By the time Long rushed to the Pokemon Center, it was already dawn. As Long expected, there was only one computer left in the entire Pokemon Center. Miss Joy was using the computer to transmit the Pokemon.

Long didn't have the time to pay attention to Xiao Zhi, who was still a crow, dragging the burden on his back, Junsha, and hurriedly ran to Joey: "Miss Joey, my elf is seriously injured, please take care of it. Lend me the teleporter."

"Oh, good...--good."

Joey was startled by the dragon who suddenly appeared in front of him with Junsha hanging on his back and nodded subconsciously. "Okay, um, Bangira, Flaming Monkey and Big Rock Snake are all passed on to Dr. Big Wood."

After the computer operation was completed, Long hung up Dr. Damu again.

"Hi, Long, long time no see, so early."

Dr. Damu was still cooking instant noodles, "Uh, why do you have a puppet hanging on your back?"


Long Xianhan said, "By the way, Dr. Damu, has it been a long time since I left yesterday morning? That Dr. Damu, have you received the three Poké Balls I just sent? They are seriously injured, please help them treat them. "

"It's Bangira, the flaming monkey and the big rock snake."

Dr. Damu said, "Well, it is true that all three of them are not lightly injured. I have already asked my assistant to take them for treatment. I can't think of how your Bangira is so strong and so badly injured, as well as the flaming monkey and the giant Did you catch the big rock snake today? Well, these two are rare breeds that deserve to be studied, but why don't you put them in the Pokemon Center for treatment?"

"That Dr. Big Wood." Xiao Zhi suddenly flashed out and said to Dr. Big Wood, "We meet again, sorry, the Pokemon Center was destroyed by the attack of the bad guys Rocket."

Xiaozhi is very guilty, he can't say that it is Pikachu rather than Team Rocket, but he and Pikachu also directly protected the elf at the center of the elf from being taken away by the Rockets, which is a great achievement.

"Oh, Ash, are you and Pikachu all right?"

Dr. Oki asked, "Well, thanks to Pikachu."

Ash moved Pikachu out, and "Pika" Pikachu excitedly compared the V with his hands.

"Well, Xiaozhi, Long is a powerful elf trainer, you have to learn a lot from him,"

Dr. Damu said, "Dragon also asks you to give more pointers to this rookie trainer, as well as the Dragon Flame Monkey and the Big Rock Snake, will they be passed on to you immediately after treatment? I want to study them carefully."

"Sorry, Dr. Damu, now I only have three elves, and I will send them to you for research in the future."

Long apologized.

"What, Dr. Ogi, why don't you study my Pikachu, it's very powerful, and why should I ask this guy with a puppet on his back for advice, it's ridiculous."

Satoshi complained to Dr. Ogi in dissatisfaction.

"Who are you calling a puppet?"

Junsha was treated as a puppet twice in a row and finally broke out. Just now, Dr. Damu is gone. She is a senior whom everyone admires. She can only pretend that she didn't hear it. A shudder.


Ash was knocked directly to the ground and his eyes turned to the stars.

"Ah, that my ramen is ready, the dragon is like this, goodbye."

Dr. Ogi found that the situation was not right and hung up the phone immediately.

"Uh, are you resurrected?"

Long looked at Junsha and said in amazement.


Junsha directly put on a arrogant expression.


Seeing all this, Xiaoxia and Joey were speechless.

"Long, are you going with me?"

Ash packed everything and asked before leaving.

"No, my elf is still with Dr. Damu."

Long politely refused, he didn't want to be entangled with the Rockets' trio like that with Xiao Zhi, and it might destroy the plot.

"Well, it's a pity, otherwise I can fight you, I will definitely win you with Pikachu...Pika" Pikachu echoed Ash and cried.


Long Wuyu said, "Well, there will be opportunities in the future."

"Okay, I'll go first."

Shuizhi waved his hand to Bielong, "Hey, wait, my bicycle."

Xiaoxia quickly chased after him.

Long looked at Xiao Zhi and was speechless. This Xiao Zhi really had enough nerves. "Mr. Long, your spirit has recovered."

Miss Joy cried.

"Great, I can finally challenge the gymnasium, but how do I get to the Viridian city gymnasium?"

The dragon muttered.

"I know."

Junsha suddenly flashed out. "Uh, why are you still here? And I didn't ask you."

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