"I am indeed the trainer of Zhenxin Town who came to challenge Nazi. My name is Long."

Long and Nas get along well, of course they have to tell people their names.Nas showed an apologetic smile, "Sorry, I was too excited to be released just now and forgot to tell you to escape, I'm really sorry."


Long was puzzled at first, then reacted and quickly took out the Poké Ball, but his body was suddenly uncontrollable and unable to move.Nas stared at Long with stern eyes and deep blue light, "I didn't expect you to release that 0-wordy guy, but since you didn't take that opportunity to escape, you won't have another chance to escape now."

"I'm so dull,"

Long secretly blamed himself and said to Nazi with a smile on his face, "How could the person I promised to play with you escaped without authorization, right, Miss Nazi."

"Hmph, I didn't expect you to make me unconscious just now, and now I finally prove that you have the ability to restrain me. But,"

Nazi's eyes lit up and she turned the dragon into a cloth again and hugged her in her arms, "In this case, you won't be able to make a boat. You can play with me as my puppet for the rest of your life."


The dragon can't dance now and can only wailing, "Sirona, Sundae, Lan and Sakura come to me soon."

"If you continue to howl, I will make you unable to speak."...--Long Lei Ben ina...--

Chapter 030: Xirona vs Nazi, the desperate dragon

Early the next morning, Sundae dragged Shirona, Lan and Sakura to the Golden Gym.This time, the man with glasses who blocked the dragon and the sundae twice was instructed by Nazi to directly bring the four women to the opposite battlefield.

"Ah, dragon, it doesn't matter."

Lan asked worriedly looking at Long who was turned into a puppet by Nazi in her arms.But the dragon remained motionless and did not answer.

"What the hell did you do to the dragon?"

Sundae asked.

"This guy hasn't been able to be quiet, so I'll just tell him not to talk."

Nazi said coldly.

"You are going too far,"

Sakura said angrily, "Dragon is so pitiful."


Nazi said coldly, "If you have a gym battle, hurry up, I don't have time to accompany you."

Shirona walked out, "I'm Shirona of God and Town, how about the puppet you hold as a bet if you want to fight with the Golden City Gym?"

"Sister, the dragon is not a puppet."

The sundae was dissatisfied.

"Then I'll deal with you all at once,"

Nazi said coldly, "The rules of the game are one-on-one. If you lose, you will never be allowed to step into the Golden Gym again."


Lan, Sundae, Sakura, and Dragon were taken aback, "Will the Dragon become a puppet forever?"

"Do you have so little confidence in me?"

Shirona gave Sundae, Lan and Sakura a reassuring look, "Leave everything to me."


Lan, Sakura and Sundae were too worried about Long Yi and forgot that Shirona was the undefeated champion of God Loneliness N01 for six consecutive years.Immediately, the three girls breathed a sigh of relief and cheered for Shirona. "Come on, sister (Miss Shirona), I'm asking you all."

"It's him who is on my side."

Nazi coldly released the Yongjira that defeated Gusi yesterday.


Shirona raised her hand and threw the Poke Ball, "Fly in the sky, Tyrannosaurus."

"Okay, my sister will send the Tyrannosaurus, now it's a sure bet."

The sundae said excitedly, and Lan and Sakura nodded in agreement.

"Come on, Hirona,"

The dragon couldn't speak and could only cheer for Shirona secretly in his heart.

"Hmph, this time I met a rather difficult opponent,"

Nazi looked at the mighty Tyrannosaurus, whose eyes lit up with a deep blue light, and Yongjira's body emitted a burst of white light that evolved into Hudi in the surprised eyes of Lan, Sakura, Sundae, and especially Long.

"Hmph, even if it evolves into Hu Di, it's not the opponent of Tyrannosaurus."

Lan, Sakura and Sundae were surprised by Yongjira's sudden evolution, but they weren't particularly worried and disdainful, "It's just evolved, and with the level of Tyrannosaurus, I'm sure that Hudi can be knocked down in one fell swoop."

"It's not that simple,"

Long secretly said in shock, "That Hudi only evolved from Casey to Yongjila yesterday, and today he evolved from Yongjila to Hudi because he must have accumulated a lot of experience before, so the level is not just evolved to the level. I hope Shirona will not underestimate the enemy."

"Tyrannosaurus, tile cut."

Shirona has always had a faint smile on her face, making it impossible to guess her true thoughts.

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