King Dutian looked at Long and said with a smile, "Xiao Zhuang, thank you for taking care of me during this period of time!"

Hearing Du Tianwang's words frightened Long's heart. Looking at Du Tianwang's sincere smile, Long felt more and more empty in his heart. Maybe Mr. Long Shi knew about him, it was Xiao The pile was revealed by Li Lin, or did he think too much?

Long felt cold sweat on his head, he looked at Mr. Longshi embarrassingly and said: "Brother, this is what I should do. It's too extravagant to say thank you."

"Big brother?"

Du Tianwang couldn't help being stunned when he heard the name of the dragon, and the dragon almost slapped himself. Why did he become so excited that he looked like Yingmu Huadao? It is best not to arouse the suspicion of Mr. Long Shi.

"Yeah, I'm older than you. The title of big brother is really good, much better than King Dutian."

Mr. Long Shi didn't take it seriously, he patted Long on the shoulder with a smile and said: "From now on, you can call me big brother. Xiao Zhuang will trouble you during the time he is in Fangyuan."

"Should be, should be..." Long laughed, while wiping the cold sweat on his forehead with his hand, it's a good thing he didn't call uncle brother, otherwise it would be "death" now!

However, through the unintentional probing just now, Long also knew that King Du Tian didn't know that he bullied Xiao Zhuang. After a false alarm in his heart, he gradually calmed down, otherwise he would always be obedient if he was seen by King Du Tian. It would be bad if something came out.Although the relationship between Long and Mr. Long Shi is very good now, even to the point of being brothers and sisters, once that matter is exposed, all relationships will be over.

Thinking in another way, even if Long himself had a younger sister and was bullied by others, what would he do?There's nothing to talk about, it's definitely a matter of chopping up the shit first, no brothers are good at it!

139 Xiaoyao's apprenticeship, elegant cat and Xiangwei cat, it was only because Xiangwei's throat was smothered by the smoke from the coal turtle that everyone found a clinic to seek medical treatment, but they didn't expect that the other party was once like a comet in a luxurious celebration The top coordinator who won the victory, the more important thing is that Ayane and King Dutian once had such a relationship and love-hate entanglement story.

In order to prepare for the next gorgeous competition in Autumn Leaf Town, Xiaoyao specially asked Ms. Ayane to learn from her experience, because the other party was also Xiangwei's trainer, so it is undoubtedly the most appropriate to learn from her.Although Li Lin once taught Xiaoyao, she is not a coordinator after all, and can only be regarded as half of Xiaoyao's master.Long also needs to spend time practicing how he should pass the first round of the next game, so the group of people temporarily stayed here at Miss Ayane's clinic.

King Dutian really wanted to get away, but he couldn't stand Miss Yulong's persuasion, and finally followed Miss Lingyin's light words to stay.Now anyone with a discerning eye can see that King Dutian obviously has a little interest in Dr. Lingyin, but he really doesn't understand. Could it be that King Dutian fell in love with him after that battle?

Long felt that there should be no such nonsense, otherwise King Dutian had experienced many battles, and the women he had fought against would be innumerable. If all of them were like this, then Mr. Longshi's love would be too overflowing.It should be due to temperament and personality. A man like Du Tianwang who is responsible for the head of the Yulong family has too much burden on him, so he should prefer women with gentle personalities.

After Bai Cong made a slip of the tongue yesterday and accidentally called Mr. Long Shi his eldest brother, the relationship between Long and King Dutian suddenly became much closer.Moreover, King Dutian admired the dragon very much, not only because the dragon had been kind to the Yulong family, but also because of his ability and sense of responsibility that Mr. Long Shi recognized very much.It's just that Long's nature is too romantic, he likes to mess around everywhere and is a mess emotionally, otherwise, if Long wants to become the son-in-law of the Yulong family, then there is absolutely no problem.

Since Du Tianwang rarely takes a vacation, so I took this opportunity to learn from him. There are quite a few dragon-type Pokemon in the hands of the dragon, and no one among the existing dragon-type trainers can go to the right of Du Tianwang, the invincible dragon messenger. The title is not called for nothing.Du Tianwang did not express any objection to Long's participation in the gorgeous competition. It is good for young people to experience more games. Although Du Tianwang's attainments in the gorgeous competition are not as talented as Milike, but he can also provide some advice for Long. Du Tianwang even with dragons

Discussing what combination of tricks to use to pass the first round of review.This

The two big men got together to discuss fieryly. From time to time, they pulled out their fast dragons to experiment. All of a sudden, they saw dragon stars and destructive lights flying around in the sky. The destructive power was really amazing.

Compared with Long and Du Tianwang, the heated atmosphere is much gentler on the side of Ms. Ayayin and Xiaoyao. Xiangwei is no better than Juelong. Although the little guy is usually more lively, he wants to be like Kuailong. It's almost impossible to fight aggressively.

Ms. Ayane is worthy of being a top coordinator admired by Xiaoyao's classmate. She guides Xiangwei Cat step by step, using the little guy's nimble tail to fully explore its own Yunu.Classmate Xiaoyao kept throwing small balls in his hands, and let Xiangwei use his tail to shake them one by one, and then slowly increased the number of small balls, just like the usual performances used in circuses.

Ayane watched Xiaoyao and Xiangwei's cooperation become more and more skillful and nodded with satisfaction, but she looked at Xiaoyao and continued: "The Pokemon Gorgeous Contest is not only the first round of review performance, but also the battle is very important. , now let's test Xiangwei Cat's combat quality."

Miss Ayane smiled and threw a poke ball, "Jenny, I'll leave it to you!"

"Meow Man" A lady-like Pokemon jumped out, it was Xiangwei Meow's evolutionary elegant cat.

"Elegant cat, a noble Pokemon, with normal attributes. It has no fixed habitat, and has the habit of finding a comfortable shelter to change the sleeping place. It is nocturnal, and it starts to act after dusk. It is trained by women who follow the trend. My teacher likes it. I often compare my body shape and beautiful hair, I hate dirty places, and I will keep trimming the hair in places that feel comfortable."

Classmate Xiaoyao looked at the illustration book in his hand and said in surprise: "Is this really an elegant cat? It is really a very beautiful pokemon with a very noble and elegant temperament!"

Miss Ayane looked at classmate Xiaoyao and said, "Now let's test Xiangwei Mao's combat quality and see what kind of performance this little guy has. You guys will attack first."

"Oh, ok... [-]" Xiaoyao calmed down after hearing what Ms. Ayane said, and then directed Xiang Weimei to say: "Clashing trick∥'Nairen'"Xiang Weimei called out happily and hurried towards the The Elegant Cat rushed over, but the Elegant Cat avoided Xiangwei Meow's attack with a light jump, and then sent Xiangwei Meow flying with its shining white steel tail.

Xiangwei Miao fell heavily to the ground, it seems that Yamao is merciful, otherwise Xiangwei Miao would definitely not be so light.Miss Ayane smiled and waved her hands: "Jenny, one hundred thousand volts∥'Meow Man'" Yamao shouted loudly, and then shot a golden electric current from its body towards Xiangwei Meow, the little guy couldn't dodge it in time Directly hit by a strong current.

"Meow Xiangwei, are you okay?"

Xiaoyao looked at Xiangwei who was rolling a few times and said quickly: "Hold on, use the cat's hand∥'Nairen'"Xiangwei got up from the ground, and then his small arm shone Tuan Baiyao's light, and then fired a series of seed machine gun attacks at the elegant cat, this is the unique move of the forest lizard.

"Jenny, Blizzard!"

Miss Ayane waved her hand, and immediately the elegant cat sprayed a hurricane mixed with violent snowstorm from its mouth and swept towards Xiangweimaow.The seed machine gun trick Xiangwei used was blown away by the blizzard and frozen, and the violent hurricane swept past layer by layer, freezing Xiangwei's body into a thick block of ice.

"That's it, Jenny, you can stop."

After hearing Ms. Ayane's words, Elegant Cat stopped attacking, but even so Xiangwei's small body was completely frozen, and there was no possibility of moving and struggling. This simple test was completely defeated by Elegant Cat. Suppress it.

After finally rescuing Xiangwei Miao from the freezing, Xiaoyao's face was full of frustration while hugging Xiang Weimiao. Even if the other party was a top coordinator, she was defeated too thoroughly.

Ms. Ayane frowned her eyebrows, then looked at Xiaoyao and said, "I can see that there are very few tricks Xiangwei can use, and the combat experience is obviously insufficient."

Classmate Xiaoyao hugged Xiangwei and said in a low voice: "Now Xiangwei doesn't have other tricks except dash, chain slap and cat's hand, and this little guy is my latest Pokemon in pastoral clothes , have not yet participated in an official competition."

In fact, although Xiaoyao has six Pokemon in her hands, except for the hunting butterfly, even her initial partner, Huozhiji, has never participated in an official competition of the gorgeous contest.

After hearing Xiaoyao's words, Ms. Ayane said in a deep voice: "It's too little to learn only three tricks, and these three tricks are ordinary skills and the power is not enough, that is, the cat's hand will have some changes but The randomness is too strong, and it is difficult to control if newcomers use it."

Xiaoyao couldn't help but feel a little disappointed when she heard these words. Miss Ayane smiled when she saw the expression on Xiaoyao's face, and then comforted her and said, "Xiangwei is a Pokemon of the ordinary type, and a Pokemon of this attribute Although there is nothing special and extraordinary compared to other attributes, plasticity is the strongest among all attributes. As you have seen just now, Jenny can learn to include steel and other attributes such as [-] volts and blizzard. A unique move of the electrical and ice types."

"Jenny is really amazing!"

Xiaoyao said with sincere admiration: "It is indeed a good partner who won the grand ceremony together with Ms. Ayane. It would be great if Xiangwei Miao is also so outstanding."

Ayane looked at classmate Xiaoyao and said with a smile: "Now you should exercise Xiangwei's ability and try to let it learn some powerful tricks of other attributes. Only in this way can it be better able to deal with different types of opponents in the game. This is very important to Xiangwei Meow."

Xiaoyao was very moved when he heard Ms. Ayane's words, but he turned his eyes to the little guy in his arms and said hesitantly: "Although I also want Xiangwei Cat to be able to use blizzard and [-] volts of extinction, but it really Is there enough money to do it?"

Ayane smiled and encouraged and said: "You should believe it, this Xiangwei cat is actually very smart, as long as you can do it seriously, it will definitely work. I will let Jenny demonstrate step by step to guide Xiangwei cat, Don’t be greedy at the beginning, just practice one by one slowly.”

Next, Xiangwei will start learning step by step under the guidance of Ms. Ayane. Elegant cat will show the different types of tricks it knows in turn to Xiangwei and let it learn slowly. Let's see how this little guy treats Which attribute's trick is easier to master and then focus on breakthroughs.

Xiaoyao on this side is slowly learning skills from Ms. Ayane, while Long and Du Tianwang on the other side are trying to combine different types of tricks with each other.

Long raised his head and looked at Kuailong in mid-air and roared, "Dragon Star Group!"

"Aww!"_Juelong let out a roar, then opened his mouth and shot a dragon star meteorite that exploded in the sky, and then the two tentacles on the top of Kuailong's head stood upright and shot out two golden streaks The electric current bombarded the rapidly falling Dragon Star meteorite circle by circle. But although Kuailong tried his best to control the direction of the 1-volt current attack, three Dragon Star meteorites were missed and fell to the ground on the [-]st.

Long looked at Du Tianwang who was frowning and said helplessly: "Brother, it seems that it is too difficult to smash all the dragon star meteorites with a [-] volt trick. It is very high, and the falling speed of the dragon star group is really too fast."

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