In front of her was a fat woman who could be a sumo wrestler with a cocoa dora under her arm.It's really awesome, although Cocodora's petite body is less than half a meter tall, but she is a Pokemon with dual attributes of steel and rock, and her weight reaches [-] kilograms.Seeing Cocodora's painful face, Long couldn't help but wiped the cold sweat off his head. It's a pity to have such a trainer. Is this a doll? The body odor has killed me, is there anyone?

"Thank you...--" Xiaoyao was easily pulled up by the other party's hand, and when he heard the other party's apology, he took the initiative to thank him, mainly because he was overwhelmed by the other party's figure.Classmate Xiaoyao asked hesitantly, "Excuse me, are you the doctor of this clinic?"

"Are there any guests?"

After classmate Xiaoyao said this, another pleasant voice came from inside. The fat girl who was blocking the door like a wall finally got out of her body and waved her hands and said, "The doctor in this clinic is Miss Ayane. , I often return to Coco Dora and return to depression, and it is thanks to her that I recover."

"Poor little guy, it's strange that he can become hyperactive after being caught under the armpit of a woman with body odor..."

Long looked at the poor Cocoa Dora with sympathetic eyes. Of course, he only dared to say this in his heart, otherwise he was afraid that his neck would be pinched off by his fat woman. Let him suffocate.

The hill-like body rumbled away, Long even had the illusion that an earthquake was about to happen, and at this moment everyone finally saw the true face of this clinic doctor.She was wearing a white coat, and she had long green hair of the same color as Xiaoxue, but it was tied into braids on both sides.

Seeing this woman, everyone couldn't help but gasped, and everyone turned their eyes to Xiaoxue. Reporter Pan Qian said bluntly, "Why does this doctor feel so similar to Xiaoxue?"

This is indeed the case. The doctor Ayane in front of me is not only the same in dress, hair color and temperament as the Xiaoxue I saw in the beauty street before, but even the appearance of the two is seven or eight points similar. The dragon and the girls He even doubted whether this fellow sister of Xiaoxue?

However, from the astonished reactions of the two parties involved, Xiaoxue and Dr. Ayane in front of him, it can be seen that they are not that kind of relationship, and they have been together for two years. Long Ye has never heard of Xiaoxue having any siblings.Thinking of this, Long couldn't help sighing, the world is really full of wonders, and there are really people who look as long as imagined, and even their temperament is the same.

After the astonishment, Doctor Ayane, who was still the host, was the first to react, looked at Xiaoxue and Long and said aloud: "Hello, I am the doctor Ayane of this clinic, may I ask if you have any difficulties, what can I ask?" Can I help you?"

"oh oh……"

Xiaoyao came back to his senses, hugged Xiangwei in his arms and said eagerly: "That's right, my Xiangwei can't make a sound after being smoked by the coal turtle."

Hearing Xiaoyao's words, Dr. Ayane hurriedly let Long and the others into the clinic, took Xiangwei Miao from Xiaoyao's hands and put it on the massage table, "So it's like this, it was smoked by the smoke from the charcoal tortoise. Did you arrive? Hmm, don't worry, leave it to me."

Dr. Ayane lifted Xiangweimiao's mouth to have a look, then gently massaged the acupuncture points on Xiangweimiao's back with his hands and said softly, "This is Xiangweimiao's smoke from the coal tortoise that got stuck in his throat. That's why I can't make a sound, but it doesn't matter, just massage this acupuncture point and it will be fine."

Doctor Ayane continued to massage Xiang Weimao as he spoke. After seeing this scene, the dragon couldn't help showing a strange look on his face. He turned to Xiao Xuelong who was also surprised and asked, "Aya Doctor Yin should be very proficient in Pokemon's acupoint stimulation treatment, right?"

"Well, I mainly treat some small diseases for different Pokemon by stimulating the acupuncture points on them."

While massaging Xiangwei, Dr. Ayane turned to look at Long and asked curiously, "Does this gentleman know this kind of treatment well?"

Long waved his hands and turned his head to look at Xiaoxue Puppet and said, "I don't know anything about this, but I just have a few more professional questions I want to ask?"

Hearing Long's words, all the girls including Li Lin looked at him curiously, and Touzijiang couldn't help muttering in her heart. She really didn't understand what Long was doing. Touzi didn't believe him. Know what professional issues.

"Well, I want to know, if it's smelly mud, I wonder if Dr. Ayane can find its acupuncture points and treat it."

Long looked at the beautiful doctor who had stopped in front of him and continued: "There is also naughty bombs, um, I don't know how to deal with the Thunder Spirit who is covered with spikes all over his body?"

Khan, the girls almost lost their eyeballs when they heard the words of the dragon. Where did this guy come from? He has such a wonderful idea to massage the acupoints for Smelly Mud, Naughty Bullet, and Thunder Elf... Thanks to this guy I can figure it out.The only Xiaoxue who knew the inside story looked at Long with a weird face. This guy stumped her with the same question when he was in Beauty Street.

"Well...--" Dr. Ayane's reaction was similar to Xiaoxue's back then. The questions Long asked were purely to make things difficult for her. I'm afraid that the dragon will find these Pokemon and hand them over to her for treatment, then Dr. Ayane himself will not know what to end up with.

In the end, it was Xiaoxue who rescued Dr. Ayane who was in dire straits. At the beginning, she was unable to step down because of Long's weird questions.Feeling the same now, she certainly sympathizes with this doctor Ayane who is in the same situation as her at the moment, not to mention that the other party is so similar to her, so Xiaoxue can't help feeling a sense of intimacy in her heart.

"Don't worry about him, Long is just making trouble for no reason."

Xiaoxue looked at Dr. Ayane with a gentle smile and said: "I used to use this method to treat Pokemon when I was in Beauty Street, but I have been traveling for the past two years and have no time to study, so for Xiangwei The acupuncture points and nerve reflex arcs on the body are not clear."

Hearing Xiaoxue's words, Touzi asked curiously: "Hey, so our Xiaoxue can also use this kind of treatment method, but I have never seen you use it."

Xiaoxue smiled and said: "Because learning this method requires memorizing the distribution of tens of thousands of acupoints on hundreds of Pokemon. At the beginning, I only memorized the distribution of acupoints on most Pokemon in the Kanto area. Later, I learned from the beauty salon. After traveling, there is no time to continue studying.”

"So this is ah."

Miss Yulong looked at Xiaoxue with admiration and said: "Hundreds of Pokemon and tens of thousands of acupuncture points, this is really a complicated task!"

Everyone agreed with Xiao Zhuang's words. I'm afraid there is no one here except Dr. Ayane who is in front of me. Xiaoyao patted her head, she thought she couldn't remember any of them.

Dr. Ayane looked at Xiaoxue with a look of finding a confidant and said in surprise, "It turns out that this lady is also proficient in this therapy, and can memorize the acupoint branches of more than hundreds of various types of Pokemon in the Kanto area. What’s more, I’ve only learned and memorized the locations of the acupoints on most Pokemon in the Fangyuan area.”

Well, Long finally got it. These two are capable people. When he first learned English, he struggled to memorize hundreds of English words. It turns out that the Pokemon world also has learning talents.Sure enough, it's much easier to be a trainer than a Pokemon breeder or doctor, as long as he is in charge of the battle... Well, the main reason is that he already has a top-level breeder by his side to handle all the logistics, otherwise In other words, how could the dragon be so relaxed now, just bring one elf.

"Okay... [-]" Doctor Ayane finished the massage, and said to Xiang Wei with a gentle smile on his face: "It's almost there, Xiang Wei, try to make a sound."

Hearing Dr. Ayane's words, Xiangwei Miao made two hoarse voices at first, and then finally he was able to yell out clearly. Xiaoyao said with a look of surprise on his face: "It's really possible, Ayane The doctor is really great!"

Dr. Lingyin said to Xiang: "The smoke from the coal turtle hurts the throat, so let Xiangwei Cat drink some water first, and then it will be able to speak naturally as usual after a while."

Doctor Ayane smiled and went to the water dispenser to pick up a glass of water and handed it to classmate Xiaoyao. At this time, reporter Pan Qian, who was casually looking around the room, suddenly found a photo on the desk.Pan Xi walked over curiously and looked at the photo and asked, "Oh, this is a group photo of Xiangwei Miao and Dr. Ayane, and what is the trophy that Dr. Ayane is holding?"

After hearing Pan Xi's words, the dragon and all the girls walked over curiously. Li Lin recognized it at a glance and said, "That's a ribbon trophy that can only be obtained by the champion winner of the luxury celebration of the Pokemon Gorgeous Contest. Trophy coordinators can be awarded the title of top coordinator.”


The dragon and the girls exclaimed, and student Xiaoyao couldn't wait to run over. Looking at the doctor Ayane holding a gold trophy in the photo, student Xiaoyao suddenly screamed, and quickly took out a book from his bag. The magazine was flipped through quickly.

"I finally found it. It turns out that Dr. Ayane is the legendary Pokemon coordinator in Autumn Leaf Town that was introduced in the magazine!"

Classmate Xiaoyao opened the magazine in his hand, and the bust photo on it was not Dr. Ayane who was treating Xiangweimaow for Classmate Xiaoyao.

Classmate Xiaoyao said happily: "Look, this is a special feature of the monthly "Coordinator" for the legendary Pokemon Coordinator, and it is Ms. Ayane."

"The creator coordinator who appeared like a comet at the Pokemon Contest and the luxury festival, easily defeated the candidates and won the championship."

Classmate Xiaoyao held the magazine in his arms and said fascinatedly: "I heard that she lives in the area of ​​Shuangye Town, but I didn't think of it just now. I didn't expect it to be Dr. Lingyin!"

"It's not as exaggerated as you said..." Dr. Ayane hugged Xiaoyao's Xiangwei and asked with a smile: "You look like a Pokemon coordinator, right?"

Classmate Xiaoyao nodded and said: "I just got the initial Pokemon this year and is determined to become a top coordinator Qian Liyao, Miss Ayane, I really admire you very much. Can you let me see your luxurious celebration?" Got a trophy?"

137 Enemies are still predestined, the dragon envoy Du Tianwang "This is it!"

Xiaoyao looked excitedly at a gold trophy in front of her. At Xiaoyao's request, Dr. Ayane brought everyone to her rest room.The window displayed not only the seven ribbon medals that Ms. Ayane had won, but also the most eye-catching ribbon trophy for this luxurious celebration in the center.

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