"Husband, does that mean you rescued all those challengers who were turned into dolls by Nazi?"

Nazi's mother was puzzled.

"That's the loophole Naz asked me to take advantage of to save them."

Nazi's father looked at Nazi and continued, "Although Nazi has become a little paranoid because of her obsession with cultivating superpowers, her heart is not bad. It's just that everyone is afraid of her, so she has no friends and is always lonely, so she puts people away." Just turn into a puppet and play with her."

"But in this way, people are even more afraid of her."

After listening to Long's basic introduction to Nazi last night, Sundae still felt very sympathetic towards Nazi.Nazi's father and mother looked at Nazi with loving eyes and said, "It's all our fault that she became what she is today, so we don't blame her for everything she did to us. Our biggest wish now is that she can change Back to the lively and lovely Nazi when I was a child."

"uncle and auntie,"

Long walked up to Nazi's father and said, "Leave Nazi to me in the future. I believe she will gradually become cheerful after getting in touch with the outside world and seeing more people. In fact, Nazi also has The innocent side."

Long couldn't help but think of Na Si, that pure and completely different personality from Na Zi.


Nazi's mother was a little puzzled, "What's going on?"

"Let me explain it to you,"

Lan said to Nazi's parents, "Long hopes that Nazi can be like a normal person and needs Nazi to get in touch with the outside world a lot, so he challenged Nazi again, but the bet for victory this time is not a gold badge. Instead, let Nazi travel with us so that she can get in touch with nature more and the accumulated influence on Nazi's character will have a good effect."


Nazi's parents burst into tears with excitement, "Are you really willing to take Nazi on a trip together?"

Long smiled and said, "Of course, I've won against Nazi now, so her travel promise turned you back, Auntie."

Long walked up to Nazi with a smile and stretched out his right hand, "From now on, Nazi is no longer alone, I am her first friend, please give me more advice in the future."

Nazi looked at Long coldly, "If you shake hands with me, you will become a puppet. Do you want more?"


Long retracted his outstretched right hand like lightning, but after seeing slight fluctuations in Nazi's icy expression, he grabbed Nazi's left hand and held it together without hesitation, "But to treat a true friend, no matter what he has I am willing to sincerely share all my hobbies with him, and it’s not like I haven’t experienced being turned into a puppet, so it’s okay to be turned into a puppet once in a while.”

Nazi stared blankly at Long's hands tightly clasped with her and that sunny smile on his face. The dark ice in his heart felt like it was about to be melted for the first time.Whether it was Nazi's parents, Lan and Sakura, or Sundae and Sirona, they were all warmly touched by Long Chun's words. Maybe he can really change Nazi. Unanimously, such an idea came up.

After bidding farewell to Nazi's parents, the group headed by Long joined the new member Nazi and continued to move forward towards the next target city, Rainbow City.However, Long and the others had just left the Gold City and came to the outskirts of the Gold City. Everyone stopped and looked at Na Zi helplessly.

"Well, I'm talking about Nazi." Long looked helplessly at Nazi who had been keeping a cold face from the beginning to the end, and said with a headache, "Can you relax a little bit, don't you feel tired with a stiff face all the time?"

"Nazie has just joined us and may be shy for a while, so she doesn't have much to say to all of us."

Lan was afraid that the dragon would provoke Nazi to turn him into a puppet. After all, Nazi's fierce reputation is still deeply sympathetic among the Dragon Party. It's a puppet, and even the Tyrannosaurus has a much smaller chance of winning against Nazi than against Nazi's Hudi.

In this world, the only ones who can surpass Nazi in terms of superpowers are Chaomeng and Mengmeng, the two divine beasts who are known for their superpowers.Nazi looked at Long with cold eyes, and his eyes turned cold, and Long's hairs immediately stood on end.

"Xia" roared from behind Long, Long and the others looked back and saw that it was a flying locust that Nazi had restrained with super power and kept struggling in the air. "This is? Flying Mantis?"

Long breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately Na Zi's target was not him.

"The color of this flying mantis is very special."

Sundae said, "The normal flying mantis color is emerald green and this one is just dark green."

"Oh, is it?"

Lan has a flying mantis, so after a closer look, it turns out that's the case.

"And this flying mantis looks much bigger than mine... According to my visual measurement, the height of that flying mantis is 1.8 meters."

Sundae smiled and said, "This is a very well-developed flying mantis."

"Humph" Nazi snorted coldly and stared, the flying mantis was ruthlessly thrown into the tree by super power.

"It's really amazing..." Long, Lan, Sakura, Sundae and even Sirona all looked at Nazi in surprise.

"Did you PK off that powerful-looking flying mantis like this?"

Sakura looked at the flying mantis struggling on the ground in disbelief. "good chance,"

Sundae flashed in front of Flying Mantis and threw the poke ball, "I will take over this Flying Mantis."

"Xia"] S Tian Mantis split the Poké Ball that Sundae ran over into two with a slash.

Seeing that Nazi stared at her and was about to activate her superpower, Long quickly waved his hands and said, "Natzi, don't bother you, the elves will use the elves to deal with it."

Nazi kept her cold expression of ten thousand years and turned around with a cold snort, ignoring the Flying Mantis. "If it's an elf fighting..."

Long Gang wanted to take out the elf ball but was pushed away by Sundae, "It's hard to meet such a favorite elf, so I want to subdue this flying mantis, go to the three-headed dragon."

"Roar" Facing the powerful power of the three-headed dragon, the flying mantis crossed his arms, his eyes flashed, and he rushed towards the three-headed dragon with a cross scissors at a very fast speed, and caught the three-headed dragon by surprise. "what?"

Sundae was surprised, "This flying mantis defeated by Nazi's superpower is very good. In this case, the three-headed dragon spews flames."

"Roar" The three-headed dragon has a very irritable character, and was hit by the cross scissors of the flying mantis restraining his attribute. It was very painful, and suddenly roared, and the three heads spurted out scorching flames at the same time.

"Xia"] S Tian Mantis crossed his arms and spun at a high speed in front of his chest, and used his powerful sword dance trick to instantly bounce off all the flames of the three-headed dragon. "Oh?"

Xialong also looked at this flying mantis with admiration, "This flying mantis is very powerful, sundae, you have to be careful, this flying mantis is not so easy to deal with."

"For the high-speed flying mantis, the three-headed dragon must seal the opponent's action teeth to create better opportunities."

Sirona pointed.

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