On the other side, Xiaoyao, who saw the dragon taking out two Pokemon, was taken aback for a moment. She didn't know when the dragon subdued such a big lobster with giant pincers.Shui Xue and the others in the auditorium didn't know about the iron-clawed lobster, only Tou Zijiang vaguely guessed what was going on, but she was surprised that Long's wandering around yesterday brought back such a big guy.

"Hunting swallowtails, Xiangwei, please!"

After Xiaoyao calmed down, he finally showed his two debut elves. It seems that Touzi's information was very good yesterday, and Xiaoyao sent these two.

The numbers on the big screen began to jump, and the game officially started.Long stood with his hands behind his back, looked at Xiaoyao on the opposite side and said with a serious face: "Pokemon battle is a very serious matter, so I will never show mercy today, and I hope you can show all your strength Come and fight!"

The dragon waved its arm to attack first and shouted loudly: "Iron claw lobster, the target is hunting swallowtail, use foam light. Manuella, charge up to meet the enemy, and use the flash of lightning to close the distance with the tail cat!"

"The Gaja people" the iron-clawed lobster roared angrily, raised a pair of huge claws and aimed at the hunting swallowtail in mid-air, and directly fired a series of dense bubbles of light like a barrage. On the other side, Manula The start-up speed was astonishing, and he rushed towards Xiangweimaow along the zigzag route at lightning speed. The erratic and erratic footsteps made it impossible for Xiaoyao and Xiangweimaow to catch where Manula would come from. Attack in the direction.

I usually act as a spectator to watch how thrilling the battle between the dragon and the gym trainer is, but it is only when I face it that I feel the pressure.It wasn't from Manula or the ironclaw lobster, but the trainer standing tall across the way.The dragon's self-confidence from the bottom of his bones, as well as the aura tempered through countless battles, made Xiaoyao feel the most frightened.

Without time to think about it, Xiaoyao clenched his fists and shouted loudly: "Hunting swallowtails, quickly rise to avoid them. Xiangwei meow, use blizzard!"

In mid-air, the hunting swallowtail successfully evaded the attack of the iron-clawed lobster's ground artillery fire with its spiral upward flight track.Facing Manula, who was unable to track his whereabouts, Xiangweimao directly blew a violent whirlwind mixed with ice and snow from his mouth. The powerful blizzard took Xiangweimeow as the origin and covered a large area at a [-]-degree angle directly in front.

Facing Tail Meow's counterattack, Manula stopped her footsteps, and with a horizontal refraction of her body, she escaped directly from the blowing surface of the blizzard.The dragon ignored the small piece of score bar that he lost on the big screen, but waved his hand and continued to attack, "Iron claw lobster, use the fluctuation of the blizzard water towards the tail. Manuella, restrain the hunting swallowtail, freeze the wind! "

The two huge claws of the "Gaja people" iron-clawed lobster instantly condensed two blue energy balls and threw them towards the tail cat. With the powerful blizzard trick, these two energy balls are completely composed of water energy It quickly froze into two ice hockey pucks.

Classmate Xiaoyao and Xiangwei were startled. Obviously, they hadn't expected this situation. Two solid ice pucks directly smashed Xiangwei away like cannonballs.On the other side, in the face of the freezing wind blowing by Manuella, the hunting swallowtail can only use the silver wind to passively defend. Of course, there is no way to help Xiangweimaow if he doesn't care about it.

"It's really surprising. The iron-clawed lobster actually took advantage of Xiangwei's blizzard to turn the water fluctuations into two huge ice pucks. The points Xiaoyao lost this time made the advantage he maintained in the previous round disappear in an instant. saved."

Classmate Xiaoyao looked closely at the iron claw lobster and Manuella in the competition field and said in a condensed voice: "I can't go on anymore, just blindly counterattack will be slowly dragged into the rhythm of the dragon's attack. No, I have to take the initiative!"

Thinking of this, classmate Xiaoyao raised his arms and shouted loudly: "Hunting swallowtails, use Qingqing. Xiangwei, use cat's hands on Manula∥'Meowen'"Hunting swallowtails flap their gorgeous wings and release them from their bodies. An eye-catching beam of light rose straight into the sky. The clouds and mist dispersed, and the already dazzling sunlight suddenly became even more blazing.

Xiang Weimao waved one of his small arms shining with white light, and actually sprayed a hot jet flame towards Manula, which was clearly a unique move of the strong chicken.The scorching sun was here, so the power of Xiangwei Meow's fire trick was greatly improved.And this time Xiaoyao's opponent is also very accurate, such a random touch can make her hit.

The dragon chuckled, and shouted loudly with a wave of his arm: "Iron claw lobster, go up and use a crab fist. Manuella, follow up and use a test knife∥'Garagagagagaga..." The iron claw lobster waved and shone blue The huge claws of the light rushed into the flames sprayed towards the tail cat, and pushed forward at a very fast speed while screaming continuously.

"It's really amazing. The iron-clawed lobster is really powerful. While using its own attributes to weaken Xiangwei Meow's flame attack, it swings a powerful crab fist to give the opponent a strong sense of oppression. Now Xiangwei Meow's The situation has become precarious!"

Xiaoyao was once again shocked by the dragon's unexpected attack method, looked up at the sky and shouted loudly: "Hunting Swallowtail, hurry up and help Xiangwei, the sun is burning ∥'Mimeiren'"Hunting Swallowtail is flapping A pair of gorgeous wings, using the scorching sun above the head to complete the accumulation of energy in an instant, a blazing white light beam bombarded down from mid-air.

Long Yan Yiling shouted, "Try the knife ∥ 'Mother'" Manuella, who had been rushing forward behind the iron-clawed lobster, suddenly jumped up and turned into a three-foot-long black blade in an instant Chopping draws a wonderful arc of blade in the air, splitting the flames of the sun and butterflies hunting.

"The Gaja people" Iron Claw Lobster finally broke through Xiangwei Meow's last line of defense all the way, and the powerful crab punched Xiangwei Meow heavily, but was avoided by this little guy by jumping. Just be Xiaoyao The classmate rejoiced that when Xiangni was lucky enough to escape, the iron claw lobster's other large tongs clamped Xiangwei's head and nailed the little guy to the ground.

Xiangwei Cat struggled with all its strength, but with its strength it was impossible to compare with the Iron Claw Lobster.The dragon on the playing field had a serious expression, raised his arms high and shouted coldly: "It's over, the scissors guillotine!"

"Xiangwei Meow was caught by the Iron Claw Lobster, and the giant pincers holding Xiangwei Meow tightly shone with a chilling light. My God, this is the Iron Claw Lobster's signature move—the scissors guillotine. There is no way to break free from this pair of giant pincers, and it seems that there is no way to escape. According to the rules of the luxury celebration knockout competition, if a contestant has a Pokemon that is knocked down, half of the points will be deducted according to the full score How should player Xiaoyao deal with the dead end he is currently facing, should he be caught with nothing or fight to the death?"

"Xiang Wei, quickly use the cat's hand!"

Xiaoyao, who was already in a mess, didn't know how to deal with it, so he had to give it a go in a hurry.This can't be blamed on her, there are only a handful of tricks that Xiangwei Meow can use, and currently there is no chance of survival for other skills except Cat's Hand.After Xiaoyao gave the order, he closed his eyes in fear and kept praying in his heart.

I don't know if Xiaoyao's piety moved the heavens. At the moment the iron claw lobster activated the scissors guillotine, a green protective shield was condensed on Xiangwei Meow's body.The iron-clawed lobster's giant pincers, which were destined to kill, were unable to close with great effort, and were even bounced off abruptly by the twisted protective cover.The iron claw lobster dragged its body and slid back several steps. A pair of small shrimp eyes looked at the little guy who escaped from its giant claws in disbelief.

The dragon stared wide-eyed, "Nani. What's the situation with this Nima? Which of Xiaoyao's Pokemon has learned the trick of protection? How come I don't know at all? Subaru, such a small probability event is impossible. To be bumped by her, what a joke, how lucky you are, just buy a lottery ticket!"

In fact, the people who were shocked were not only Long, but also the tens of thousands of people in the auditorium, as well as the judges and the emcee. Everyone here thought that Xiang Weimao could not survive the disaster.Even classmate Xiaoyao himself was still confused, "What happened to the protection just now?"

All the girls in the auditorium looked at each other, Xiaoxue turned to look at Sundae and Touzi and asked, "Do you know who did the protection trick just now?"

Reporter Pan Xi shook her head and said: "Xiang Weimao's cat hand is not powerful enough to show the afterimage of the teammate who launched the rescue trick, so I can't guess... [-]" "That... [-]" At this time, sitting in the audience Aunt Mitsuko next to the girl pointed to the little Kabimon lying in her arms and sleeping soundly with its mouth open, and said, "Say, could it be this child?"

In any case, it is an indisputable fact that Xiangwei Meow survived the catastrophe, and Xiaoyao, who miraculously survived by using the cat's hand, is also considered a successful defense, so the score bar of the dragon on the big screen is constantly decreasing.But obviously, Long didn't care about this at all. He didn't even look up to see the score and time on the big screen from the beginning to the end.

"I want to know if you can keep going so far."

Long raised his arms high and shouted loudly: "Manula, let Xiangweimiao see a real cat's hands!"

336 Cat's hand vs. cat's hand, the teammate's strength is the kingly way. Please leave the king. The classmate Xiaoyao was shocked when he saw this scene, and immediately greeted Xiang Weimaow to put on a defensive posture.

However, the leave king who was invited by the hand of Manula the cat to assist in the attack yawned, and then openly fell asleep on the ground.At the same time, Manuella also closed her eyes, and even followed the afterimage of the leave king, laying her body on the ground and falling asleep.

"Aiya, the cat hand of Manuella of the dragon player is using the sleep trick of the King of Leave. Sleep tricks are a bit out of place."

Hearing Miss Master's words, Long's face turned green. Although he was a little disappointed when he saw the figure of the leave king just now, he could barely accept it. The farmer's three fists could barely make do with it.Who would've thought that the cat's hand didn't use megaton punches and heavy-arm hammers to... sleep?God, what time is this? Didn't you deliberately send it to your door to be beaten up by others!

"How come Yandi, Suicune and Leihuang didn't win the lottery?"

The hatred in Long's heart is embarrassing now. Before letting Xiaoyao swear that he wanted Xiaoyao to see the real cat's hand, he was immediately slapped in the face.Manuella is not the king of asking for leave. She has thick skin and is not afraid of being beaten. Xiaoyao will definitely not let go of this good opportunity. If she really wants to let Xiangweimao and Sacred Hunting Butterfly take turns, then there is no need to wait for Manuella to wake up later. .

"Great opportunity, Xiangwei Meow uses cat's hands, and Hunting Swallowtail uses the sun and flames to attack Manula intensively!"

Sure enough, as Long expected, Xiaoyao didn't let go of this good opportunity, and immediately issued instructions to carry out a concentrated attack on Manula.

"Nanai people" shook his slender tail to the tail, and swung his gleaming white arm suddenly, it turned into a green blade more than a foot long while running towards Manuella Come over, this is the forest lizard's knife and leaf trick. On the other side, the hunting swallowtail waiting for an opportunity in mid-air also flaps a pair of gorgeous wings suddenly, blasting a dazzling white beam of light from the air towards Manuella. Come.

Longyan Yiling waved his hand and shouted loudly: "Iron claw lobster, use the protection of Manuella, the fluctuation of water∥'Gaja people'"The iron claw lobster shouted angrily, and the two big claws instantly condensed two huge blue energy The ball blasted out. The powerful wave of water blocked the sun and flames hunting swallowtails on Manula's head, and in an instant a huge water curtain enveloped Manula's head and stretched to the ground. But at this moment, a small figure pierced the water curtain with a jasper knife in hand and rushed in, and the knife blade's trick was to slash the iron claw lobster's head.

"Contestant Xiaoyao took advantage of Manula's sleeping time and concentrated firepower to launch a fierce onslaught. Obviously, the iron claw lobster was a bit stretched to deal with two attacks at the same time. Although he successfully blocked the sun and flames trick of hunting swallowtails, the face The iron claw lobster was hit head-on by the unique move of the tail-meowing knife leaf, which has a significant effect on the water-type Pokemon..."

Miss Si Zhi hadn't finished her sentence when the iron-clawed lobster who had been slashed by Xiang Weimao suddenly let out a loud roar.Instead of being hacked away as everyone imagined, he waved a powerful crab fist and smashed it hard on Xiangwei Meow's body.This incomparably vicious blow smashed Xiangwei Cat like a volleyball and sent it flying. Xiangwei Cat's body hit the ground heavily and rolled several times before it could barely stop.

"What's going on here? The iron-clawed lobster who was slashed head-on by the tail-meowing knife leaf's trick didn't suffer as much damage as everyone imagined. On the contrary, the iron-clawed lobster counterattacked extremely fiercely. Suffered from a fierce crab Xiangwei, who attacked with punches, has already fallen to the ground, could it be that he was directly KO?"

Long rubbed his chin and said with a chuckle: "If others don't know, why don't I still not know that Xiaoyao's Tail Meow feature is a normal skin, and all the tricks used by Pokemon with this feature will become normal attributes, so Under the influence of this characteristic, the knife leaf trick that should have significantly damaged the iron claw lobster has reduced its power. On the contrary, under the blessing of the iron claw lobster's adaptability characteristic, the crab punch just now hits the tail Meow's damage is the real effect!"

"Xiang Wei, are you okay, is it okay?"

Classmate Xiaoyao had a nervous expression on his face, while Xiang Weimao, who was covered in bruises, clenched his teeth. The little guy still had a bit of backbone, even though he was so injured, he still gritted his teeth and stood up.

Long folded his arms around his chest and glanced at the big screen. He lost more than one-third of his score, while Xiaoyao was already on the verge of the red line, and the remaining time on the court was less than 5 minutes.Long chuckled and said: "You have done a good job of being able to persist for such a long time, but what should I do next? Xiangwei is not hunting swallowtails, so it is not very easy to use Chaozhiyang to restore physical strength." Possibly. The hunting swallowtail was suppressed by the iron-clawed lobster and did not dare to fly down to fight, as long as you knock down your tail-tailed cat, then everything will be settled."

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