The powerful jet flame trick completely devoured the Gotha Duck, but Touzi Jiang was still not satisfied, raised his arms and shouted angrily: "Flying knees hit ∥ o Hawa people" The flame chicken roared and then bent its knees and flew towards the Gotha Duck He rushed over at such a fast speed that there was no time for anyone to react, and the extremely domineering fighting-type ultimate move directly blasted a large piece of scorched Gotha Duck head-on.

"Godha Duck... [-]" the boy screamed, and then hurriedly ran over to help the Gotha Duck, who was completely dizzy, from the ground.Tou Zijiang proudly pinched her nose with her thumb. This was considered revenge, and she finally let out a bad breath in her heart.

"Damn it, it's not over yet!"

The boy took the Gotha Duck back into the poke ball, and then quickly replaced it with a poke ball and threw it out, "Godha Duck, come back and rest first. Iron-clad Tyrannosaurus, it's your turn∥'AoMeiren'"Iron-clad Tyrannosaurus He beat his chest and stomped his feet and roared loudly, then lowered his head and rushed towards the flame chicken. The sound of stomping the ground was like drumming.

"As many as you come, this time you must be completely beaten to the ground!"

Tou Zijiang pointed at the hat on his head and shouted loudly: "Spin kick!"

"The Chawa I' Flame Chicken roared loudly. When the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus rushed in front of him, a flying sweep directly knocked down the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus. Immediately afterwards, the Flaming Chicken attacked continuously, and directly knocked down the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus with two powerful whip legs. Tyrannosaurus chops and flies out. It is indeed a unique move of the fighting system, and the effect is very outstanding.

"Good job flame chicken!"

Classmate Xiaoyao looked at the boy opposite him vigorously and said loudly: "You still have the means to use it, and today I must let you know how powerful I am!"

8 Damn it! "

The boy took back the armored tyrannosaurus and looked at Xiaoyao with a face of reluctance. At this time, a boy in a blue shirt jumped out from the side, holding a poke ball and shouting at Touzijiang: "What are you proud of? My next opponent is me!" !"

"No, let me deal with this arrogant guy!"

"Wait, wait, it should be me who comes first!"

A series of three teenagers jumped out, holding poke balls at the same time and staring at Tou Zijiang. Long shook his head and looked at this group of volunteers and said: "The crowd is really angry. It seems that we don't want to knock them all down. Will quit easily."

"Hmph, I'll knock down as many as this group of unknown fellows come!"

Tou Zijiang raised her finger and said disdainfully: "The three of you go up together, I insist on showing you the true strength of the elite trainers of the alliance today!"

"You are so arrogant, then you accept the move, let's go!"

The three teenagers shouted loudly, and then the three elf balls bounced off the ground at the same time. A Mongoose Zhan, Ke Kedora, and Zhi Chong Xiong Qiqi rushed towards the flame chicken. You're welcome.

"Okay, okay, it's just right for you to go together!"

Tou Zijiang, a pair of Sanyi, was not at all afraid for the first day, and shouted loudly with a wave of his arm: "Bang Yan kick!"

"Chawa" the Flame Rooster roared all over its body, swept across the ground with its powerful whip legs, and directly slashed the Zhidong Bear who came over first, and the flames exploded. Eliminated an opponent's attack with one move The flame chicken immediately jumped up, taking advantage of the opportunity to avoid the joint collision attack of Mongoose Slash and Cocodora, and its unparalleled strong jumping ability suddenly appeared.


Tou Zijiang swung his arm high, while the Flame Chicken dived towards the ground at a rapid speed, getting faster and faster, like a meteor chasing the moon... 154 endless battles, God's Chaomeng Yongwu's unique move was as powerful as a bamboo, killing the mongoose in one fell swoop Chopped together with cocoa dorazzi beat.The flame chicken knelt down on one knee, his body suffering backlash from the damage caused by Yongwu's unique move.The side effects of Yongwu's unique move are directly proportional to the direct damage it causes to the opponent. Although the flame chicken can instantly kill Mongoose Slash and Coco Dora with one move, it is not easy for itself.

The three teenagers did not expect that Touzijiang and Flame Chicken would be so fierce, and they took the three Pokemon who had lost the ability to fight back into the poke ball.But they took out three poke balls and threw them out again. It was also three-on-one, but Touzijiang was so imposing that he directed the flame chicken to charge up again.

It was another fierce battle, and the flame chicken lived up to expectations and knocked down these three opponents again, but this time it was different from before. The flame chicken itself suffered two attacks.Before the flame chicken could take a breath, three more opponents were replaced.

A young man looked at the flaming chicken, which was extremely brave and defeated more than a dozen Pokemon in a row, and said, "This unreasonable guy looks very powerful. I'll go get reinforcements right away. You are here to pester her!"

"What are you afraid of, leave the arrogant guy who wants to challenge Mr. Qianli to me."

"No, no, this time it's my turn!"

The onlookers were furious, whether they were trainers, coordinators or breeders, as long as there were Poké Balls and Pokemon, the crowd rushed forward.And people are constantly joining in. The opponents on the other side of Touzijiang have already formed a long queue of 30 to [-] people, and it is still increasing; Tactics, it’s really crazy, have all these people gone crazy?”

Looking at the flame chicken who was already gasping for breath, Long wiped the cold sweat off his head and turned to Li Lin and said, "Now you know why I didn't let Touzi show the scale badge before, otherwise it would be a shame if you encounter this scene now." It should be me. Maybe they will be even more crazy and directly stage a real person PK, this is a group of unreasonable people...--" "Okay, okay..." Tou Zijiang looked at the long queue of people and turned his head Said: "Flame Chicken, come back for a while to rest. Fire Beast, this time it's you!"

"Storm Karen" the Fire Storm Beast let out a roar, and the flames of fighting spirit on its shoulders were blazing.

Tou Zijiang waved and said: "You guys, I have to beat you all to the ground today, let them all come here. The fire beast, the fire-breathing trick ∥'Bao Karen I' The fire beast shouted loudly, and on the shoulders and back The flames were burning fiercely, blasting a huge mushroom cloud above the head like a volcanic eruption, and countless red-hot gravels shot towards the ground like a gust of wind and showers.

One move kills instantly, and the three elves who challenged Tou Zijiang were directly knocked down by this powerful and wide-ranging flame-type ultimate move.But in the middle of the change of hands, three elves followed, and the fire beast fought again, even more powerful than the previous flame chicken.

The long queue formed by Mr. Qianli fans did not retreat because of the powerful strength shown by the flame chicken and the fire beast. The efforts of these people who challenged Touzijiang are also mixed. This group of people is now using crowd tactics and wheel tactics. The essence of it is brought to the extreme.Three and three came up side by side, knocked down one and immediately replaced another, and when all the spirits on one's body were knocked down, they immediately replaced another person on the field.

But Tou Zijiang's Firestorm Beast quickly reached its limit in the sea of ​​people and the wheel tactics. The damage and physical exhaustion it suffered forced it to be replaced like the flame chicken.Then there was King Yanwu, and then Hei Lujia and Coal Turtle, and all five of Touzijiang's flame-type Pokemon took turns.

Long and Lilin opened their mouths wide in surprise. They have been fighting for nearly three hours from just now. Touzijiang has already dealt with the challenges of more than 30 trainers, and the opponents they have defeated in total are also Already more than a hundred.But such brilliant results also made them pay a very heavy price. Coal Turtle and Hei Lujia were knocked down and the other was exhausted, and the three of Flame Chicken, Fire Storm Beast and Yanwu King were not much better. collapsed.

But the most tiring thing here is not the Flaming Chicken. Touzijiang is already sweating profusely, with bangs and hair sticking to his forehead.Li Lin looked at Tozijiang, who had exhausted a lot of energy and mind, shook his head and sighed, "This is more tiring than when I challenged the Champions League. It's really embarrassing for this girl. How much she has to pay?" It takes perseverance to persevere!"

Long felt very distressed, and walked over to pull Touzi up from the ground, but the girl was too tired to stand up now.Continue to fight uninterruptedly, deal with three trainers and hundreds of Pokemon in a row, even if you play games, you can't hold it.It's also thanks to this group of people who had angered Tou Zijiang's anger to the extreme, otherwise Du would still be able to persist until now.

Tou Zijiang ignored the large crowd of onlookers, but looked at the trainer who was knocked down by her like a long dragon and said weakly: "You guys, it's time to admit defeat now!"

"And us!"

"And I!"

As soon as Touzijiang finished speaking, several teenagers jumped out again.At this time, before Tou Zijiang could speak, Long couldn't help but get angry, "You guys should give me enough time, and then you should just serve together, no matter if you have ten, one hundred, one thousand people , whether you have a hundred, a thousand or ten thousand pokemon, I will catch them all!"

Long took out Touzi's elf ball and took them all back from the exhausted flame chicken, and then carried the girl who had reached her limit on her back.He took out a gold badge from his bosom and said angrily: "You guys look at it, this is the evidence that I defeated Tangxia gymnasium, the scale badge!"

Seeing the badge that Long pulled out from his hand, the crowd around suddenly burst into an uproar. These fanatical fans who regarded Mr. Qianli as a god-like idol never thought that Long would take out such a thing.Immediately, not only the clamoring trainers, but also the crowd around them were whispering.

"What's going on, it's really a scale badge, isn't it real!"

"No, it must be a fake. How can Master Qianli lose in strength? This badge must be forged, or he stole it."

"Yes, it must be so. This guy dared to show off the sacred badge of the Tangxia gymnasium everywhere. It is simply unforgivable, and he must not be let go!"

Listening to the discussion around here, Long was immediately furious, "You guys, it seems that you won't understand unless I teach you a profound lesson."

The dragon took out a green elf ball from his arms and bounced it away, and Chaomeng appeared in the open space with his tail shaking and a stern look.

"It's a big game now, and the dragon actually called it out..." Li Lin was very speechless, even she couldn't stop the situation from deteriorating.However, the nonsense factor hidden in this lawless chick was also stimulated. She looked at Long very curiously, wondering what he was going to do next, maybe it was really what he said before.

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