indicate that the level requirement of the three-headed dragon is the highest among all elves that can evolve, so there is a threshold between the two-headed dragon and the three-headed dragon.

Sure enough, the dragon wave of the three-headed dragon easily scattered the high-speed stars of the sun elf, "The sun elf used mental interference to reflect the attack back."

The sun elf didn't know how to turn back, so he had to steal Aju's move.

"Mi..." the gemstone on the head of the sun elf shone and managed to catch the wave of the dragon but couldn't reflect it back.It seems that this Ibrahimovic has just evolved and is not proficient in the use of power.

"Dragon Star Group."

Sundae saw the weakness of the Sun Elf at a glance and decided to use his ultimate move for a one-hit kill. Judging from the performance of the Sun Elf just now, he is absolutely unable to take on this dragon type except for the roar of the Dia sound card's exclusive kill time. The biggest killer move, of course, Long Xingqun is listed as the most lethal move of the dragon type in the textbook, and the reason goes without saying.

"The sun elf makes a wish."

The dragon gave the order the instant the three-headed dragon launched its attack.Dragon star meteorites one after another covered the sun elves. The range of the dragon star group cast by the three-headed dragon was wider and the attack surface was larger. "endure."

The dragon knew that the sun elf could not dodge the blow so he chose this move.

After a series of "bangs", the smoke dissipated. Although the sun elf was scarred, it still withstood the fatal blow of the three-headed dragon. "It is now, before the effect of the wish is applied, the sun elf is struggling with his death."

Long quickly shouted.

"Mi..." the sun elf was covered with a layer of bright red light before the sundae could react, and turned into a streamer of light to slam the three-headed dragon into the air. At this moment, the sun elf undoubtedly displayed the power of dying. The maximum power of the skill.Even if the three-headed dragon was attacked by such a powerful force, it was also a cry of grief.

"Three-headed dragon, don't worry about it."

Sundae hurriedly ran over to check the situation of the blue-headed dragon, and the three-headed dragon was indeed powerful, shaking its head, fluttering its wings and flying again.At this time, the effect of wishing happened to be applied to the sun elf, and the sun elf recovered part of his physical strength.

"Okay, that's it for now."

Sirona stood up.

"Sister, I'm going to win soon, why do you stop?"

Sundae was dissatisfied, even if the sun elf regained some of her physical strength, she would have a great chance of winning if the super power elf was completely sealed by the evil type. The spirit of power will not be her match.I just suffered a big loss because I was not familiar with the unique skills of the sun elves, which allowed the dragon to attack successfully, but it is not that simple to continue fighting.

Long shrugged, Sun Elf is different from Hu Di, his unique moves are mainly based on superpowers and then some auxiliary common-type special moves, while Hu Di's unique moves are more varied.So it is more difficult to fight with the sun elf and the three-headed dragon. What's more, this sun elf has just evolved, so the dragon himself feels that he is not optimistic about this game. Now that Sirona stands up, the game is considered a draw, that is Nothing could be better.

Regardless of the complaining sundae, Sirona has already begun to help the sun elves heal, and the dragon star group hit the sun elves hard just now.Na Zi's eyes stared straight at the dragon's heart, and he shouted helplessly, "Eldest sister, I can't help it. Although the sun elves have super powers, they can't move instantly, and I don't have you. With such a great ability, this is also a helpless choice."

Maybe Nazi's mind-reading technique read the bitterness in Long's heart and didn't continue to pursue Long and Sirona checked the Sun Elf's injuries together, and Xiaoxue here had already sorted out the notes.

Chapter 041: Wild Elf Field Hunting Area

On the second day, Xiaoxue compiled the words of the dragon into a paper about the seven evolutionary forms of Eevee, and published it in a famous magazine about elf breeding, and attached a photo of the sun elf, which immediately aroused great controversy in the academic and elf circles. earthquake.Dr. Oki called Long immediately because Xiaoxue claimed in the paper that she was just a witness, and this major discovery came from Long from Zhenxin Town.So Long immediately received a call from Dr. Damu Shihou, and he didn't even notify him of this important discovery in advance.

However, many scholars still questioned the authenticity of this discovery.But just a few days later, the evil king of the Chengdu area accepted a TV interview and claimed that she successfully used the method in the paper to evolve an Eevee into a moon elf, and then people from various Sinnoh regions brought leaf elves and ice elves to the interview.Immediately afterwards, Dr. Oki affirmed the authority of the thesis, and now the elf world has completely exploded.

Long is well-known in the academic world and has shown his face a lot. If it weren't for the reporter not knowing where Long is traveling now, otherwise his face must be full of microphones.Because some good people brought out the old news of the jellyfish riot that happened in Lampuru City, Ryu, as the savior (you got paid afterwards), commanded the spirit in the creation, the incarnation of the northern wind, Suicune, to resolve it. this huge crisis.The combination of these two news suddenly increased the popularity of the dragon, and for a while, it was in the limelight, and even people outside the elf world had heard a little about the dragon.

Long really didn't expect that he, who was penniless in his previous life, would be so famous now. In the past two days, newspapers and TV news have been overwhelming with reports on Ibrahimovic's seven evolutionary forms and news about him. fight.

Finally, after day and night research in the academic circles, the data of the sun elves, moon elves, ice elves, and leaf elves were compiled into the elf illustrations and various research books, and the newly discovered evolutionary forms of Eevee were given by dragons Named in recognition of Long's outstanding contribution this time.Long almost died of depression when he saw this report. This name has nothing to do with him, it was named by Nintendo.If I knew it earlier, it would be a dragon elf, so it would be a bit commemorative, but the name is too inappropriate, and people won't use it, unless Ibrahimovic has an eighth evolutionary form, and this time it evolves into a dragon.

Long has been very proud these days, the praise on TV and newspapers made him feel that he has more face in front of a few women.Of course, among these women, only Xiaoxue is a newcomer, who doesn't understand this guy's nature and admires him very much. The other women have been together for a long time, of course they know the nature of this animal, so they ignore him indirectly.

But this morning, the sundae directly poured a basin of cold water to wipe out the good mood of the dragon these days.

Since Dalong took the job at the Spirit Academy and agreed to travel with Sundae, he was completely blackmailed.Long found that he was even more miserable than in his previous life. In his previous life, he was an otaku who ate the old people. Now he is in debt every day.

There are a total of seven people in the dragon group and the elves spend a lot of money every day. Even if they spend a lot of time on picnics and camping during the trip, the raw materials for medicine and ingredients and a group of elves’ food are all paid by the dragon, and every time they arrive at a larger one The city needs to replenish energy cubes, this is Kanto, and the energy cubes here are all transported from the Yoshien area, but Kanto is in great demand, so the price of these energy cubes is quite expensive.Moreover, after arriving in a big city, Sundai always stays in a five-star hotel every time, and the girls have to go shopping, which is almost an astronomical bill.The poor dragon has been working hard to capture all kinds of elves along the way, but he still can't make ends meet. He is burdened with a huge bill every day, and he doesn't have a dime in his pocket. He is the saddest family in this century.

This morning Sundae first handed Long a salary check paid by the Elf Academy this month. Of course, before Long could touch Sundae, he took out a bunch of receipts.Seeing that the numbers on it had increased again, Long cried out, "For whoever is working hard, be sweet for whom!"

"But today we can reach the Wild Elf Wilderness Hunting Area, well, the miniature dragons and hackrons there can be used."

Long stroked his chin and thought to himself, "That uncle is a little troublesome, but I think it's a waste of the fighting talents of Mini Dragon and Hack Dragon to stay there as wild elves. Let's try to kidnap them with Kuai Long..." "Hey, don't you have anything to say?"

Sundae looked at the thoughtful Long and rubbed his face. "The Quartz Conference is about to start. I'm just an elf and I don't even have the qualifications to participate."

The dragon kept sweating on his forehead and muttered inwardly, "As far as you are asking, everyone is not eligible for the competition, six dragons? Even if you try to grab them, you won't be able to grab them."

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