The poke ball fired a beam of red light to take back the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus, and the dragon slowly got up from the ground, "Is this a billions of shock waves, the power is just as terrifying!"

"Go to battle, Gyarados!"

The red and white poke ball bounced off abruptly, and what appeared this time was also an extremely huge figure.Gyarados glared wide-eyed, a pair of murderous eyes locked directly on Benjira, the huge mouth that could swallow an adult whole was wide open, and the four fangs that could penetrate the steel plate made people shudder at a glance a feeling of.

The intimidating characteristic of the "Roaring Gyarados" is activated, and the fierce and murderous eyes are fixed on the armored tyrannosaurus, which is constantly exerting pressure on it, especially this huge body that is several times larger than the ordinary tyrannosaurus Adding a deterrent force to it. The huge steel snake, the huge iron-clad tyrannosaurus and the huge tyrannosaurus are the three warriors specially summoned by the dragon for this Caiyou conference, but they did not expect to be in the alliance conference yet. When you show your skills, you are one step ahead and pinch each other with your companions.

Long Shensheng said: "The effects of fighting skills are not obvious, so what about the unique moves of the water system. Gyarados, water cannon ∥ 'Roaring'" Gyarados roared, raised its head high and directly blasted out a powerful shot The high-pressure water cannon trick, the thick water column and the huge water pressure oppressed Bangira out of breath. The sandstorm tyrant was pushed back by the tyrannosaur's water cannon trick all the way back more than ten meters, and his huge body leaned against his back It was barely stopped on a big tree.

The previous storm salamander, leave king, Lucario, the giant steel snake and the giant iron-clad storm bombarded him repeatedly, but Bangira all showed a fearless attitude.However, now it seems that the water cannon of the Gyarados is surprisingly effective. The dragon even saw the color of the flame armor on Bangira's body become dim. This is the first time such a thing has happened.

"Oh...--" Bangira roared, turning his head with some difficulty, and suddenly there was a loud roar, and the ground shook violently.A series of rumbling sounds came from the ground, and suddenly the strata beneath the sandstorm tyrant's feet rose sharply.It’s as if a rock mountain suddenly emerged from the ground and lifted Benjila’s body to a height of more than 20 meters. This is a trick that only a few ground-type and rock-type Pokemon can learn-rock climbing, but Benji The object that pull uses is itself.

"Bankui" The sandstorm tyrant standing on the rock suddenly raised his body height to the same position as the Gyarados. The flame armor was burning, and Bangira suddenly shook his head and opened his huge mouth A fiery column of flames was blasted towards the Gyarados, and it burned up again!

The dragon raised its arms high and shouted: "Gyarados, water cannon ∥ 'Roaring'" Gyarados did not show any weakness, and the huge huge mouth blasted out a thick high-pressure water column. Powerful water cannon trick Facing the scorching flaming pillar, a large cloud of water vapor and white mist instantly transpired in the midair. This time, the big trick confronted Gyarados and Bangira evenly.

"To deal with the fire-type skills, you still have to fight against the water-type ultimate move, but this is the second time Bangira has burned out. It's scary enough to fight with the fire-type ultimate move and the Gyarados water cannon of."

Long Ningsheng said: "Although it seems to be a draw, in fact, the power of the Gyarados' unique moves in this duel has fallen to the disadvantage."

Thinking of this, Long Yi suddenly waved his hands and shouted loudly: "Gyarados, the tail of the water∥'oh man'" Gyarados raised its head high and roared, its body more than 20 meters long was shot from the ground The tyrannosaurus roared loudly, its thick and long tail shone with a layer of dark blue light.

"Aww!" Sandstorm Tyrant's eyes shot out a ray of light, he raised his neck and let out a roar, and a mass of destructive energy rays quickly condensed in his huge bloody mouth. But this time Bangira didn't have time to sacrifice His strongest ultimate move, a huge shadow above his head acts as a hood.

With a violent bang, the powerful water tail of the Gyarados slammed on the top of Bangira's head like a whip, and the huge force split the rocky mountain under the Sand Tyrant's feet into two sections.The rocks collapsed, and Bangira's body sank into a pile of rocks and soil. Then, a layer of torrent in the ground washed and slapped the collapsed rocks, and the water flooded the golden mountain. La whole submerged and swallowed in a mudslide.

The effect of this tail of water was somewhat beyond the dragon's expectation. A pair of fierce eyes of the tyrannosaur stared closely at the pile of boulders as high as a hill in front of him, and Benjira was buried under it.

A rock the size of a football rolled down from above the pile of stones, and a trickle flowed down through the crevices of the stones.All of a sudden, the rocks exploded in all directions, and the Gyarados roared, turned around and twitched its long and thick tail, smashing several giant rocks into pieces.

However, at this moment, a figure burning with raging flames crawled out from the mound after pushing aside the chaotic rocks.Bangira's destructive energy rays condensed for a long time shot out through the air, and the black destructive beam swept across the midair and hit the target.The diffuse and destructive death light scatters and lases spread rapidly, engulfing the huge body of the Gyarados, the flames burst out, and the smoke explodes.

Long's heart tightened, and he raised his head to stare straight. After a while, a huge figure fell straight down beside him.Gyarados, scarred and wide-eyed, wasn't the first Pokemon to be sentenced to death by Benjira's destructive death ray, and it definitely won't be the last.

"Unexpectedly, one day I would be wiped out by my own Pokemon, Storm Salamander, King of Leave, Lucario, Big Steel Snake, Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus, and Gyarados..." the dragon took out the poke ball and threw him The sixth member who was knocked down by Bangira took it back, looked up at the mighty sandstorm tyrant and said in a low voice: "Old man, now you are so strong that I feel stretched."

Luo Ke looked at the dragon without saying a word and talked to Bangira to himself. Although the million Bangira who inherited the power of the life bell is already strong to the level of a god, the beautiful maid is not at all. Thought the dragon would lose.Having seen the true strength of the dragon, she knew that this incredible and unpredictable man had not been driven to the point of desperation.

Long slowly took out a purple elf ball from his arms and said with a sigh: "It seems that I have been forced to this point, but no matter what, I will not give up. This is not only related to the life bell to me. The test, and more importantly, I will not let go of my partner."

"Please, Riken Empty Seat!"

The master ball shone with a burst of purple light, and only heard the extremely high-pitched dragon chant resounding through the sky, the sky dragon swam around and hovered over the small island.Roaring with anger, the cracked seat looked down at the sandstorm tyrant wearing a flame armor.

The dragon in the sky raised its neck and roared, its powerful power overwhelming the millions of Bangiras on the ground.Liekongzao is not angry but mighty, under the influence of its powerful characteristics, for a time there will be a storm in the sky, and the waves will roll on the sea... 353 Bangira's bones, the unfinished battle, Likongzao just sacrificed himself habitually It’s nothing more than the aura and characteristics of the Pokemon. How can they say that they are also the overlord of the sky in super ancient legends, so they have their own aura and ostentation as a matter of course, no matter how they have to be different from ordinary Pokemon, how can they show their own if they are not cool? special.

Looking at Bangira on the ground, the sky dragon pinched his mouth in disdain, his arrogant and arrogant expression obviously did not take his opponent seriously.For the Rift Seat, whether it is the million-evolved Bangira or the power to inherit the life bell, these are not seen by it.It was an unequal battle, not to mention anything else, even if Bangira inherited the power of the four life bells, so what.Unless the Phoenix King came in person, it would not be enough for Likongzao to take it seriously. The dragon-type Pokemon were inherently arrogant, let alone the legendary dragon.

On the ground, Bangira raised his head and stared straight at the invincible Rift Seat hovering in the sky, and the aura of the Sandstorm Tyrant covered in flame armor continued to rise.The bewitching eyes burst out with a sharp light, and Bangira roared to the sky, and a mass of destructive energy rays condensed in his huge mouth.With a loud roar, a powerful black light beam burst out and went directly towards the cracked seat hovering in the sky.

There was a bang, and the diffuse and destructive energy rays quickly spread in the air, and a powerful shock wave surged in the air like a stormy sea.The flames burst out, and Bangira's death penalty blow with all his strength was extremely amazing.

The clouds rolled and the clouds dispersed, and there was a burst of extremely high-pitched dragon roars from the smoke, and a violent whirlwind exploded.Likongzao turned his head, and suddenly, a pair of sharp and murderous eyes looked straight at Bangira on the ground.

"Roaring people" seems to be irritated by this guy who doesn't know the height of the sky and the earth. The dragon of the sky opened his mouth and blasted a powerful destructive death beam directly towards the ground. The golden energy beam shot Benji from top to bottom. Pulling the entire body to be swallowed and submerged, the diffusive energy spreads around in circles, and the powerful shock wave is like a hurricane hitting the environment.

Long covered his face with his hands and used his arms to block in front of him, but he was not so lucky this time, his whole body was swept away like a fallen leaf.After the dragon slammed into the tree trunk, its whole body was mercilessly swept away along with the big tree that was blown away. The sound of rumbling was endless, and a series of explosions blew towards the surroundings with the point where the destructive death light landed as the center. Spread layer by layer.

"Ahem... [-]" Long coughed again and again, the blow just now almost made him suffer from internal injuries, if he hadn't been strengthened by the blue orb, he would have vomited blood.Sure enough, when Lie Kongzuo made a move, it would be better to retreat to a safe place, otherwise the fire at the city gate would not only affect him, a fish in the pond.However, for Likongzuo, where is the real safe distance to retreat? No matter how you look at it, no place on this small island is so absolutely safe.

Liekongzuo was just a casual blow, but the power was truly earth-shattering.Looking at the place shrouded in dust and smoke, the dragon couldn't help but doubt whether his decision was correct. The sky dragon is only acting according to his own preferences, but he probably can't find it in his hand except for the 7-cracked empty seat. The second Pokemon that can rival Million Bangera.

The smoke around Bangira's body gradually dissipated, and Bangira's figure reappeared in the field of vision.The dragon's face was startled, because the flame armor on Million Benjira's body suddenly faded, and the sandstorm tyrant gasped heavily, as if he had been knocked back to his original shape suddenly.

Liekongzuo's face paled, and he looked at Bangira on the ground in a dazed manner. Apparently, the sky dragon didn't expect the sandstorm tyrant to be able to withstand his own ultimate destruction and death.In more fashionable terms, it seems very unscientific to split empty seats.

This is not the sky dragon boasting, if it is said that Bangira's destructive death light is known as the death blow, it is undoubtedly the most powerful among all the same Pokemon.Then, the destructive death light of Rikkakuza is above all the legendary Pokemon, and the power of the ultimate destructive death light of Rikkakuza not only surpasses the other five of the six great dragons, whether it is Lugia or Phoenix King, In this move alone, no one can challenge Likongzuo.

The sky dragon flew down, looked down at Bangira proudly, and roared suddenly, and Liekongzuo let out a very high-pitched dragon roar.As if to persuade Bangira to submit obediently, the sky dragon's attitude was extremely arrogant and arrogant.However, even Groudon and Haihuangya didn't dare to face the Rift Seat in its full state, so the sky dragon has full arrogance.

"Bangui people" Facing the coercion of the cracked seat, Bangira didn't have the slightest intention of giving in. The expression on his face twitched, and the sandstorm tyrant suddenly knelt on one knee. Although he withstood the ultimate destruction of the cracked seat Death light, but Bangira is not having a good time. As I said before, this is an unequal battle. The power of the sky dragon is not something ordinary Pokemon can contend with!

"It's enough for the empty seat, Bangira has recovered, so both the foot test and the battle are over!"

The dragon hurriedly ran to Bangira's body to support it and asked anxiously: "It's okay, have you recovered yet?"

"Wow... [-]" Bangira grinned. Although the dragon kindly went to support it, the sand tyrant would not really put all his weight on him.Long didn't know if Bangira still remembered what happened just now, but now is not the time to care about these things, it is better to deal with the aftermath quickly, and if the fight continues, this small island will definitely be completely sunk in the ocean by the cracked seat.

The Cracked Seat seemed a little reconciled to not being able to convince Bangira under its power. What a joke, even Guradun and Haihuangya didn't dare to confront it so stubbornly.What is the origin of this thing, dare to pretend to be tough in front of it, doesn't this guy know that he can destroy it in a matter of minutes if he is upset!

Lie Kongzuo hovered in the sky, staring fiercely at Bangira below him, with powerful murderous aura surging, like huge waves oppressing the dragon and Bangira layer by layer.The blue dragon's murderous aura burst out in all directions, and the sky dragon's eyes flickered, completely locked on Bangira's figure and cut off the possibility of it escaping, this is the real deal.

"Cracked seat, I said that enough is enough, don't tell me you are not ready to give up, what exactly do you want?"

The dragon opened his arms to block Bangira's face and roared loudly: "If you are not going to give up on the first day, then you can come at me with any moves you have!"

Just how terrifying the murderous aura that erupted under Likongzuo, not to mention ordinary humans, even those as strong as Bangira would feel palpitations.There is almost no difference between being targeted by Likongzuo's murderous aura and being targeted by the god of death. The dragon only feels his scalp numb, and his limbs are trembling in disobedience to the command.This kind of fear came completely from the bottom of the zero. Long fought hard with all the courage and strength in his body to allow him to stand in front of Bangira with a fearless spirit like now.

"Ao Miaoren" Seeing the dragon standing in front of Bangira, the Dragon Crack seems dissatisfied with the dragon in the sky, and the dragon in the sky seems to be very anxious. The layers of blue dragon's breath on his body are lingering murderously, slowly from the condensed state. Dissipated. Lie Kongzuo roared, but the dragon was unmoved at all, and blocked in front of Bangira with a firm face, which made the sky dragon feel that he had nowhere to vent his strength.

Bangira gritted her teeth, watching what the dragon in front of her wanted to do, but not to mention that it has been severely injured by the dragon of the sky now, even in its heyday, it is absolutely impossible to break the sky. It can even be said that there is absolutely no chance for an opponent of Virgo.

"Roaring people"" Likongzuo let out a roar, and the high-pitched dragon chant resounded across the sky. If an ordinary human dared to disobey it like this, then the sky dragon would definitely kill him and Benjirag behind him mercilessly. On the spot, for the aloof Rikkongza, human beings looking down on the earth from the sky are just like ants. Looking at it from another perspective, would a normal person feel guilty if they accidentally trampled to death a few ants? Sky Dragon is not a "sweeping horror The monks and monks who hurt the lives of ants, this is the God of Killing who once slaughtered hundreds of dragon-type Pokemon without mercy.

In the end, Likongzuo turned into a purple ray of light unwillingly and was collected by the dragon into the master ball. Only for this human being who signed a contract with him would the sky dragon be a little helpless.

"Huh..." Long let out a long breath of relief, and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, the shirt on his back was soaked.In another environment and place, he would never dare to confront Lie Kongzuo like this, but this time it involved Ban Jikong, so Long Wanwan would not stay out of the matter.I have to say that the past few years in the world of Pokemon have changed Long's personality and mentality a lot. If he had faced the murderous Kazakhs before, he would definitely pee in terror.

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