"Qiaren" At this moment, a figure approached rapidly, so fast that student Xiaoyao could only see a series of afterimages. A jasper-colored light knife pierced the quiet night sky, and the powerful knife leaf directly smashed the opponent's body. The eagle split and flew out, extremely powerful. A light blue Pokemon appeared in front of a group of grass-type Pokemon. Xiaoyao opened his mouth wide in surprise. Other than that, the other places are astonishingly the same as the dragon's haughty lizard king with a tree branch in his mouth.

"The Lizard King, a Pokemon in the dense forest, has a grass-type attribute. It is said that the seeds on the back store a lot of nutrients that can make the trees full of vitality. The leaves are very sharp, and the leaves that grow on both arms are like blades, and even big trees can be cut down easily. Use agile movements to jump between branches, and pounce on the enemy's head or back, and you are very powerful in the rainforest. invincible."

Classmate Xiaoyao put away the illustrated book and stared blankly at the Pokémon with bad eyes. It is indeed a lizard king, but the light blue skin shows that this lizard king is different.Even if Bi Diao's body will become stiff after using the destructive death light, even so, being able to fly Bi Diao seven or eight meters away with a single blade still shows its great strength.

After the lizard king glanced at the stunned student Xiaoyao, his eyes turned to Bi Diao who got up from the ground again.Also aware of the powerful aura emanating from the lizard king, Bi Diao tried his best to flap his wings to fly up, but not far away, Bi Diao wailed and fell from mid-air, and the injured golden wing was powerless. Shrugging and dragging on the ground.Lizard King's eyes shot out a ray of light, and his arms were crossed in front of his chest, and two jasper light sabers popped out.

On the other side, after Li Lin made a strong statement about his identity, Long Yiyan was finally allowed to enter the forest known as a forbidden place.However, for the convenience of action, only the four most powerful groups of Long, Li Lin, Miss Yulong and Tou Zijiang entered here, while Xiaoxue and Pan Xi were waiting with a group of people headed by the village chief. Outside... a 167 wonderful frog flower, a fierce duel, everything is exactly as the village chief said, the four of Long and his party were besieged by a large group of grass-type Pokemon before they entered this forest.The storm salamander roared and shot out a stream of hot flames, forcing a passage, and Long looked at Li Lin, Miss Yulong and Tou Zijiang and said: "The four of us should start our operations separately, so that we can evacuate all of them." Grass is the attention of Pokemon, and at the same time it is convenient to find Xiaoyao."

"Just do it!"

As soon as the dragon's words were finished, Li Lin raised his hand and threw a poke ball. The cunning tengu agitated the two leaves and his arms instantly rolled a whirlwind, opening up a path among the hordes of grass-type Pokemon. Li Lin took the lead towards West killed the past.

"Hack Dragon (Fire Beast)!" Xiao Zhuang and Tou Zijiang also shot together, and they each took out a Pokemon to clear the way and rushed in two different directions.On the other hand, the dragon jumped directly onto the back of the storm salamander, and continued to leap forward at a low altitude under the jet of flames to clear the way.

"Fire Beast, Purgatory!"

Touzijiang, who was heading east, couldn't help frowning deeply at the grass-type Pokemon that could not be driven away. The fire beast roared and blasted two hot flame tornadoes from its mouth. A large sea of ​​flames, immediately photographed by the powerful power of the fiery beast, this group of grass-type Pokemon retreated one after another.

Although Touzijiang's flame-type Pokemon is the nemesis of this class of grass-type Pokemon, but her main purpose this time is to save Xiaoyao, not to destroy, so Touzijiang is very restrained, and the fire beast The main thing is to use the fire trick to force the opponent back without directly causing a forest fire.

"Bana people" Just as the grass-type Pokemon were being swept away by the powerful fire skills of the fire beast, a roar suddenly came from the depths of the forest. Only a rumbling sound came from the ground, and a The Pokemon with huge orange-yellow petals on its light green back crawled towards Touzijiang step by step. This is indeed a Frog Flower, and compared with the ordinary dark green Frog Flower, this one has a more obvious color Different from normal color.

"Wonderful Frog Flower, a seeded Pokemon, with attributes of grass and poison. The fragrance from the flower can calm down the Pokemon in battle and soothe its palpitations. Using the energy of the sun as nutrients, it will Absorb the sun's rays and convert them into energy in the body, and bloom huge flowers, so they will move in the direction of the sun. When the rain is over and the weather is sunny, the fragrance of the flowers on the back becomes more intense, and the Pokemon will be enchanted by the fragrance drawn together."

"Bana people" Miao Frog's eyes glared at the fiery beast, and then suddenly let out a burst of fury. Immediately, groups of grass-type Pokemon retreated as if instructed, leaving Miao Frog behind The fiery beasts confront each other.

"This is what the village chief said about the four great patron saints in the forest here. It's a rare species with a special color."

Tou Zijiang said to herself: "It's a pity, my sister only loves the flame-type Pokemon. Although this wonderful frog flower is rare, it is not my sister's dish."

"Bana people" Miao Frog Flower roared suddenly, looking at the Fiery Beast with resentful eyes, it was about to spew out fire. Suddenly, Miao Frog Flower shook the huge leaves on its body, and instantly threw two The leaf knife like a cutting machine cut two deep marks on the ground and rolled towards the fiery beast. This unique move of the Flying Leaf Knife is very powerful, and Touzi can't imagine being hit by such a unique move What are the consequences.

"Fire Beast, jet flames!"

With a wave of Touzi's arm, the Fiery Beast roared and shot out a stream of hot flames from its mouth, burning the two cutting-like Flying Leaf Knives thrown by Miao Frog Flower into ashes.

Miaowahua roared, and stretched out two thick vine whips from its body to tightly wrap and lock the Firestorm Beast's body. The power of the Firestorm Beast's body became stiff and unable to move.Miao Frog Flower suddenly twitched her long vine whip and rolled up the whole body of the Fire Storm Beast. Miao Frog Flower grabbed the Fire Storm Beast's body and smashed it heavily on the big tree.

"Come back Firestorm Beast, you have consumed too much energy before."

Tou Zijiang immediately took out the elf ball to take back the Firestorm Beast, took out another elf ball, looked at Miao Frog Flower with burning eyes and said in a condensed voice: "I will use this one to meet you, please, flame chicken!"

"Chawa" the flame chicken roared and leaped high, its long whip legs crossed and swept across, and instantly burst into a hot flame, which swayed away the vine whip that Miaowahua swung. The chicken stepped forward, and the incomparably domineering explosive kick hit Miao Frog Flower straight down. The two flying leaf swords thrown by Miao Frog Flower were directly swept away by the powerful explosive kick of the Flame Chicken. The Flame Chicken The powerful flame sweeping kick hit the huge petal on the back of Miaowahua.

"Bana people" Miaowahua roared in pain and moved two steps to the side, but faced the flame chicken at close range, Miaowahua did not miss this opportunity. Suddenly, a stick of pink halo shone out from her body. The powerful vine whip swept out, and the power of this powerful whipping trick was so strong that it was cut off together with the flame chicken and a thick tree thrown by one person.

"Flame Chicken!"

Tou Zijiang yelled out with concern, the strength of this Miao Frog Flower is indeed beyond expectations, the level and the power of the unique move are stronger than imagined.Flame Chicken supported his body with his arms and slowly got up from the ground. A burst of hot flames suddenly burned on his wrists, and his eyes full of unyielding fighting spirit stared straight at Miao Frog Flower.

"The Chawa" Flame Chicken suddenly got up from the ground to avoid the vine whip attack of Miao Frog Flower, and instantly got close to Miao Frog Flower's side, and another powerful vine whip came over, but this time It was directly grabbed by the flame chicken with its sharp claws burning with hot flames.

"Chawa people" the flame chicken roared suddenly, grabbed the powerful rattan whip with both arms, flew the whole body of Miaowahua and smashed it to the ground. The flame chicken then roared and flew from the ground Jumping up, the long flame whip leg drew out a circle of flames and swept sideways at Miao Frog Flower's side, the flames exploded, Miao Frog Flower let out a muffled snort, and her body was almost thrown off by the flame chicken's explosive kick. Turn it out, this move is very domineering.

"Bana people" Miao Frog Flower suddenly raised its forelegs and slammed it on the ground in a rage, and immediately, one after another, thick thorns as hard as iron broke through the ground and drilled out one after another from the ground. Wrapping one towards the flame chicken.

"This is the most powerful hardening plant in the grass system!"

Looking at the flame chicken, Tou Zijiang hurriedly shouted: "Jump up and avoid the ∥o Hawa people!" The flame chicken roared and leaped to a height of more than ten meters, and slammed its head towards the wonderful frog flower on the ground. A stream of scorching flames was shot out, but the dense thorns on the ground formed a fence to block all the flames sprayed by the flame chicken, and the herbs were not afraid of the flames!

The thick thorns grow very fast, a thorn directly grabs the flame chicken's legs and feet, and then pulls it off. Immediately, the growing thorns on the ground swarm up the flame chicken as if they have found a target. Devour and bury.

Miao Frog Flower's body became stiff after using the powerful hardening plant trick, Tou Zijiang put away the hat on his head and slightly hooked the corner of his mouth, "As expected of the four patron saints of the forbidden land, this strength is indeed powerful, but you But he used the wrong target. Flame chicken, Yongwu!"

"The Chawa" suddenly heard a roar of rage, and saw that the pile of thorns that buried the flame chicken shot out a series of hot flames. The flame chicken wrapped a hot flame and anger, like a rocket, shot out of the thorns As soon as it rushed out of the bushes, the blazing flames suddenly turned into a dark blue color, and the flame chicken swooped down and crashed head-on into Miao Frog Flower's body. The flying-type tricks were also effective for grass-type Pokemon. group.

Frog Flower wailed, and a burst of dust and smoke exploded on the ground, and Frog Flower's whole body flew and fell out.The flame chicken stood on one knee on the ground, enduring the backlash from the damage caused by the side effects of Yongwu's ultimate move, and this unusually beautiful Frog Flower was finally attacked by the flame chicken's explosive kick and Yongwu's ultimate move. Crashed to the ground.

It was as if a nest had been blown up, and a group of grass-type Pokemon behind Miaowahua gathered around and attacked the flame chicken in unison.Tou Zijiang took out a poke ball with one hand and threw it out. Hei Lujia and the coal tortoise sprayed two hot pillars of flames together. Carry out rescue.

On the top of the Forbidden Forest, Xiaoyao, who is waiting for rescue, is in a great crisis. She is surrounded by a group of grass-type Pokemon, led by a light blue and powerful lizard king.Bi Diao is already covered with scars, and the beautiful golden feathers are covered with a lot of dust. Before protecting classmate Xiaoyao, his wings were injured, so when facing the Lizard King, he was powerless and was attacked several times in a row Then finally fell helplessly.

The lizard king glanced straight at classmate Xiaoyao with a pair of sharp eyes, crossed his arms in front of his chest, and two three-foot-long jasper blades popped out from the outside of his arms.The Lizard King exploded and disappeared on the spot, and the powerful blade on his right arm slashed at Bi Diao. Xiaoyao screamed and closed his eyes in despair, as if accepting his fate.

However, at this critical moment, a figure waving wings like scissors rushed over quickly, and a pair of fangs quenched with poison and shining with a cross purple light forcibly resisted the slashing of the powerful blade of the Lizard King. .The lizard king was stunned, and flipped back and jumped lightly to the ground. Xiaoyao, who was in despair for a long time, found no movement and opened his eyes curiously. The fork-winged bat waved its scissor-like wings and flew away soundlessly. fell in front of her.

"Fork-winged bat!"

Classmate Xiaoyao shouted in surprise, feeling like being rescued, and the fork-winged bat glanced at Bi Diao, who was seriously injured and lying on the ground, and turned his gaze back to the light blue lizard king in front of him, but he also greeted caught the other's gaze.

Almost at the same time, the lizard king and the fork-winged bat pounced on the opponent at the same time, the lightning flashed against the lightning, and three small-scale fierce conflicts broke out between the two pets with one breath. The lizard king relied on his own strength to want to directly Overwhelm the opponent, while the fork-winged bat relies on its more flexible movements to deal with the lizard king.The two Pokemon separated at the same time, and the confrontation just now was comparable!

As soon as the Lizard King's footsteps touched the ground, he immediately bounced up again. Two jasper blades bounced off the outside of his arms and slashed straight at the fork-winged bat.The fork-winged bat did not choose to fight recklessly in the face of the Lizard King's powerful knife and leaf move. Its body flashed and drew dozens of afterimages in the dark night. The dazzled eyes make it difficult to tell which one is the real body, and the three fork-winged bats that the Lizard King smashed were all afterimages.

"Wow, meet people" At this moment, there was a high-pitched dragon chant sound in the night sky, the Lizard King suddenly raised his head, and a stream of hot flames shot down, the Lizard King rolled on the spot to avoid this Remember the unique skill of spraying flames. A blood-red figure flapped a pair of gorgeous wings and slowly landed on the ground, and a figure jumped off the back of the storm salamander.

Xiaoyao's face was overjoyed and he ran over and shouted: "Long, it's really great to see you!"

Seeing classmate Xiaoyao's happy expression for the rest of his life, Long finally heaved a sigh of relief, but his eyes turned to Bi Diao, but his eyes sank.Long turned his head and asked Xiaoyao aloud, "What's the matter, how did Bi Diao get such a serious injury?"

A look of guilt appeared on Xiaoyao's face, "Before, Bi Diao suffered several attacks from the armored crow to protect me, so his wings were injured, and then we were surrounded by grass-type Pokemon, and Bi Diao was protecting me again. That's why he was injured by the Lizard King..." After hearing Xiaoyao's words, the dragon first retracted the bidiao into the elf ball, and then turned to look at the Lizard King who was facing each other with the fork-winged bat and the storm salamander. The lizard king of the four guardian gods that the chief said, it is a rare species with a color variation."

"Squeaky Man" The fork-winged bat flew to the dragon's side quietly, as if saying something again, looking at the fork-winged bat, the dragon understood what it meant. He took out the elf ball and took the storm salamander back and then Said in a deep voice: "Just a pair-I" 168 The four patron saints come on stage one by one "Qiaren" The lizard king crossed his arms in front of his chest and then cut towards the fork-winged bat in a cross shape. It is the cross-cut scissors often used by insect-type Pokemon, but for the fork-winged bat, no matter whether the lizard king uses grass-type or insect-type unique moves, it is at a disadvantage in terms of attributes.

Facing the attack of the Lizard King, Long Yang raised his hand and chose to face off, "Cross Fang!"

The fork-winged bat flapped its scissor-like wings, and its poisonous cross fangs shining with purple light directly faced the lizard king's green halo cross scissors.The two little elves fought fiercely and were at a stalemate for a while. The poisonous unique move has an advantage in attributes, but the lizard king has to overwhelm the fork-winged bat in terms of strength.

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