Looking at the shouting Han Zanglong, he snorted coldly and said, "Okay, now you have betrayed everyone, don't you realize it!"

Hanzo took two steps back in vain with a frightened expression on his face. Suddenly, he held up the tortoise in his hand and looked at the dragon approaching, saying: "Stop, don't come over, or don't blame me for being rude!"

"It's the same old trick again, Hanzo, don't you think you can't do other tricks now besides this one!"

Long looked at the old boy and said with disdain: "The same trick has been played several times, do you think you are Sun Monkey?"

Long took out a purple master ball and said coldly: "I will make you completely desperate now!"

128 Pokkigu, Princess Crowned "Angren" Diablo Rogia roared, the huge wings suddenly rolled up, and the scarlet eyes shone with a blue light. Immediately, a powerful wave was like a mountain roaring and a tsunami Generally, it presses towards the Shelter Ninja and the Iron Ninja, and the powerful mental power sweeps away all these Pokemon like a tsunami in an instant, and all the Shelter Ninja and the Iron Ninja are swept away without exception.

Hanzo couldn't believe that his Pokemon was not the general of Dark Rogia. The huge figure in the mid-air carried a huge oppressive force. Such a powerful momentum and coercion made him feel scared. A feeling of being out of breath.Hanzo's legs and feet kept shaking, and he almost fell to his knees. How could there be such a powerful Pokemon!

Looking at the shelling ninja who was supercharged by the dark Rogia with the spirit of esoteric spirit, the dragon snorted coldly: "In the face of absolute power, neither characteristics nor attributes are useless. What mysterious guardian characteristics of the shelling ninja are simply It's just a joke, in front of the Pokemon who control the powerful laws of nature, they are all ants, Hanzo, how do you want to die!"

"Angren" Diablo Rogia roared suddenly, its huge wings flapped suddenly, a violent whirlwind blew over and almost knocked Hanzo down to the ground. The dragon threatened Hanzo step by step, and Diablo Rogia in mid-air Ya Lingli's eyes full of murderous intent locked tightly, and the powerful oppressive force from the Dark King kept attacking Hanzo's retreating defensive line.

At this time, the sun rose in the sky, and the mirage of the palace was reflected above the head of Chi Palace.This sudden change surprised everyone. Everyone looked up at the reflection of the mirage, a flash of blue light shone in all directions, and an oval mirrored door flashed in midair.At this time, one by one torkbys slowly penetrated through the mirror door, passing through torkby's Paradise Lost.

On the ground, the dragon and all the girls looked up and saw the little tortoiseshells flying over one by one. Xiaoyao asked in amazement: "Aren't these tortoiseshells from the tortoise paradise? How did they come here 7" Li Lin said in a condensed voice: "I think these Bobbies sensed the danger of their companions, so they came here to help their companions."

"Ji Kui^ Ji Kui...--" The little guys who rushed over from the Borkby Paradise in mid-air held up their short fingers one by one, and the Torkbys kept waving their little arms rhythmically. Kebi's special trick is to wave his fingers!

Pokemon Qiqi raised his fingers, and from the little fingers of these little guys, several blue light beams shot out to shine on the little Pokemon in Hanzo's arms.The sleeping body shone with a blue light, and Bokby's eyes slowly opened. The little guy condensed a layer of light blue protective shield, and then expanded circle by circle, and Hanzo was thrown out suddenly.

In the eyes of everyone looking over at the same time, Bo Kebi's body shone with a dazzling white light.The little guy's body keeps getting bigger, and a Pokemon with a pair of cute little wings appears in front of everyone, and Pokpi has evolved into Pokkigu!

"Pokkigu, the happy Pokemon, the attributes are normal and flying. Whenever they notice a person with a pure heart, they will go to him and sprinkle happiness and enthusiasm on him. This is called' Happy dust'. It is said that in order to share happiness, Pokkigu will fly around the world to find kind people. If they are not with kind people, they will become depressed and spiritless. There is no wild Pokkigu quilt However, if there are wild Pokkigu, they probably live in a secluded place, which, like their evolutionary predecessors, usually goes unnoticed, which would explain why no wild ones have been seen Pokkigu."

"Qajiku people" Pokkigu flew directly in front of Xiaoxia, Hanzo murmured looking at Pokkigu in the midair and said in disbelief: "How could this happen, such a thing as evolution happened! "

"Great, Pokpi escaped Hanzo's clutches and evolved into Pokkigu!"

Tou Zijiang happily pointed at the little old man with a mustache with one hand on his hip and said, "You should give up now!"

After losing all the barriers, Hanzo finally slumped and sat on the ground. At this time, a group of guards with sharp knives ran over, and His Majesty the King, Queen, and Princess Serra came together.His Majesty the King raised the scepter in his hand and said in a low voice, "Hanzo, that's it, take it down!"


Immediately, a group of guards tied up Hanzo tightly. At this time, Li Lin stepped forward and said to the guards of the kingdom: "I still have some personal grievances to settle with this guy!"

The guards of the Kingdom of Miraqiu hurried away when they heard Li Lin's words, but Li Lin smiled charmingly, dragged his chin with his fingers and looked at Hanzo and said softly: "Master Regent, you should feel lucky, I am His mood was not so bad, so..." Li Lin suddenly changed his face, and swept over with a provocative leg, and then took advantage of Hanzo's bow and kicked him directly on his stomach , and kicked this little old man who was over half a hundred years old four or five meters away.The surrounding guards were stunned by Li Lin's face-changing skills, and then they couldn't help but feel a pain in their eggs when they looked at the golden high-heeled shoes with a few centimeters high heel.

scare!Long couldn't help stretching out his hands to cover his important parts, and seeing Li Lin's flirtatious smile looking over with his long hair, Long suddenly felt his calves tremble.Is there any mistake, this woman is really ruthless, it's better not to mess with her in the future, if you go on like this, you won't directly kill off your children and grandchildren!

Hanzo, the culprit, was suppressed by the guards, and the succession and the coronation ceremony of Princess Serra were about to begin, so Hanzo stayed to clean up later.The turmoil in the kingdom of Miraqiu was finally cleared up. As the honored guests of the kingdom of Miraqiu, the dragon, Lilin and the women attended the coronation ceremony of Princess Sera together with His Majesty the King. In the midair was Pokkigu and a group of Pokémons. Bimen.When Princess Serra took over the scepter symbolizing supreme power and received the cheers of the subjects, it means that Her Majesty, the first Queen of the Kingdom of Miraqiu, was officially born.

Looking at Her Majesty Queen Sierra aloft, both the dragon and the girls felt in a trance.Unexpectedly, they didn't get along for a long time, but the princess became a queen, and her highness became her majesty. From now on, the kingdom of Miraqiu will write a new chapter for her majesty the queen!

The entire inheritance and coronation ceremony is very cumbersome, with a lot of etiquette. The dragon and the girls are a little tired after experiencing the freshness at the beginning, and Xiaoyao, who didn't sleep all night last night, yawned again, and his stomach was not up to date Cuckoo screaming.However, Her Majesty Queen Serra and the subjects of the Miraqiu Kingdom looked devout, and the entire etiquette did not show any disrespect from beginning to end.

The whole ceremony lasted for more than four hours. After the ceremony was completed, Xiaoyao was already asleep standing on Tozijiang's shoulder, with saliva still dripping from the corner of his mouth.The dragon looked cold, and quickly covered her with his body. Fortunately, her image was not seen by the pious subjects of the Miraqiu Kingdom. The alliance was completely ashamed, although Long didn't know how many yawns he had yawned.

After the cumbersome ceremony is the palace banquet that Xiaoyao and Touzijiang are looking forward to the most. Xiaoyao has been looking forward to this moment since he first saw the invitation coupon.Seeing the plate after plate of exquisite dishes, Xiaoyao swallowed his saliva, and almost swallowed his tongue & head in his stomach.Xiaoxue, who was sitting next to Xiaoyao, just removed Xiaoyao's finger in his mouth time and time again, and discarded any image when he encountered food.

This time, Queen Serra replaced the old king and sat on the front seat at this banquet, and the position below Queen Serra was the row where the dragons and the others were distinguished guests. Except that Her Majesty the Queen was taller than anyone else, it can be seen that Serra Her Majesty Queen La still attaches great importance to them.

"This, this...--" Xiaoyao held the knife and fork in his hand when he was starting to start, but he didn't know where to start. Every dish here is very tempting, and Xiaoyao fell into an incomparable Tangled.Long was really defeated by this girl, please, we are already eye-catching enough, don't you want to detonate everyone's attention?

But classmate Xiaoyao didn't care so much, and under the reminder of Tou Zijiang, he wiped out the plates closest to him one by one.Fortunately, Xiaoyao's eating appearance is not as exaggerated as Grace's super foodie, otherwise, I'm afraid no one else will be able to eat at the whole banquet.

After the banquet, classmate Xiaoyao was carried away by Long. He caught a foodie and never stopped talking from the beginning, and finally fell to the end of being full of food.Let alone walking, Xiaoyao's current classmate struggles with everything except being able to touch his swollen belly with his hands.It is also difficult for her. Such a small stomach can hold so much food without fear of indigestion. It seems that Xiaoyao has a digestive system as powerful as a scorpion.

In the evening, the mirage above the Miracho Kingdom gradually faded, and the Tokbies went back to their paradise through the mirror door one by one.And Pokkigu watched her companions leave one by one and slowly flew in front of Xiaoxia, as if she had a premonition, Xiaoxia touched Pokkigu's small head and asked: "Pokekigu, What's wrong with you?"

Pokkigu waved his short arms and pointed at the mirror door, and then kept jumping and calling.Queen Sierra looked at Pokkigu and said suddenly: "If there are people with evil intentions appearing, such things may happen again, and then I can protect everyone. That's what Pokkigu said. "

Pan Xi said in surprise: "Your Majesty, can you understand Pokkigu's words?"

Queen Sierra nodded and said: "Every king of Miraqiu is able to communicate with Pokby, and I don't know why, but after the inheritance ceremony is over, he can understand the conversation between Tokby and Pokkigu. Speak."


Everyone couldn't help but exclaimed, but Xiao Zhuang said: "It seems that this inheritance ceremony is not only a spiritual ceremony, but has practical effects."

Xiaoxia looked at Pokkigu in front of her with a sad expression when she heard Queen Serra's words, and said, "You saw the barren land over there, so that's why you don't feel relieved, right?"

"Bojiku people" Pokkigu called softly, and then gently held Xiaoxia's small arms together. Xiaoxia's eyes were hot and two lines of warm tears flowed out, and Pokkigu gently wiped them away with his small hands With tears in the corners of Xiaoxia's eyes, Xiaoxia forced a smile and said, "Pokekigu, you have to protect not only the paradise, but also protect this country with Queen Sierra! "

Pokkigu nodded, with tears shining in her eyes, Xiaoxia hugged Pokkigu into her arms, then turned her head and said, "Your Majesty, Pokkigu will be taken care of by you. When I subdued Pokkigu, I didn't With the poke ball, it has been with me all the time and is taken care of by me in my arms..." Hearing Xiaoxia's words, whether it was Queen Sierra, Pan Xi, the big reporter, or Xiaoyao's classmate, they were all surprised, unexpected This Pokkigu is actually a "wild Pokemon" that has not been subdued by the Pokeball. Xiaoyao couldn't help asking: "Is it possible to subdue Pokemon without a Pokeball? I never heard of it." Said it was the case."

Xiaoxue said aloud: "This is the power of love and trust. Before the Pokemon Ball was invented, when humans and Pokemon trusted each other, humans used this method to subdue Pokemon. But later, The relationship between humans and Pokemon has gradually deteriorated, especially after the Scorched Tower incident, the barrier was suddenly opened."

Everyone fell silent when they heard Xiaoxue's words, and Her Majesty Queen Serra gently held Pokkigu's arm and said, "I will protect this country with my life, and even if I step down from the throne, I will always protect it." That piece of paradise. Pokkigu, are you willing to believe me?"

"Bojiku people" Pokkigu nodded, and then gently threw himself into the arms of Her Majesty Queen Serra. There was no Pokeball or Pokemon switch. Pokkigu officially completed the handover ceremony, Xiaoxia's Pokemon turned into Her Majesty Sera's elf...

Like 129 His Majesty Prince Mirachou?Farewell to "Would you like to be the prince of the Kingdom of Miracho?"

This sentence was said to Long by Her Majesty Queen Serra herself, and he was stunned for a long time and couldn't recover, because he really didn't expect such words to come from Her Majesty's mouth.Think about it, what is the prince of the Miraqiu Kingdom, that is, the husband of Her Majesty the Queen, how can this not surprise the dragon!

"Could this be the legendary woman chasing a man, but this is too straightforward, my little heart..."

Long touched his little heart that was beating non-stop, seeing the beautiful and pure Queen Serra in front of him, he could still accept such a big contrast for a while.Long looked around, fortunately there was no one there, and Li Lin's chick was not here, otherwise it would be really fun to let her explode. Long can guarantee that this chick will never pay attention to Her Majesty the Queen when she explodes.

Long looked at Queen Sierra hesitantly and asked: "Which...Your Majesty, why do you want me to be your prince, do you...love me?"

"do not love."

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