In an instant, Deoxys' body turned into a speed form and flew across the air, but the light arrow that broke through the wave of mental power was faster, following Deoxys' body turning and drawing a series of afterimages Then suddenly accelerate.Deoxyses' flying body stopped suddenly, and he looked down at his left chest. At some point, a hole the size of a fist was directly blasted open.

Deoxys' body changed into a normal form, and under Chaomeng's inconceivable gaze, the chest that was directly pierced by mental damage repaired itself and then completely recovered.Sure enough, it is the same as what I saw at the beginning, such an amazing regenerative ability, even if it is blasted into a bead by the ultimate destruction of the cracked empty seat, it only took four years to regenerate itself powerfully.

Chaomeng's eyes are astonished, this Pokemon from outer space seems to be more difficult to deal with than imagined, and the methods emerge in endlessly... When the protective cover of 222 city was broken, Chaomeng's raid on the empty seat tried to fight against Deoxys It can use communication to solve the current problem, but this outer space Pokemon has become a bit of a snake after being chased and killed by the sky dragon, and Chaomeng is not given a chance to communicate at all.Deoxys used his ability to switch between various forms to suppress Chaomeng for a while. At this time, Chaomeng should be able to appreciate how depressed it was when the cracked seat was fighting against Deoxys , this alien monkey is not ordinary smart.

Seeing Deoxys's pierced body completely repair Mewtwo's brows in the first time, he frowned deeply. The self-regeneration ability of this unknown universe and planet is really very powerful.Chaomeng turned his attention to the timer on Deoxys's chest. If there is no trick to check and balance it, then it can only attack its weakness, but if it really wants to hit Deoxys at all costs, it is not Chaomeng original wish.

And at this moment, Deoxys regained his strength, his body transformed into an attacking form, and when his arm rolled up, an electromagnetic cannon condensed and blasted towards Chaomeng.Chaomeng's eyes were fixed, and the powerful spiritual power blocked the whereabouts of the electromagnetic gun. Chaomeng's eyes suddenly opened, and Deoxys' electromagnetic gun spun rapidly in mid-air and then exploded.The Chaomeng mental power in the million form Y has become stronger than ever, so the mind can move with the thought, and the electromagnetic cannon can be detonated with just a look.

Almost at the same time, Deoxys and Chaomeng completed the transformation of the form at the same time, the speed form and the million form X.Deoxys and Chaomeng exploded at the same time, both at the same speed and so fast that they couldn't be seen.Chaomeng and Deoxys collided fiercely, and then suddenly, Chaomeng stretched out his arm and grabbed Deoxysis' neck tightly.

An invisible penetrating shock wave blasted out, ejecting Deoxys, who was in a defensive form, dozens of meters away.Chaomeng's eyes suddenly froze, one arm was raised high, and a sawtooth disc constructed of mental power rapidly rotated on Chaomeng's fingertips and became bigger and bigger.

"Spiritual cutting!"

Chaomeng shouted suddenly, and then opened his left and right hands at the same time, throwing the sawtooth disc like a cutting machine like lightning, and immediately there were four or five round cutting knives bombarding Deoxyses' protection. cover.The round blade that bounced off was like a full moon scimitar. Whether it was a tree or a street lamp, it would be cut directly without hindrance. The end is terrifying.

The Mewtwo of Million Form X completely released its powerful physical attack power, and its figure circled and rotated rapidly around Deoxys in mid-air, a circle with a radius of half a meter in one second.With Chaomeng's extreme speed flying, one after another shadow instantly formed a line. Chaomeng used this method to hide his real body among a group of shadow clones.

Deoxys stretched out his body and directly propped up the protective cover to charge towards Chaomeng. Chaomeng's figure flashed and flew in front of Deoxys, and a straight punch directly hit Dai with the protective cover. Ochisis smashed fiercely on the ground like a volleyball, and his figure flashed directly to the side of Deoxys the next moment.A burst of fists and flying feet chased Deoxys like rain, and Chaomeng launched a violent attack like a storm.Under Chaomeng's extremely powerful and high-frequency melee combat attack, Deoxysis' protective shield shattered.

At the end, Chaomeng sent Deoxyses flying a hundred meters away with a powerful straight punch capable of smashing rocks. Deoxyses, whose protective shield was breached, hit the flyover and hit the ground. Chaomeng's body Slowly fly into the air.Suddenly hearing a high-pitched dragon chant sounded above his head, Likongzao once again launched his ultimate destructive death light and bombarded the city protective cover heavily. The transparent protective cover trembled violently and a strong wind swept away violently.

Chaomeng looked up at the irritable sky dragon who was bounced off by the protective cover again and ignored it. Chaomeng put the empty seat aside and then flew towards Deoxys with lightning.Since the Pokemon in outer space didn't listen to the advice, Chaomeng had no choice but to use force to beat it to the ground. Some people won't understand unless they are taught a lesson.

On the other hand, Long and his entourage went to the opera house to rescue the hostages, but it went smoothly unexpectedly. Thanks to Chaomeng, Deoxys was not only restrained, but also because of the heavy damage to the main body, these clones were also powerless. Wei Ji.Long, Xiaozhuo, they and Troy went all the way to the huge spherical opera house on the coast, but the gate of the opera house was closed due to the city's power outage.Deoxys probably also took a fancy to the fact that the hostages were held here and could not escape, so he let the avatar hold the captives here one by one through the ventilation window on the opera house.

"What should I do now?"

Miss Yulong said: "This is a specially strengthened load-bearing door. The hostages are being held here. If the city is not powered back on, it may be very difficult to forcefully break in with only the power of Pokemon!"

Holding the master ball tightly in his hand, Long said with a smile: "We also encountered a very difficult bone when we were in the underground passage. The situation is similar now, but it is not Chaomeng who came to save the field this time. Go, Dark Rogia, devour the vacuum blaster!"

"Angren" Diablo Rogia suddenly waved its big black wings, its scarlet eyes shone with a strange glow, and a huge black hole on top of its head instantly condensed into shape, I am afraid that Rikakuza will have an incomparable impression of this move Profound. And Troy on the ground trembled under the mighty power of Dark Rogia. Apart from Deoxys, this young man was extremely afraid of Pokemon. If he knew the dragon, he should let him Chaomeng erased his horrible memory.

"Angren" Diablo Rogia roared suddenly, and the huge black hole slammed into the heavy gate of the opera house. The ultimate mystery of the evil department seemed to be extremely corrosive, and the black hole was spinning rapidly Then, a huge hole was cut directly in the opera house. The huge black hole continued to rotate and then shrink and shrink continuously until it disappeared completely.

The young man opened his mouth wide, his face was full of shock and disbelief. He probably didn't expect that Diablo Rogia possessed such a powerful force, and he could blast open the load-bearing door with just one move.The dragon and the ladies rushed into the opera house, and thousands of people were imprisoned here, sitting or lying down.

Because the whole city was cut off, the light inside was very dark, and Troy was looking for Miss Yuko while shouting loudly.And this large group of people was extremely excited when they saw the gate of the opera house being blasted open. The excitement caused a commotion, and everyone screamed and rushed to the outside first.

Long frowned, it's better not to cause a stampede if these guys are so messy, Long roared angrily: "Dark Rogia, let them be quiet!"

"Angren I'Dark Rogia suddenly let out a high-pitched roar, retracted his wings and landed directly in front of the opera house, the powerful coercion of the evil king and the fearful aura from the bottom of his heart suddenly distribute.

Bearing the brunt, the group of people who ran to the front and the Pokemon were immediately stunned when their legs softened. When they accidentally saw the pair of scarlet eyes, they felt as if they were going to be swallowed up. Ya frightened the commotion crowd and Pokemon in this class.

Long didn't have time to take care of this group of people, so he turned his head to look at Tou Zijiang and asked, "What time is it now, and how long will it be before dawn?"

"It's just five o'clock now, according to this season and time zone, it will be dawn in about an hour!"

It was reporter Pan Qian who answered Long, and quickly gave a time for preparation.

"Toy? Is it really you!"

At this moment, a woman ran over in surprise, and even withstood the mighty power of Diablo Rogia, ran over and hugged the boy into her arms.This is clearly the Miss Yuko that Long met during the day. Seeing her heartfelt excitement, as well as her surprised look and tone, Long couldn't help but secretly speculate that this young assistant lady seems to be similar to Lun. Dr. Da's relationship is very close, can't it be a teacher-student relationship?

Long had heard before that Toy's mother died of an accident when he was very young, and the love that Miss Yuko showed for this boy was beyond the scope of an assistant, just like his mother.From this incident, we can also see how selfless Miss Yuko is, completely disregarding her own safety!

"What the hell, it's none of my business for people to play with teachers and students. Now is not the time to gossip..." Long shook his head, then walked up to the two people who were hugging each other tightly and said in a concentrated voice, "Yuko Miss, we urgently need your help now, not only to help Toy's friends but more importantly to save this city!"

Seeing the serious expression on Long's face, Yuko nodded and said, "Thank you, Mr. Long, if there is anything I can do to help, I will do my best!"

Long nodded, and then looked at the darkness here and there were no less than thousands of people and said in a deep voice: "This is not a place to talk, we must first transfer the hostages to a safe place."

"Wow, meet people" Just as the dragon's voice fell, I suddenly heard an extremely high-pitched dragon's roar that resounded through the sky, and Miss Yulong ran out in a hurry. The dragon stands high above the city, and around the cracked seat are nine golden five-clawed golden dragons covering the entire city and blocking every area.

At the headquarters of the city security center, Miss Junsha, who hadn't closed her eyes all night long, and a group of police officers all raised their hearts to their throats after seeing this scene.A police officer said anxiously while analyzing the data: "Because of the continuous attack of the cracked seat for several hours, we adopted an emergency response plan to maintain the city's protective shield, but even so, the remaining power in the city is less than 20%, can you It is still unknown to withstand the next attack of Likongzao!"

Just after the officer finished speaking, the dragon in the sky above Larousse City suddenly let out a high-pitched dragon chant, as if blowing the horn to launch a general attack.In the sky, nine hundred-meter-long golden angry dragons roared and then circled and flew down together, bombarding the city's transparent protective cover with extremely powerful attacks.

The entire city's protective cover shook violently like a mountain shaking, like glass shattering, and the cracks on the entire city's protective cover rapidly expanded and formed a line.Finally, the absolute defense that Larus City was most proud of failed to sustain under the second wave of ultimate profound art attacks from the Rifting Seat, and the huge city shield shattered together with the nine golden dragons.

"Roaring people" Likongzao roared suddenly, his body flew and swooped down directly towards the ground, his mouth opened suddenly, and a condensed and destructive energy ray blasted out and slashed across the ground, causing a violent explosion This ~ the ultimate destructive death light directly separated Deoxys and Mewtwo who were still trembling together, and the powerful shock wave swept away and shattered the glass of the surrounding buildings. Although this destructive The power of the death light is equally powerful, but it is obviously much weaker than before. It seems that Li Kongzao knocked on the protective shield all night and consumed a lot of energy.

At the city security headquarters, a policeman looked at Miss Junsha and said anxiously: "The city's protective cover has been completely breached, and the protective device has also been seriously damaged!"

Ms. Junsha shook her head and sighed, "That's all we can do. Next, we'll see Dr. Lunda and Master Lilin. Now everyone pay close attention, and wait until the city's power system is restored after dawn and then go back to work." Do a good job of random countermeasures!"

On the other side, Miss Yulong hastily reported the news that the Cracked Seat had entered Larousse City. Long sighed in his heart. He didn't expect to be rushed in by that violent god just before dawn after holding on for so long.Looking at the large group of people in the Opera House, Long said, "This location is not safe. The Rift Seat is killing people all over the place. If the Opera House is destroyed in one fell swoop, the people here will suffer. For the time being, only Relying on Chaomeng to deal with, and here..." Long suddenly raised his head and said in a concentrated voice: "Dark Rogia, please, please, please transfer this group of people safely. We must activate another Deoxys as soon as possible. The regeneration plan, even if it is a life form in outer space, we can't let it go anyway!"

After leaving a large group of people and wild Pokemon here, Long hurried back to the laboratory with Miss Yuko and the girls.After receiving the instructions from the dragon, Diablo Rogia suddenly let out a high-pitched roar, flapped its huge wings, broke through the roof of the opera house and flew into the air.

The scarlet eyes suddenly flashed with a blue light, and Diablo Rogia's whole body was shrouded in a blue halo.Powerful spiritual power continuously surged in the midair and stirred round and round.The ground shook violently, and suddenly, the huge spherical opera house was slowly rising layer by layer.Dark Rogia suddenly flapped its wings and roared, and the powerful spiritual power really lifted the entire spherical opera house from the ground like an arm.

This scene was so shocking that Ms. Junsha of the City Security Headquarters and all the policemen were dumbfounded, and Ms. Yuko, who had never seen the divine power of Dark Rogia, was also shocked.The dragon was also a little ashamed when he saw the hand shown by Diablo Rogia. Could it be that powerful Pokemon with super powers like to do such a thing?

Diablo Rogia in Yuanzhu City pulled up the entire Bell Tower before, and Chaomeng in Beichenghua City also lifted a square from the ground, and now Diablo Rogia is doing the trick again.Just take those thousands of hostages away at once, there is no need to make such a big commotion!

The huge movement on the coast of Larus City obviously also attracted the attention of Rikuza. After seeing the figure of Diablo Rogia, the sky dragon was furious. Thanks to him, Rikuza now left a irreparable flaws.

Therefore, for Sky Dragon, his hatred for Dark Rogia is no less than that of Deoxys, so Rikakuza didn't even want to directly condense and blast an extremely powerful ultimate destructive death from thousands of meters away. light rays.

Chaomeng's figure exploded, with one arm condensing a layer of transparent protective shield in front of him, rushing to the trajectory of the cracked empty seat destroying the dead light.There was a bang, and the violent explosion spread to a rather large area in mid-air.The sky dragon roared suddenly, showing incomparable anger at the cracked seat that blocked its attack. Its long body suddenly rushed into the smoke, entangled Chaomeng's body in circles, and then quickly rolled towards the sky. .

The glass of the city building where Likongzao flew over was shattered, and the dragon in the sky was extremely fast. After swimming around, it swooped down rapidly, and with a sudden flick of its tail, it smashed Chaomeng heavily on the ground and directly blasted a huge pit.Before Likongzao could recover, Deoxysus suddenly transformed into an attacking form and directly condensed an electromagnetic cannon to smash the sky dragon into the air, and Likongzao's body rolled and flung tens of meters away on the ground. Far.

"Aomoren" Likongzao was furious, his body turned around suddenly, and then his tail swept across the ground, smashing a pile of rocks towards Deoxys. However, Chaomeng flew from the deep pit suddenly Standing up, the body stood in front of Deoxyses and smashed the boulders swept by Likongzao into gravel with a melee combat.

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