Xiao Zhuang looked at the panting fiery beast and said, "Now Touzi's second pokemon has also triggered the fierce fire feature. Let's see if she can seize this good opportunity this time!"

"The power of the fire-breathing trick is positively correlated with physical strength."

Tou Zijiang stared at the leave king with his hands hanging on the ground, waved his hands and scolded coquettishly: "In this case, we will use this trick. Fire Beast, use the smoke-breathing trick!"

161 King Yanwu, Ace Duel Although the fire-breathing trick is an upgraded version of the smoke-breathing trick, and the attack range is unprecedentedly large, even the dragon star group can't match it.However, the smoke-breathing trick also has an advantage that the fire-breathing trick does not have. The Pokemon hit by the smoke-breathing trick will definitely fall into a burn state, and the power of the smoke-breathing trick will not be weakened with the decrease of physical strength.

A circle of bright red flames exploded from the fiery beast's body, and the leave king at close range could not avoid being hit by this smoke-breathing trick. The power of the smoke-breathing trick is still very impressive under the raging fire state.The leave king let out a muffled grunt and backed away again and again, with a large area of ​​obvious burn marks on his body.

Mr. Qianli frowned, looked at the leave king and shouted loudly: "Heavy arm hammer!"

"Shut up and choke people" Even though he was attacked by a smoke-breathing trick in a state of fierce fire, even though his body is now in a state of burns, the leave king leaped from the ground on the 1st and waved a big iron fist with a sandbag straight at him. The fiery beast smashed out. The fiery beast avoided it, but the ground was directly blasted into a huge deep pit by the powerful blow of the leave king.

"Destruction of Death Light!"

Mr. Qianli yelled angrily, and the leave king didn't stop. He opened his mouth and shot a golden ray of destructive energy at the fire beast.Although this destructive death light did not hit the Pyrobeast head-on, it caused a violent explosion to engulf the Pyrobeast.The shock wave rolled up by the violent explosion directly blasted the Pyrobeast into the air. The Pyrobeast, whose physical strength had already reached its limit, couldn't bear this attack at all, and fell out of the competition field and could no longer gain weight.

The banner in Kenji-kun's hand was erected high, "The fiery beast loses its ability to fight, and the leave king wins!"

"Fire Beast has also been defeated, now there is only one Touzi left..."

Classmate Xiaoyao covered his chest with his hands. Such a fierce battle made people feel suffocated and out of breath.

"Although both sides are the last elves now, the leave king also consumed a lot of physical strength in the two battles just now."

Long Ningsheng looked at the gasping leave king on the field and continued: "Besides, I was burned by the fire beast's smoke-breathing trick just now, not only will I suffer continuous damage, but more importantly, the Pokemon in the burned state will suffer greatly from physical attacks. degree of weakening."

"Hangqin... [-]" On the playing field, the leave king suddenly wailed, and a cluster of bright red flames shot out from his body, making him feel very uncomfortable.Although he can directly block the flame chicken's jet flame attack with his fan-like palm, it doesn't mean that he can completely ignore the damage caused by the flame.

"Fortunately for you, Pyrobeast, you really did a good job."

Touzijiang took back the Firestorm Beast and gently kissed the elf ball in his hand, "I'm counting on you for the last battle, Myfirstpartner!"''咕噗^" King Yanwu roared, his plump body stepped heavily on the ground , a "V" shaped flame beard blazing.

"Is the last one King Yanwu?"

Mr. Qianli looked at Touzi and said, "Like the leave king, this is the initial Pokemon you get as a Pokemon trainer. It should be a strategy that you have considered long ago to put it in the finale!"

After hearing Mr. Qianli's words, Tou Zijiang said very simply: "That's true. Mr. Zhiqiu Qianli's trump card, King of Leave, is very powerful, so I will keep King Yanwu until the end. King Yanwu is my fight against King of Leave. A source of confidence, as I said before, I must get the Libra badge!"

Touzijiang didn't take advantage of the excellent time when the leave king would freeze after using the destructive death light. For her, the leave king is not in the best state at all, so she wants to defeat it openly.And she believes in the strength of King Yanwu, and the strength of her companion who has been with her all this time, and she will never lose to King Asking for Leave!

"Kapu people" King Yanwu roared, a hot flame sprayed out from his nostrils, and then he rushed towards the king asking for leave with his fists waving. A pair of palm-like palms suddenly held King Yanwu's arms, asking for leave Wang did not show weakness and fought head-on with Yanwu King. Wang Wang asked for leave because he had consumed a lot of physical strength before, and now his body was in a state of burns, so the two Pokemons were evenly matched for a while.

Just when the two sides were at a stalemate, a bright red flame shot out from the body of the king who asked for leave suddenly, so the action was also paused.And this time gave King Yanwu a chance to exert his strength suddenly. The second senior brother let out a loud roar, then turned his body and put his back against the king who asked for leave, and exerted his strength suddenly.King Yanwu let out a roar, grabbed the leave king with both arms, and threw him vigorously over his shoulders.

Tou Zijiang took advantage of the situation and waved his hands coquettishly and scolded: "It is now, King Yanwu, trample on the 'kapu people' with high temperature ∥ The second senior brother roared and his body flew up, and a hot flame shot out from King Yanwu's hoof towards the king who asked for leave. He stomped heavily, and his momentum was very fierce. However, a faint red glow suddenly shrouded the body of the king who asked for leave, and the high-temperature trampling of King Yanwu was suddenly rebounded.

Long brow frowned and said in a solemn voice: "This is the ultimate move of the King of Leaving Leave, and Touzi is not as good as the King of Asking for Leave, but he also uses physical attacks!"

Mr. Qianli saw King Yanwu's attack was bounced off by King Yanwu's attack with the back boxing trick, and he immediately took advantage of the situation to attack, waved his arm and shouted: "King Leave, right now, use Lightning Fist With a loud roar, he swung a sandbag-sized iron fist that shone with golden light and threw it straight at King Yanwu, with an equally astonishing momentum.

Tou Zijiang did not choose to dodge, and waved his hand to instruct the second senior brother to meet the attack of the leave king directly, "King Yanwu, Flame Fist ∥ 'Kapuren'" King Yanwu roared, waving a heavy fist that was burning with hot flames and directly attacked Go to the king of leave. The blazing flames and the golden electric current exploded and caused an explosion. King Yanwu and king of leave were pushed away by the air wave generated by the explosion at the same time.

There was a cluster of bright red flames burning on the body of the leave king. Seeing the burn state of the leave king broke out again, Tou Zijiang raised his hand and shouted loudly: "King Yanwu, spray flames∥'Kapu people'" King Yanwu let out a roar, directly from the A stream of hot flames blasted out from the mouth and spread out at close range on Wang Wang's body. Suffering such a powerful attack from King Yanwu, the unprepared Wang Wang retreated repeatedly, and his two-meter-tall body fell straight on the ground. on the ground.

Xiaoyao covered his mouth and said in surprise, "Has the leave king been defeated?"

"It's not that simple!"

Tou Zijiang didn't think such a blow would be able to defeat Mr. Qianli's trump card, so he turned to look at the second senior brother and shouted coquettishly, "Clash of flames!"

"It's another physical attack!"

After hearing this order from Tou Zijiang, everyone watching the battle was stunned, and Xiaoxue said even more worriedly: "Haven't you suffered enough from the return punch?"

"Leave the king, use the return punch!"

Without exception, when Mr. Qianli was at the time, Wang Wang used the back-fist unique move to meet the attack, but with the current physical condition of the leave king, he could still withstand several attacks from King Yanwu.

"Kapu people" A burst of scorching flames exploded from King Yanwu's body, and the second senior brother roared and rushed directly to the leave king and grabbed its arms suddenly. The flames on King Yanwu burned suddenly, like a flame propeller King Yanwu's body shot up high, and Wang Fei, who was held tightly by King Yanwu, flew into the sky.

Mr. Qianli's face was startled, "This, this is...--" The dragon and the girls who knew about King Yanwu knew what he was going to do next when they saw King Yanwu's posture, and they hugged him tightly as they thought. The scorching flames on King Yanwu's body, who asked for a leave of absence, instantly turned white and blue.King Yanwu in mid-air suddenly exerted his strength for the second time, and the flame thruster was activated for the second time, and the second senior brother hugged the leave king tightly and rushed towards the ground.It was like a meteorite slammed heavily on the ground, and immediately a burst of dust exploded and scattered across most of the competition field.

This time it was Mr. Qianli's turn to be surprised, "Is there still such a way to use Flame Clash?"

"This is the trick used by the extremely powerful fiery beast of Master Mulla when the dragon challenged the Fuyan gymnasium before!"

Reporter Pan Qian fiddled with the glasses camera on her face and said, "I never imagined that Touzi would allow King Yanwu to learn such an attacking method, but can this really counteract King Wang's return punch?"

The dust on most of the competition field gradually disappeared, and King Yanwu and Wang Wang asked for leave supported each other and half knelt on the ground.The two Pokemon were panting heavily, and Tou Zijiang's face was deeply wrinkled, and she could clearly see the state of the second senior brother.Originally thought that this attack method would be able to fight back against Wang Wang’s back-fist trick, but he didn’t expect that it would still not work. King Yanwu was hurt by the double rebound attack of Wang Wang’s back-fist trick, otherwise King Yanwu’s physical strength would not be like this It is easy to suffer such a serious injury under one blow.

"This is an attack that hurts both sides!"

Li Lin said in a condensed voice: "Although King Yanwu was severely injured by Wang Wang's back-fist technique, the damage he suffered was not light. But generally speaking, King Yanwu hurt the enemy two thousand and himself damaged one thousand. Touzi just now was too much. Got in."

"Kapu people" King Yanwu groaned, his body was covered with a layer of red light, a pair of "V" shaped beards were burning, and the second senior brother's fierce fire state was activated. Tou Zijiang waved his arms and drank a lot The voice said: "King Yanwu, use jet flames! "

"Kapu people" King Yanwu let out a roar, and a stream of hot flames spewed out from his mouth directly towards the king who asked for leave. The king who asked for leave stretched out a pair of palm-like palms in front of him. Scattered in all directions, the body of King Asking Leave retreated again and again. The fan-like palm could no longer withstand the attack of King Yanwu, and his whole body was directly swallowed by a burst of hot flames.

In the raging fire state, Yanwu King's flame attack has been greatly improved, and the current state of the leave king is completely incomparable with his previous battle against the flame chicken. Mr. Qianli looked at the leave king who was once again affected by the burn state and made a decision in his heart.

Mr. Qianli roared loudly: "Continuing the stalemate will become more and more unfavorable. Please leave the king, use the earthquake trick ∥'sound and choke people'" Ask the leave king to beat his chest and roar, jump up high and then stomp heavily on the ground. Immediately, the ground shook and trembled violently, as if a strong earthquake had occurred. The ground fluctuated layer by layer, and the ground cracked and cracked and spread towards King Yanwu.

Touzijiang hurriedly waved his hands and shouted loudly: "King Yanwu, trample on high temperature!"

"Kapuren I' Moxibustion King's pair of "V"-shaped beards were burning, and his body flew up to avoid the earthquake attack of the leave king, and at the same time he stomped over with his flaming hooves.

"It's a physical attack again, don't you know that King Yanwu's physical strength has almost reached its limit now?"

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