
The three excited women who were throwing themselves into the dragon's arms turned pale with fright.Na Zi, who was turning around to leave, was also taken aback, turned her head slightly and said coldly, "Aren't you afraid of becoming a puppet again? If you lose this time, will you let that woman come to rescue you?"

"I won't have the cheek to do such a shameful thing twice."

Long turned to Na Zi with a serious face and said, "If I lose this time, I am willing to be at your mercy forever."

"Ah, dragon!"

Lan, Sakura, and Sundae hurriedly pulled Long, "Long, it's too dangerous for you to do this."

Lan said. "Believe me."

Long said to the three women confidently, "I can do what Sirona can do, and I can learn from Sirona's combat experience just now."

"That's right,"

Sirona also came over, "How can a person who wants to become the world's number one trainer be afraid of challenges. Those who cannot challenge because of fear will definitely not be able to become a real elf master."

Long cast a thankful look at Sirona and received a blank stare again, so he turned around and continued to Nazi, "If I win this time, I don't want the gold badge. My request is that you can send your mother How about getting back to normal and traveling with us."


Now it's not just Lan, Sakura and Sundae, even Sirona and Nazi are taken aback. "what do you want to do?"

Nazi said coldly.

Lan, Sakura, and Sundae all looked at Long suspiciously. They all saw the horror of Nazi and didn't want to have too much contact with her, but they didn't expect Long to ask for another challenge. Even if they asked Nazi to be with them Traveling together, if you really travel with Nazi, you will still be twisted to death, absolutely not.

Only Sirona is relatively calm and knows that the dragon will not make an extremely fast request. Although she can't guess why the dragon did this, it must have his deep meaning.Long just whispered a sentence to the angry three girls, "Explain later."

Then she said to Nazi, "I don't have any special intentions, I just think you are a nice person, and it will be fun to travel with you."

Nazi turned around and stared at the dragon closely, but the dragon was always smiling. "Come tomorrow."

After a long time, Nazi left a word coldly, turned around and left, "Then you agree."

Long asked loudly to be sure.

"Let's talk when you win."

Na Zi left the final venue without saying a word, this time she didn't use superpowers. "it is good,"

Long held the scroll tightly, "Go back and organize your thoughts to see how to defeat her."

"I think, you'd better go back and explain your innocence honestly first."

Lan and Sakura grabbed one side of Long's ear and said angrily.Sundae didn't show any weakness. At present, she is much shorter than the dragon and can only grab the soft flesh around the dragon's waist and scold, "I always feel that my intentions are wrong, so I should do it honestly, so as not to suffer."

Long howling like this, under the surprised eyes of passers-by, was dragged back to the elf center by the three women to pick up Guisi who was recuperating here, and then went to Sundae and the luxury hotel where they rested yesterday, and then accepted the three interrogation sessions.

After being interrogated all night long, Long finally came to the Golden Gym again the next day with a pair of panda eyes and four girls.

"Nazie, this time I will defeat you with my most trusted companion,"

Facing Nazi, Long couldn't relax in the slightest and had to be very energetic, "Come on, Suicune."

"Aww" Suicune screamed up to the sky as soon as he appeared on the stage, the crystal on his forehead and two beautiful tails fluttered gracefully on both sides of his body like slender sashes.Suicune always looks like a noble monarch, mysterious, beautiful and noble.However, Na Zi always had an expression of no waves, took out the poke ball and released Hu Di.

"Shui Jun, stare..." Shui Jun let out a long roar, and immediately exuded the power of a beast like a real king, his eyes instantly became extremely sharp and stared at Hu Di.Hu Di was intimidated by Shui Jun's sharp gaze and powerful might, and couldn't help but retreat two steps.


Na Zi snorted coldly, "Hu Di, applaud."


This dragon was taken aback. "Don't fall into the trap of superpowers,"

Sirona said coldly to Long, "Even if Nazi can't establish telepathy with Hu Di, she can still use verbal orders to direct Hu Di's actions, but Hu Di, who is afraid of the state, can't use Nazi's superpowers. You can follow Nazi's orders to attack."

"Spiritual cutting."

Na Zi coldly gave Hu the order to attack.

"Shui Jun, keep avoiding."

Now the dragon can only give the order to dodge before the applause time is over. "Humph,"

Nazi looked at Suicune who kept dodging quickly and missed all of Hu Di's attacks, and said coldly, "Petrochemical skill (psychic power)"

"Aww..." Suicune couldn't use the protective cover that he was usually good at to defend against Hu Di's super power, but Hu Di lifted him into the air. "Shui Jun, even if you can't use the ultimate move, you are still a legendary elf. Use your divine power to break free from Hudi's superpower shackles."

cried the dragon.

"Cheat space."

"Hu Di" Hu Di once again created a mysterious space that is a headache to cover the playing field. "Shui Jun, the shadow clone."

"The defense is evenly divided."

"Oh..." Suicune's shadow clone technique was too late to perform, Hu Di took the lead in exchanging each other's defenses with two spoons, but Suicune immediately separated dozens of clone phantoms.

"Okay, now even in the deception space, as long as Suicune's real body is not hit."

Sundae clenched his fist.

"It's useless to use the same trick twice,"

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