Master Mulla took out the elf ball to take back the Firestorm Beast. This one showed two completely different strengths when facing the Tyrannosaurus and the Storm Salamander. Up to now, the dragon still didn't understand why this fierce Firestorm Beast would It was suppressed layer by layer by the storm salamander.

"Although I really want you to overcome the shadow in your heart, I'm afraid it's too reluctant in your current state."

Master Mu Kong sighed to himself, then took out another elf ball and said: "It's been a long time since I met such a powerful trainer, so I want to fight with all my strength this time, because this is a worthy My opponent for doing this!"

The poke ball bounced off, and a Pokemon with bright red flames burning on its body appeared in front of everyone holding two gun barrel arms. It was one of the few Pokemon living in the volcanic area, the duck-billed Charmander. Evolutionary, duckbill flame dragon!

"Duck-billed Flame Dragon, a Pokemon with a fire-type attribute. It lives in a volcano, and its body will appear slightly white due to heat. It can launch a fireball at 2000 degrees Celsius from the front of the wrist, and even the breath from its mouth will also burn."

There is very little information on the duck-billed flame dragon illustrated book, but from just a few words, Xiaoyao can feel the power of this pokemon, what kind of concept is a fireball at 2000 degrees Celsius, even if it is just It's very scary to imagine it with your head.Classmate Xiaoyao quickly put away the illustration book. She didn't know if it was her own illusion. She suddenly felt a wave of hot air condensed in the air, and the hot breath was a bit compelling.

Long had fought a duck-billed Flame Dragon during the Silver Conference of the Chengdu League, but in terms of momentum, it could not be compared with the one in front of him.Although the fiery beast is the trump card of Master Mulla, Long feels that the strength of this one will definitely not be weaker than that of the fiery beast.

The water-based trick is undoubtedly the most effective against the flame-type Pokemon. The dragon waved his arm and shouted: "Storm salamander, mad dragon water cannon ∥ 'Roaring'" Storm salamander raised his head and burst into a roar, his body Wrapped with a layer of murderous blue dragon breath, it gradually condenses into a blue angry dragon, and its sharp and murderous eyes lock the duck-billed flame dragon directly. A single water cannon trick may be difficult An effective blow to the duck-billed flame dragon, so the dragon used this double attack.

Facing the stormy salamander that was swooping down, Master Mulla raised his arms high and shouted in a concentrated voice, "Burst punch!"

The duck-billed flame dragon remained expressionless, standing still without moving.The body of the violent salamander under the furious rush rushed straight down, and the blue angry dragon opened its teeth and danced its claws to bite towards the duck-billed flame dragon, but it was a heavy punch that shone with golden light.

The powerful burst punch of the duck-billed flame dragon directly hit the head of the blue furious dragon that was flying down. The murderous dragon-type aura immediately became disorganized, disappearing into the air as if being directly scattered.

"Roarer" roared violent salamander stripped out of the dragon's murderous aura, swiped its thick and long tail and opened its mouth to shoot a powerful high-pressure water cannon at the duck-billed flame dragon... 117 Sanzhuan The dragons gathered together, and the powerful water cannon trick of the King of Destruction Salamander was astonishing. Master Mulla had already suffered a loss before, so he was ready for this time. He stretched out his palm and shouted in a deep voice: "Burning! "

The duck-billed flame dragon was expressionless, and suddenly stretched out an arm like a cannon barrel to meet it, and blasted out a hot column of flames with a powerful water cannon trick to face the stormy salamander.

The scorching hot stream evaporated the water column sprayed by the salamander into a layer of white water vapor, and the flaming column suppressed the high-pressure water cannon layer by layer, and finally the duck-billed flame dragon roared and increased its output power , the burn out trick completely overwhelmed the water cannon trick.A fiery column of flames hit the storm salamander's body and scattered in all directions. The blood-winged wyvern let out a howl and was pushed away by the powerful flame pillar. The storm salamander readjusted its figure in mid-air This stops the tendency to fall.

"The unique skill of the flame system actually overwhelmed the water cannon in the collision. The burning power of this duck-billed flame dragon is really amazing. The high-temperature flame of 2000 degrees Celsius is easily destroyed by the high-pressure water jet ejected by the violent salamander. Evaporate."

While talking, Xiao Zhuang looked carefully at the duck-billed flame dragon on the playing field. Sure enough, the bright red magma-like flame color on this pokemon was not only bright, but even the air that the duck-billed flame dragon frowned thought Both high temperatures produce air mirrors.

The dragon looked up at the storm salamander in mid-air and shouted loudly, "Dragon's breath!"

"Ouch man" the storm salamander roared and sprayed a green dragon's breath towards the duck-billed flame dragon on the ground, but the welcome painting was blocked by a hot flame directly sprayed by the duck-billed flame dragon.

Seeing that his attack hadn't been affected, the storm salamander immediately let out a loud roar, and a golden electric current surged out of the storm salamander's mouth, protruding two long and sharp fangs, and then the storm salamander's body suddenly flew into the air. Turning to the duck-billed flame dragon, it directly blasted a powerful sonic cannon attack.This is the high-pitched trick of the violent salamander, but what surprised everyone was that this strong sonic trick was surrounded by a layer of golden electric light, wrapping the transparent high-pitched sound wave with layers of golden threads.

"What kind of trick is this? I've never seen it before. Could it be another new attack method after the fusion of the storm salamander?"

Tou Zijiang asked in surprise, but no one could answer her question, even the dragon who was a trainer was extremely shocked.

Reporter Pan Xi has been capturing the movements of the violent salamander with the camera. After hearing Tou Zijiang's words, she hesitated and said, "It seems to be a combination of Thunder's Fang and Treble's unique move!"

On the field, Master Mu La didn't have time to pay attention to the speculations of the women on the sidelines. Facing the big trick of the violent salamander, he shouted in a deep voice: "Big character!"

The duck-billed Flame Dragon had no expression on his face, and stretched out his two cannon-like arms in front of him.The duck-billed flame dragon blasted two hot streams of flames from its two arms, and then condensed into a "big" flame stream, which was pushed and collided with the high-pitched electric cannon blasted by the storm salamander.

The forward momentum of the high-pitched current cannon was blocked by the big character burn, but the hot flame was also directly blasted away by the powerful sound wave attack. The golden current and the hot flame entangled with each other and made a beeping sound.The powerful moves of the violent salamander and the duck-billed flame dragon finally canceled each other out after a long period of stalemate. The blood-winged dragon roared, one move was not effective, and immediately produced another move.

Two rows of sharp stone knives appeared around the blood-red body of the storm salamander and flew towards each other, but that was not counted. The blood-winged dragon suddenly flapped its wings and whipped a violent tornado, blowing its body And these two rows of sharp stone blades were involved.The tornado whirlwind blasted towards the duck-billed flame dragon backwards, and then suddenly shot out a series of sharp rock blades in the flying tornado, spinning and driving a small cyclone to shoot towards the duck-billed flame dragon at an incomparably fast speed Come.

The duck-billed arm formed a red-purple mental power fence in front of him, and the sharp stone knife with a small cyclone bombarded the fence formed by the duck-billed flame dragon one after another like a ball of bullets.The ensuing tornado and whirlwind struck and directly shattered the fence made of pure spiritual power, and the violent tornado whirlwind swept away and swallowed the whole body of the duck-billed flame dragon.

Xiaoxue looked at the storm salamander in mid-air and said, "This time it's another new move of the storm salamander. Is it a combination of rock blade and tornado?"

Just after Xiaoxue finished speaking, there was a loud roar, and a golden destructive energy ray tore apart the tornado created by the storm salamander, which counterattacked, and the powerful destructive death light directly bombarded the blood wing in midair. On the body of the flying dragon.The golden energy rays scattered and lased in all directions, causing a violent explosion. This move of the duck-billed flame dragon was very powerful in destroying the death light. Even the violent salamander with a strong body could not resist the body and fell from the midair. .

"Slammer salamander!"

Looking at the blood-winged dragon that fell to the ground, the dragon yelled, and the violent salamander wailed, trying to flap its wings to fly again, but its body suddenly fell down and fell to the ground again.The dragon's face was startled, and the women on the sidelines saw that there was an obvious burn mark on the blood-red gorgeous wing of the storm salamander. It seemed that this was caused by the destructive death light of the duck-billed flame dragon just now. Create!

The destructive power of the duck-billed flame dragon just now is really amazing, and it is not inferior to the destructive death light of the dragon's Benji Lasi's so-called death blow.

The dragon had felt the great power of this duck-billed flame dragon before it burned out, but he was always on guard in his heart, but he was still hit by the opponent's big trick.Humans without wings cannot experience the pain of injured wings, and this is especially true for storm salamanders. Once their wings are cut off and they cannot fly, their strength will be cut off by [-]%.

"Come back, Stormy Salamander!"

Looking at the painful appearance of the blood wing dragon, the dragon immediately decided to replace it, although it was a pity to miss an excellent counterattack opportunity against the duck-billed flame dragon.However, if the storm salamander continues to hold on, it will definitely win in the hands of the duck-billed flame dragon. After all, the dragon is fighting against the master of the flame-type Pokemon, and the four heavenly kings of the Fangyuan Alliance.

"Quick Dragon!"

With the roar of the dragon, the elf ball bounced away in mid-air, and the fast dragon let out a high-pitched dragon roar, and the pair of small wings on its back suddenly spread and fanned a burst of airflow and flew up vertically.As soon as the dragon's last trump card was played, Master Mu La and all the girls were surprised. Unexpectedly, the last trump card of the dragon was Kuailong, known as the king of destruction. Even Xiaoxue and the others didn't know what the dragon was. It's time to summon your own pokemon.

The Kuailong in mid-air gathered the wings on its back and stepped heavily on the ground. The tall body of the Kuailong and the duck-billed flame dragon on the opposite side faced each other.Although he usually shows people with a simple and honest appearance, the amazing combat power that Kuailong exploded in his anger is something that no opponent can underestimate, otherwise Kuailong would not be called the king of destruction .

"The Violent Earth Dragon, the Violent Salamander, and the Kuailong..." Master Mu La murmured solemnly, "These three are the ace elves of the current Sinnoh champion Sirona, the Fang Yuan Four Heavenly King Genji, and the Dragon Messenger Dutian King. Unexpectedly, this young man collected all three at once."

Long’s homework last night was not in vain. He knew what kind of powerful rich man he was going to deal with today, so he specially summoned Juelong back to help out, and gathered the three major regions of Kanto, Fangyuan and Shenao. Quasi-Dragon, this is his ultimate tactic.Long definitely doesn't want to let the predicament in the Kaji Gymnasium in Chengdu repeat itself, and he is bound to win this time!

"Destruction of Death Light!"

With a wave of the dragon's arms and a loud shout, Kuailong immediately spread its wings, stirred a burst of airflow, and its body flew up at an electric speed. With a sudden loud shout, Kuailong blasted a powerful destructive death light at the duck-billed flame dragon.When I used the storm salamander before, I was a little restrained because I was worried about the side effects, but now with the fast dragon, it is completely different!

Master Mu La also did not expect that the dragon would use such a powerful move as soon as it came up, and immediately let the duck-billed flame dragon avoid it, but the fast dragon that followed immediately shot out a powerful destructive death light, this time Right on the target, the duck-billed flame dragon was directly blown away by this powerful move.

Master Mulla and Miss Yasha looked shocked, watching the continuous destructive death light attack, Kuailong Yasha asked in disbelief: "How could this be? Launch a second attack!"

However, this is not over yet, the dragon just wants to rely on Kuailong's special ability to launch a stormy attack on the duck-billed flame dragon, and immediately waved his arm and shouted loudly: "It's now, shoot and destroy the dead light!"

"Aww"_Juelong flapped his wings and turned over to avoid the flame-throwing trick of the duck-billed flame dragon. Kuailong turned his head like a moving fort and blasted a series of destructive death lights at the duck-billed flame dragon on the ground Attack. Master Mulla finally changed his expression greatly. Kuailong's powerful destructive death light trick was like a series of laser cannons, shooting at the duck-billed flame dragon on the ground. A series of explosions have been set off on the whole ground, a burst of Scattered dust obscures the entire ground.

The series of strong attacks of the dragon were indeed affected. Master Mu La did not expect that the dragon had such an ability, and with the speed of the duck-billed flame dragon, it was impossible to avoid the series of strong attacks of the fast dragon. Suddenly, he was hit by three consecutive shots of destructive death light.Although the power of Kuailong's bursts of destroying the dead light is not as powerful as that of the duck-billed flame dragon that hit the violent salamander just now, the accumulated damage to the duck-billed flame dragon is also not to be underestimated.

"Come back, duckbill flame dragon!"

Master Mulla took out the elf ball and took back the Flame Duckbill. Under such a fierce attack, the Flame Duckbill was already on the verge of collapse. It became difficult for the Kuailong, who was bombarding like a high-altitude fort, to dodge. In this case, let alone counterattack.

"I'm counting on you again, Pyrobeast!"

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