"Are you all right?"

Miss Jun Sha dashed off from the police car, and when she saw Li Lin, she suddenly gave a military salute, "Excuse me, are you Master Li Lin, the Four Heavenly King of the Chengdu Alliance?"

Li Lin nodded and asked directly, "What's going on in this city? Why are there so many melting beasts?"

Miss Junsha looked at Lilin and said aloud: "Master Lilin, it's very dangerous here now, let's go back to the Pokemon Center first!"

In this way, Long and his group had just arrived in this city and hadn't figured out the situation. They followed the police lady to the Pokemon Center in a daze, and the girl from the bakery who called for help was also arranged by the police to take refuge with everyone.

And the Pokemon Center in this city is more like a combat command center. Ms. Joy looked at the three-dimensional map of the city like a commander and said: "The citizens in the dangerous area have all gone to safe places to seek refuge. The melt-eating beasts that invaded the city are retreating from the sewer to the outskirts of the city. However, in order to prevent them from coming back, please keep close monitoring at all times, and report immediately if there is any situation!"

"Roger that!"

Many people in the Elf Center, either in police uniforms or white coats, looked very busy going back and forth. Everyone looked nervous, as if they were facing a big enemy. The atmosphere here was dignified It makes people feel suffocated.

Looking at the Pokemon that looks like a combat command, not only Long was surprised, but all the female students Xiaoyao and Touzichan were also a little surprised.Reporter Pan Xi said curiously: "This is the first time I've seen such a Pokemon center, and it looks like a war is going to happen here. Are there terrorists attacking the city? They won't be so arrogant?"

"Not terrorists, but a large-scale army of melting beasts."

Ms. Junsha heard the words of Pan Qian and explained: "This is not only the Pokemon Center, but also the temporary headquarters of the melt-eating beast countermeasures, because a large number of melt-eating beasts with a scale of tens of thousands suddenly appeared in the city." Beast Legion, so now is the period of emergency combat preparations."

"Tens of thousands...--" The corners of the dragon's mouth couldn't help but twitch. What they encountered in the bakery just now was only one-tenth of the total number. Damn it, how could there be so many melting beasts? Flocking to the city, this is simply a more terrible disaster than terrorists.The girls gasped when they heard Miss Junsha's words. Everyone finally knew why there was a dead silence on the streets when they came to this city just now.

At this time, a pedantic old man with a white beard and a white coat came over, "Miss Junsha, what's the matter with you, you are so anxious to call me over?"

"Master Lilin, this one is Dr. Shakamii, an expert on melting beasts."

When the police lady heard the old man's words, she quickly introduced Li Lin to each other and said, "Dr. Shi Shenjing, this one is Master Li Lin, one of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Chengdu Alliance!"

Li Lin took the initiative to say hello, "Hi doctor, I am Li Lin, the Four Heavenly King!"

Although Li Lin usually goes her own way and is even a little unscrupulous, she respects the old and loves the young very much, not to mention that the doctor in front of her is of the same generation as her grandfather.

"I'm Shakujii who has been studying the melting beast for 50 years. Please give me your advice."

Dr. Shi Shenjing looked at Li Lin and asked with some doubts: "Although the incident happened suddenly, it is still within the controllable range, so we haven't sent a request for assistance to the Fairy Alliance, and Master Li Lin is the Four Heavenly Kings in Chengdu, right? Did you come here on purpose?"

Dr. Shi Shenjing's doubts are also the confusion in Miss Junsha and Miss Joy's mind, and Li Lin explained: "I'm sorry, although I was assigned by the Chengdu Alliance to the Fangyuan area, I have another task, so I didn’t come here on purpose to help you, as for this incident, I have no knowledge of it, my companion and I just happened to pass by here.”

Dr. Shikamii, Ms. Junsha and Ms. Joy finally figured it out, and the police lady said to Lilin embarrassedly: "I'm really sorry for causing you trouble!"

Li Lin smiled and waved his hands and said, "It doesn't matter. If you need any help, please feel free to ask. Since this kind of thing happened, we can't be alone for the time being."

Hearing what Jie Lin said, Miss Junsha and Miss Joey quickly expressed their gratitude. Long finally saw the style of Master Four Heavenly Kings in this chick. Although the pear forest belongs to the Chengdu area, it is like the president of the United States coming to China. , speaking is still easy to use.

Dr. Shi Shenjing explained the current situation of the city to Lilin, "A week ago, a large number of melting beasts flooded into the city from nowhere. At first, because the number was not too large, our work was a little negligent. Who knows These melting beasts are actually accumulating more and more, and the number has exceeded ten thousand at present, and it is still increasing."

Xiaoyao was stunned and said: "There are tens of thousands of melting beasts and they are still increasing. Where did such a large number of melting beasts suddenly appear?"

"The three kinds of Pokemon, Smelly, Melting Beast, and Broken Bag, are existences that often interfere with the problems of human society. Smelly mud lives in dirty sewage, and Broken Bag lives in sloppy garbage dumps."

Dr. Shi Shenjing continued: "The melting beasts are relatively good. They generally live in grassy plains, but they often migrate to cities and eat almost everything they see. They are the least picky eaters of pets. Elves, so once a large number of carnivorous beasts flood into the city, it will definitely be a huge disaster."

Classmate Xiaoyao touched her belly. Although she is often called a foodie by Long Xiaokan, she is still far behind the melting beast. This little elf is stronger than the big stomach king Kabimon what!

Xiao Zhuang explained to everyone: "In order to solve the harm caused by the three kinds of Pokémon, stinky mud, melt-eating beasts and broken bags, many of the Pokémon Alliance, like Dr. Shakamii, specialize in Scholars who conduct research on these three types of Pokemon."

Hearing Xiao Zhuang's words, Long nodded in amazement. He was still wondering just now. How could anyone go to study melting beasts so boringly, and it has been as long as 50 years? Miss Junsha continued: " At certain times, these melting beasts would break into the city and take away food. There have been two large-scale lootings this week, each time causing huge losses, and the citizens became panicked disturbed."

Long Shensheng said: "This is really a difficult thing to do. Tens of thousands of melt-eating beasts cannot be dealt with casually. No wonder the atmosphere here is so stagnant and a temporary strategic command center is specially formed. , isn't this the same as fighting a war!"

The crowd turned their attention to Lilin, but the number of melting beasts this time is so huge, let alone Lilin, even if they are all thrown over by all the Four Heavenly Kings of the Chengdu Alliance and the Champion Venerable, it will not help. Dozens of elves No matter how powerful it is, can it fight against tens of thousands of melting beasts?

Li Lin thought about it and said: "Even if we can drive these tens of thousands of lysing beasts away from the city, it would be a disaster if we let them go to the forest or other places. Together, they will cause an ecological imbalance in a place.”

Long nodded in agreement. If he really couldn't do it, he could completely wipe out this huge army of melting beasts with the help of the dark Rogia who killed thousands of people, but how to arrange these guys is the most troublesome problem. Let's kill them all, and it's also a pokemon.

Just when everyone was at a loss what to do, suddenly the powerful device in the Elf Center rang, and Miss Joy hurried over and said in surprise: "It's not good, one of the large-scale melting beasts that retreated just now has returned, and the number is almost [-]." Thousands of them are now rapidly approaching the city!"

Everyone's faces were concentrating, and Dr. Shi Shenjing said aloud: "Let's put other things aside for now, let's drive away this small group of melt-eating beasts first!"

147 million evolutions, huge devouring beasts and melting beasts attack, the whole city is in the process of promotion and preparations, the suspension bridge leading to the city is raised, but this can't stop the swarming melting beasts at all, these long The big pudding-like guy actually waded directly from the moat and continued towards the city.Miss Junsha rushed over immediately with a group of police officers, and Long, Lilin and the girls also followed suit.

Several police cars roared and lined up in front of the moat. Li Lin took the lead in spinning and threw the elf ball in his hand and shouted: "Bangira, sandstorm!"

"Bangui people" Bangira roared loudly, and then suddenly set off a storm of yellow sand and bombarded the large group of melting beasts that climbed up from the moat. The beast-eating rolled into the water.

"I'm counting on you at this time, Kuailong and Violent Salamander!"

Long took out a poke ball in one hand and threw it out, "Dragon Xingqun!"


The fast dragon and the violent salamander made a high-pitched dragon chant sound, and the two huge star dragons exploded in the air and fell into the swarm of melting beasts. waves and waves.

Li Lin waved his arm and shouted: "Bangira, drive back all the melt-eating beasts that want to climb ashore∥'Roar'" The sandstorm tyrant roared, and a series of sharp stone knives burst out around his body. Shooting and bombarding, the dense stone bombs drove back the group of melting beasts that wanted to land again and knocked them down into the moat, while the fast dragon and the violent salamander were responsible for the air coverage strike.

Not to be outdone, Dragon Xingqun, who is a fan of sub-jam, threw an elf ball and scolded: "Fire beast, fire-breathing trick!"

"Storm Karen" The flames of fighting spirit on the back of the Fire Beast suddenly exploded and shot up, accompanied by a burst of black smoke that sprayed thinly above the head of the Fire Beast, forming a huge mushroom cloud, like a volcanic eruption A hot molten flame erupted from the ground, and countless gravels burning with hot flames exploded and scattered from the air.

The fire-breathing trick of the fiery beast, the violent salamander and the dragon star group of the fast dragon were launched together, and the intensive covering strike caused great fluctuations in the melting beast group.Reporter Pan Qian said happily after seeing this scene: "The momentum is very good. If this situation develops, the melting beasts will be completely suppressed. Let's drive them away!"

At this time, Miss Junsha connected the pager in her hand, "What, there is such a thing, okay, we will go to support right away!"

Seeing Miss Junsha's changed face, the dragon and the girls felt something was wrong, Xiaoxue asked aloud, "Miss Joy, what happened?"

Miss Junsha said with a worried face: "The big thing is not good. The news from the headquarters shows that a large number of melting beasts are rushing towards this place for reinforcements. It seems that they are the backup troops of the melting beasts. They are now I'm trying my best to get here."

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