Long shook his head helplessly, then patted Xiaoyao on the shoulder, turned around and said to the girls: "Everyone has been busy all night, let's find a place to rest on the other side of the mountain, Xiao Zhuang doesn't need to make breakfast this morning , everyone just fill their stomachs with water and sandwiches, and I will invite everyone to have a big meal after arriving in Yinyu City!"

As soon as Xiaoyao heard the big meal, his eyes lit up, and the resentment in his heart dissipated a lot.A group of people reorganized their emotions and headed towards Yinyu City, but when they reached the top of the mountain, the sky suddenly changed.First, a few traces of rain dripped down, just when everyone was wondering, but the sky was suddenly covered with a layer of dark clouds, and then drifting heavy rain poured down.

This sudden change made the crowd a little unexpected, all the girls exclaimed, Long hurriedly greeted everyone and said: "Why did the sky change suddenly, anyway, everyone should find a place to shelter from the rain!"

A group of people were running on the mountain against the heavy rain and were about to find a place to shelter from the rain, but at this moment, the heavy rain drifting in the sky suddenly stopped.Before everyone had time to rejoice, snowflakes were falling on the top of their heads again, sticking to their arms one by one and melting immediately.

Reporter Pan Qian said in surprise: "What's going on, from sunny to rainy and now it's snowing again. Is the weather system here so messy?"

As soon as the words fell, suddenly the sky flew up, and directly hit the person's body with hailstones, causing pain.Tou Zijiang, who was lucky enough to escape the rain just now, couldn't help but curse, what the hell kind of weather is this!

"Oh shit!" Just as everyone was still complaining, suddenly a little thing that looked like a bubble but wrapped like a cone appeared in front of everyone. Xiaoxue said in surprise: "This is a floating bubble, And the one in front of me is still in the form of a snow cloud! "

Tou Zijiang took out the illustration book in doubt and said, "Floating Bubbles, what kind of Pokemon is this?"

"Floating Bubble, the weather Pokemon, when there is no obvious weather change, or when there is fog, sand blowing and cloudy, it will change into a normal type, at this time the attributes are normal. When it is sunny, it will change into a sun type When it is raining, it will change into rain type, and its attribute is water type. When it snows and hail, it will change into snow cloud type, then its attribute is ice type .”

"The shape of the floating bubble will change according to the weather. This little guy will use its characteristics to predict the weather. It can obtain the energy to change its shape from sunlight, rain clouds and snow clouds, and weather changes such as temperature and humidity. It seems to affect its cells, and its senses change with the weather. Recent research shows that its body is very similar to water molecules."

Looking at the information on the illustrated book, Tou Zijiang exclaimed, "It's the first time I've seen such a Pokemon that uses the weather to change its shape and even its attributes!"

"The Pokemon that can change its shape and attributes is not just the floating bubble. Rotom can change more and more interesting forms..."

Long turned around and said: "Now is not the time to talk so much, isn't this damn weather the trick of the floating bubble in front of me?"

"Ah...--" Xiaoyao rubbed his arm and said, "I hate snowstorms, it's freezing me to death, if the snowstorm weather is caused by this floating bubble, then quickly change back, I really do Enough is enough!"

"Floating bubbles, use Sunny!"

At this time, two men and women in white coats ran over, and after hearing this, the floating bubble suddenly shot a dazzling beam of light towards the sky.Like a signal flare, the dark clouds in the sky were pushed away layer by layer, the sun moved its face out from behind the clouds again and the snowstorm stopped for it.

The sky immediately returned to a clear color, and at this time, the body of the floating bubble that was originally like a cone shone with white light, and its shape changed because of it.The floating bubble, which was originally shaped like a cone, now looks like a sunflower floating in the air. This is what the illustration book says, and it has become a sun with a flame attribute.

Tou Zijiang looked at the new form of floating bubble in front of him in surprise, clapped his hands and said happily: "Sure enough, the floating bubble in the form of the sun is more handsome, and the Pokemon of the flame type is the most lovable."

Everyone knows this girl's character, so it's not surprising at all, but Long and the girls are looking at the two young men and women in white coats in front of them.

In 201 Weather Control Research Institute, the Water Fleet found that the floating bubble of "Oh, man" lightly landed on the shoulders of the man from years ago, and the young woman with wine-red hair and ponytail in front of her was lying on her shoulders. A Ditto. The two looked at Long and his party and said sorry: "I'm really sorry. We were conducting an experiment to control the weather here just now. It seems that I caused you trouble. I'm really sorry ! "

"An experiment to control the weather?"

Miss Yulong asked curiously: "Is it using this floating bubble to use tricks to control the weather such as praying for rain or hail and clearing the sky?"

The young woman explained aloud: "The weather is controlled by the latest weather control device developed by our research institute, and the floating bubbles and the Variety are used to assist us in our research and investigation."

"Then the rain and snow just now were all controlled by machines. Has the technology developed to this extent?"

Long Yi sighed and said: "It's really amazing!"

Classmate Xiaoyao looked at the limp pink little guy on the young woman's shoulder and asked curiously: "Is this Pokemon a Dittoman? It's really strange!"

"Dittomon, transformed into a Pokemon, the attribute is normal. It can change the composition of its own body cells and transform into other life forms. It has the ability to copy the opponent's cell composition in an instant and become exactly the same as the opponent. Although the transformation is perfect, if you are laughed at, you will lose your strength, and the transformation will melt, and you will turn into a stone when you sleep to prevent you from being attacked."

Classmate Xiaoyao said enthusiastically: "It is really a very interesting Pokemon that can transform into various life forms. It seems to be more fun than floating bubbles."

The young man introduced and said: "I'm really sorry, I'm Baru, the director of the weather research institute on this mountain, and the person next to me is researcher Millie. I'm really sorry for causing trouble to you, If you don’t dislike it, come to the research institute and take a rest.”

Xiaoxue tugged at the clothes on her body and said: "Firstly, I was drenched by the rain and then frozen by the ice and snow. My whole body is condensed and a bit hard. We really need to find a place to change."

Since the director of the research institute named Balu kindly invites everyone, he is not hypocritical, and although Long can make do with a big man, he also has to think about the group of female companions who are traveling together, whether he can change into a clean Of course the clothes are fine.

Everyone followed Director Baru and Millie and turned to the weather research institute on the top of the mountain, while the young female researcher looked back at Li Lin from time to time and frowned, as if thinking about something.Of course, Millie's small actions couldn't be hidden from everyone. Director Baru looked at her and said, "Millie, it's very impolite for you to keep staring at her like this!"

"I'm sorry, boss!"

Millie looked apologetic, and the queen finally couldn't hold back her curiosity and looked at Li Lin and asked, "Excuse me, are you the well-known Four Heavenly Kings of the Chengdu Alliance, known as the sexy goddess Li Lin among the four golden flowers of the alliance?" Is it the king of heaven?"

Feelings This person has recognized Li Lin's identity, no wonder this Miss Millie has been staring at Li Lin.And Li Lin never intended to hide her identity, but confessed in a down-to-earth manner, "I am Li Lin, the Four Heavenly Kings, but I am neither the Four Golden Flowers nor the Sexy Goddess."

What I said is true. Although Kona, Lilin, Sirona, and Cattleya are known as the four golden flowers of the alliance and are particularly famous, these are all titles given to them by the public, just like the Kanto region. Known as the strongest four heavenly kings in the alliance, the Elf Alliance would not be so gossip and boring to do such a thing.However, although the four golden flowers of the alliance are unofficial titles, they are very loud. The popularity of these four people is the greatest among all the kings and masters. There is no way, beauties are always so popular.

"It's really Master Lilin, what an honor!"

Looking at Li Lin, the young director of the Baru Research Institute said excitedly: "I thought it was Master Li Lin's admirers who imitated your clothes, so I have never dared to imagine this aspect, but I didn't expect it to be me!"

Li Lin just smiled and nodded to the young director of the research institute, and this kind of boasting experience will become dull after too much experience.The Four Heavenly Kings are not idol stars, they are Pokemon masters, so they have to maintain their image at all times.Sure enough, the popularity of the four golden flowers of the alliance has no geographical restrictions. If it were Uncle Aju, I don’t know how many people would recognize him when he left the Kanto area.

Although Li Lin's performance was neither cold nor indifferent, Director Balu became more and more enthusiastic. On the contrary, Miss Millie, who had seen through Li Lin's identity, became reserved and a bit timid.Xiaoxue noticed the change in Miss Millie and couldn't help but think, "Few men can resist the charm of Lilin, no matter how bad her temper is, people can't help but fall into it;" Xiaoxue Looking at the dragon beside him, a burst of inexplicable emotions surged in his heart. This is a typical example, but the situation of these two people may be a little more complicated. They were captured by each other.As a woman, Li Lin's appearance and figure are indeed easy to make people feel ashamed. Sexy women are always so charming, and every gesture will make people fascinated.

Since breaking the relationship between Long and Lilin last time, Xiaoxue has slowly adapted from the initial embarrassment, although recently it seems that she has returned to her original appearance.But it's impossible to be indifferent and indifferent, that incident has already taken root in her heart, the shocking scene she saw that day, even if Xiaoxue wanted to drive it away, she couldn't do it .Although it seemed like an embarrassing incident that had little impact on Long and Lilin, it had a huge impact on Xiaoxue. Although she secretly buried it in her heart, this incident became a catalyst.

The research institute on the top of the mountain is not far away, and although the weather control device developed by Director Baru and the others has been successfully put into use, the control distance and range are limited.From a distance, everyone can see a huge bow-shaped antenna-like device. This radar-like machine is a device that can freely control the weather.

Outside the research institute, a thousand research institute personnel in white coats are busy with each other. It seems that they are recording the data of the weather changes just now.Director Balu introduces everyone like Long, of course, the object of everyone's attention is Lilin.The thousand researchers in the institute were inexplicably excited, seeing the goddess in their hearts suddenly, how could this not make them feel extremely excited.

Director Balu took care of the current situation of Long and the others, so he asked Millie to take everyone to the research institute to change clothes first, and he would also guide his subordinates here.Long Yishou nodded his head as a matter of course, if this guy followed, he would kick him with his big feet, he was afraid that this guy would be obsessed with Li Lin and the others changing clothes in his head.

The inside of this seemingly ordinary research institute is not simple at all. According to Millie, the large supercomputer here keeps the weather records related to the whole world, and there are also data about the changes in the world.To put it more vividly, the supercomputer here records the abnormal weather changes in the Pokemon world every moment, and the huge amount of data is unimaginable.

Millie led everyone to the lounge of the institute, where there were several changing rooms.One room per person, now Zilong doesn't have to avoid anything.And at this moment, a huge armed transport helicopter flew over from the sky suddenly, hovering over the research institute.Just when a thousand researchers in white coats were extremely puzzled, a few ropes were suddenly lowered from the huge transport helicopter, and a group of men and women in pirate costumes jumped directly from the helicopter along the ropes.

Director Baru looked at the person who came and asked and answered: "Who are you?"

"You don't need to know this!"

The first woman with cherry red hair snapped her fingers, and immediately 1000 people took out their machines to point at these researchers, and launched the iron rings that automatically locked one by one, sending out the 1000 people in the institute, as well as Baru's institute. Long tied together.This woman is indeed Quan Mei, the captain of the Special Operations Team of the Water Fleet. The members of the Water Fleet she led had a fierce fight with the Huoyan Team when they were in Yantu Mountain last time.

Quan Mei looked at the 1000 people in the institute with a smile and said, "Please stay together honestly, I don't want to hurt everyone!"

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