"How could such a thing happen?"

Mr. Tie Xuan opened his mouth wide in surprise, and looked at Negative Electric Pat Pat who was suffering from burns with disbelief.

After grasping a great advantage, attacking while taking advantage of the situation is the usual style of play of Long and Touzi, so how could Touzi do so in such a good situation? He waved his hand and shouted loudly: "Jet flames∥'Broken Karen'"The lava rat roared loudly , the body lay on the ground and shot a stream of scorching heat directly towards the negative electricity, engulfing his whole body in a ball of flames.

"I'm going to win this game again!"

Tou Zijiang clenched his fists and shouted: "The last blow, Lava Rat, hit with your life ∥'Bao Karen'" The Lava Rat roared and ran rapidly on the ground, and then a white light flashed on its body. It ruthlessly bombarded the body of the negative electric pat.

The lava rat's attack was very powerful. Negative Electric Pai was hit by the lava rat's powerful impact, and his whole body flew more than ten meters away, and his body fell heavily to the ground.The Lava Rat gasped heavily. Seeing his opponent finally knocked down by him, he staggered and fell to the ground. Although he defeated his opponent, the Lava Rat himself had to bear the backlash damage caused by the impact.

Sacrificial impact is the result of the lava mouse's special training during this period, but Tou Zijiang originally wanted to train the lava mouse to sublimate the flame car into a flame collision, but it was unintentional that the lava mouse failed to practice the flame collision Learned to give up and hit.This is the so-called intentional planting of flowers, but unintentional planting of willows and willows to make shade.Although Sacrificial Impact and Flame Impact are listed as one of the five great impact skills, Tou Zijiang is not very satisfied. In her opinion, the fire-type Pokemon must of course learn the ultimate fire-type move, which is called perfection.

The banner in Hua Tuotuo's hand was erected high, "Negative electricity beats lose the ability to fight, and the lava mouse wins!"

"Great, this is a winning streak!"

Classmate Xiaoyao jumped up and cheered for Touzi loudly, "Come on Lava Mouse, you're doing great!"

"Come back and rest for a while, Lava Rat."

Touzi would not change his tactical layout because of Xiaoyao's encouragement and applause. Although the Lava Rat was brave, he suffered a lot of damage in the battle just now.Now Mr. Tie Xuan has only one elf left, no matter how you see it, the current scene is dominated by Touzi, so she is in a relatively relaxed mood now.

This time, without waiting for Mr. Tie Xuan to make a move, Touzi took out his third Poké Ball and threw it out, "Lava rat will depend on your performance, go ahead, strengthen the chicken∥o Hawa" The strong chicken bounced and landed on the ground. This guy, together with the lava mouse, has been the focus of Touzijiang's recent training, so Touzi also used it to accumulate combat experience in this gymnasium competition.

"Hahaha...--" Mr. Tiexuan laughed loudly as he watched Touzijiang play out the last hole card in his hand, and then took out a Poké Ball from his pocket and said, "Although you did not perform well in the two games just now, It is very good, but this last game is not so simple. Now that you are ready, it is our turn. Come on, Raichu!"

"Rayman" A thunderbolt blasted the playing field into a huge crack, and a Pokemon with a long lightning logo tail landed on the opposite side of the strong chicken. A pair of forked ears, on the cheek is An electric bag like Pikachu, this one is the evolution of Pikachu, Raichu "Raichu, a mouse Pokemon, the attribute is the electric system.It will emit a current of one hundred thousand volts. If you touch it casually, even an Indian elephant will be electrocuted to death.It uses its long tail as a lightning rod to protect itself, so even if it comes into contact with electric current, it will not be scabbed.After accumulating electric current in the body, it will become aggressive, and even in a dark place, it can brighten its surroundings.If there are too many electrical reserves in the body, the muscles will be stimulated and they will become more aggressive than usual.If the electricity in the electric pockets on the two cheeks reaches the maximum, the ears will stand upright, and the tail will be pressed against the ground to discharge, so burnt marks can often be seen on the ground near the nest.If there is no electricity in the electrical bag, it will raise its tail to suck electricity from the air. "

"Raichu, I didn't expect Mr. Tiexuan's last Pokemon to be this one!"

Long saw the piece of ground on the ground that was split by Leiqiu with a dignified expression. The power of this Leiqiu is very powerful, and the power of the trick is also unexpectedly strong.

Not only the dragon, but Tou Zijiang also saw the powerful aura displayed by this Raichu. This Raichu was completely different from the previous positive and negative pats.Touzijiang frowned, waved his hands and shouted at Lizhuang Chicken: "Spray flames!"

Mr. Tie Xuan restrained his smile, looked at the scorching flames sprayed by the strong chicken and shouted: "Raichu, one hundred thousand volts∥'Thunderman'" Leiqiu plunged the tail of the lightning symbol into the ground, and then Roaring, an extremely powerful golden sampan electric current was shot from the body and shot towards the strong chicken. Such a powerful [-] volts was beyond everyone's power. The trick is even better!

The scorching flames sprayed by the powerful chicken were instantly crushed by the powerful [-] volts, and the powerful electric shock scattered the flames of the powerful chicken like a broken bamboo.Seeing the bad situation, the strong chicken quickly jumped to avoid it. The ground was directly split by the powerful electric current of Leiqiu, and the golden lightning flashed across the ground and swallowed the strong chicken whole.

The strong chicken howled in pain, and its body was absorbed into the air by the powerful lightning. The lightning exploded, and the whole body of the strong chicken fell from the air and hit the ground heavily.

"This, this..." Everyone looked at Leiqiu's extremely shocking attack in surprise, especially Xiaoyao, who hadn't even recovered from the successive victories that Touzi had won just now. .Mr. Tie Xuan's [-] volt trick was like a slap in the face directly on her head. The game that was originally thought to be a winner suddenly had such a big setback!

Touzijiang looked at the Lizhuang Chicken on the field and shouted loudly: "How are you, stand up quickly, Lizhuang Chicken∥o Hawa...--" After receiving a strong electric shock, his body had a large area of ​​charred black force The strong chicken tremblingly climbed up from the ground, although the movement was slow and the panting appearance indicated that its current situation was not optimistic, but this made the girls on the sidelines with their hearts in their throats slightly relieved, They almost thought that the strong chicken was instantly killed by the opponent.

"Hahaha...--" Mr. Tie Xuan laughed and said: "Not bad, not bad, laughing wildly at a million volts, it's really rare to be able to stand up under Lei Qiu's full-strength attack of one hundred thousand volts."

"Chawa" looked at Lei Qiu with burning eyes, his body was suddenly covered with a faint red light, and the aura of his whole body was rising bit by bit. After receiving a strong blow from Lei Qiu When the physical strength of the attack is on the verge of the limit, the characteristic is activated, fierce fire!

"It's just that Leiqiu's [-] volts has such power..." Touzi frowned tightly, watching the strong chicken clenched its fists that had activated the fierce fire feature.Suddenly waved his hand and shouted loudly: "Lizhuang chicken, do it again, spray flames!"

"Chawa" the powerful chicken suddenly roared, and a scorching stream of flames gushed out, and the scorching air waves were aggressive, and the power and power were not inferior to the burnout used by the coal turtle for the first time. , the power of the strong chicken flame trick in the fierce fire state is greatly improved.

Mr. Tiexuan didn't choose to dodge the powerful flame attack of Li Zhuang Chicken, "Raichu, one hundred thousand volts∥'Lei Ren''Raichuyi plunged into the ground from his tail on the 1st, and then roared and shot out a blast from his body. The powerful golden electric current is facing the raging flames sprayed by the strong chicken. The hot flame and the powerful electric current collide with each other to trigger a violent explosion. The powerful air waves and black smoke spread in all directions, and two big The powerful trick was completely detonated.

Reporter Pan Xi exclaimed: "The flames ejected by the strong chicken in the fierce fire state are comparable to the power of [-] volts. How powerful is this Raichu!"

"Raichu, destroy the death light!"

Mr. Tie Xuan shouted loudly, and then a golden energy ray pierced through the black smoke among the crowd and shot towards the strong chicken.The strong chicken didn't have time to dodge at all, this hit hit the target, and immediately triggered a violent explosion in the entire playing field, spreading layer by layer towards the surroundings.

The playing field was already in a mess, and the strong chicken fell straight upright into a huge deep pit, and this half of the playing field was already a mess.Everyone one

Surprised.This third round of battle ended in such a short time


135 The baptism of thunder and lightning, the flag in the hands of the die-hard dragon Wei Hua Tuo Tuo raised the flag high and announced the result of the competition loudly, "The strong chicken loses its ability to fight, Lei Qiu wins!"

"Come on, Coal Turtle!"

Touzi didn't have time to be shocked, immediately took back the strong chicken and then took out a poke ball and threw it out.Touzi was replaced by the coal tortoise who was currently in a deep sleep. When Raichu had just used the ultimate skill of destroying and dying and was unable to move, Touzi hoped to wake up the coal tortoise and fight again.

Touzi yelled loudly at the coal turtle that shrank its body in its shell, but this guy didn't respond at all after several times in a row. It seemed that he was indeed in a deep sleep.And at this moment, Leiqiu resumed his actions, and Mr. Tie Xuan directly gave the order to attack without the slightest politeness.Leiqiu let out a roar, and then his body ran rapidly on the ground, a golden electric current wrapped around Leiqiu's body and stimulated it faster and faster!

Long Ningsheng said: "High voltage electric shock!"

With a bang, Leiqiu hit the coal tortoise with a powerful high-voltage electric shock, and the golden current wrapped around Leiqiu's body spread and eroded the coal tortoise. Knock out that solid big tortoise shell as a whole.

"Coal Turtle!"

Touzi exclaimed, and the coal tortoise finally came to life the whole time, lying on the ground sprawled on the ground, its limbs twitching, its body covered with burnt scars and its eyes were swirling, and it was lost under Lei Qiu's powerful blow. combat ability.

Everyone watching the match was in an uproar. The advantage that Touzi had established was suddenly regained by Leiqiu, and the two sides were back on the same starting line.Hua Tuo Tuo raised the flag in his hand and announced loudly: "The Coal Turtle loses the ability to fight, and Leiqiu wins!"

"This, this Leiqiu is so strong..." Xiaoyao expressed his shock with such a sentence after a long time, and the momentum he had when he was cheering for Touzi was gone.Mr. Tiexuan's powerful Raichu had greatly affected everyone's morale, and Touzi, the last lava rat left, was forced into a predicament.

Touzi's complexion finally became more serious than ever, watching Raichu on the opposite field take out his last poke ball, "I'll leave it all to you, Lava Rat!"

"Storm Karen" The lava rat roared and the flames of fighting spirit on its body were blazing. For Touzi, who was forced to go up the mountain, this was the last game that could not be lost. If she failed, she would lose the game completely!

"The lava rat should be fine, right?"

Xiaoyao asked uncertainly, she was full of worries now and wanted to get an affirmative answer to give her confidence, but no one could answer her.

Mr. Tiexuan pointed his arm and shouted: "Raichu, [-] volts∥'Lei Ren'" Leiqiu let out a loud roar and plunged his tail into the ground, then shot a powerful electric current directly at the lava rat, "Lava rat, use Dodge with a flash of lightning! "

Touzi already knew Leiqiu's power of [-] volts, so he didn't rush to compete head-on with him this time.A white flash of light flashed across the lava rat's body, and it flew across the ground at such a fast speed that it directly avoided Raichu's powerful electric bombardment.

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