This result was beyond the expectation of the people watching the battle. The strong chicken defeated the evolved type but lost to the non-evolved type.Long stroked his chin and said in a calm voice: "This lava worm is very powerful. It can use so many bursting flames in a row. It must have received special training."

"I didn't expect the unevolved type to be able to achieve this level. She is indeed the granddaughter of a master trainer. She is really good at it."

Touzi put the hat on his head back, and twirled and threw the elf ball in his hand, "I'm counting on you to deal with the lava worm, lava rat∥'Broken Karen'." The flames are on full blast.

Miss Yasha watched Touzijiang take out the lava mouse and immediately said pleasantly: "Unexpectedly, you also have a lava mouse, I really miss it, remembering that when I was young, I often played with grandpa's lava mouse. Although the lava rat has evolved into a firestorm now, the happy time with the lava rat is something I will never forget."

Miss Yasha continued: "Although I also want to tame a lava rat, it is very difficult to find wild lava rats in the Gem Continent, so grandpa promised to help me tame a lava rat in the Chengdu area. Now in Does the grandpa who looks at me under this sky know that I am in the first gym competition..."

Before Miss Yasha finished speaking, the old referee coughed violently, and everyone turned their eyes away.Reporter Pan Xi asked with concern: "Why is this old man starting to cough again? Isn't the cold better?"

"Ahem... [-]" The referee's old man was really coughing for a while, but he was choked by the words of the big reporter Pan Xi.The old man with a deep disguise couldn't help muttering, "I never imagined that I would do such a thing after a long time. If I couldn't let go of Yasha, I would have come back to see all the tricks she made. Sure enough, I was a child. Spoiled by me."

"Well, what are you muttering about?"

Miss Yasha looked at the strange old man who was talking in a low voice and couldn't help asking, but the well-intentioned Pokemon master coughed to cover his expression, and then hurriedly urged the two to continue the game Change the subject.However, although the nervous Miss Yasha was fooled, the dragon and the girls watching the battle from the sidelines were even more suspicious.

Long stroked his chin and muttered softly: "I always feel that the referee who recommended himself is not simple at all. He seemed to have a very strong aura just now, which is not what an ordinary bad old man should have! "

However, Long didn't have time to think about it now. The battle on the field was won and lost, so the battle really entered a fierce stage.Touzijiang, who had restarted the battle, attacked first, pointed his arm and shouted loudly: "Lava mouse, burn in big characters∥'Broken Karen'"The flames on the back of the lava mouse skyrocketed. Once it came up, it was a unique move of the fire department. Touzi knew The power of Yasha's lava worm's flame-throwing trick is also not low, so this is why he wants to overwhelm his opponent in the power of his trick.

Sure enough, after the lava mouse used the big character burn, Tou Zijiang did not use jet flames to resist, but directed the lava worm to jump up and avoid it. This is the safest way for the slow-moving lava worm.However, Touzi obviously also predicted the lava worm's movements, so he gave an order the moment it jumped up, and the lava mouse directly sprayed out a hot flame and swept across.

The lava worm was swept by a powerful elbow flame from the lava rat and fell to the ground. Touzi waved his arm and shouted: "The lava rat is now using the flame car With a roar, the flames on his back soared, and then his body hugged into a ball and rolled into a flame wheel, sweeping towards the lava worm that was about to fall to the ground.

Miss Yasha reacted quickly and instantly, "Lava worm, use jet flames towards the ground∥'Oh call'" The lava worm bulged its mouth and sprayed a hot flame towards the ground, and the lava worm immediately The downward momentum slowed down, and the flame car of the Lava Rat flew into the air.

"I'm so smart!"

Miss Yasha, who praised herself, then waved her hand and shouted: "Lava worm, use the poisonous mist∥'Oh call'" The lava worm puffed up its mouth and sprayed out a purple poisonous gas mist, a burst of poisonous mist instantly extinguished the lava. The body of the worm covers it.

Touzijiang was overjoyed, fearing that he would miss this opportunity, he shouted loudly: "Lava Rat, spray flames∥'Bao Karen'" The Lava Rat let out a hot flame when it faced the diffuse poisonous gas gas with a loud roar. A violent burst of flames shot out, followed by a violent explosion. The powerful sound and huge air waves almost knocked off the strange old man who was a referee on the edge of the competition field, but fortunately this one dodged in time Only then did he escape in a hurry by running away.

The smoke dissipated, and Miss Yasha coughed and looked at the huge charred place on the playing field in shock. How could she have expected such a thing to happen.Originally, he wanted to use the poisonous mist to help hide the body of the lava worm to make up for its speed advantage, but he didn't want to be hit back by the poisonous mist created by the lava worm.

Tou Zijiang has a deep understanding of this big gas explosion tactic. The power of this trick is no less than that of Naughty Bullet. Frustrated by the dragon with this move.But this time it was Miss Yasha's turn. The lava worm had been completely defeated and could no longer stand up.

"The young people nowadays are so crazy. They are playing with fire. My old bones were almost torn apart..." The strange old man acting as the referee ran back and looked at the surprised eyes of everyone. However, he faithfully performed his duties and pronounced: "The lava worm loses its ability to fight, and the lava rat wins!"

"Grandpa... Grandpa!"

Miss Yasha looked at the old man in front of her and yelled in surprise, and everyone outside the competition field was shocked when she heard what this lady said.Long even stuttered in surprise: "This one is the legendary... one-Mura old man!"

scare!Master Mu La also didn't expect that he was recognized by his granddaughter, and he suddenly realized that his disguise had been lost in the violent explosion just now.It is impossible to stick the beard back together now. The old man Mulla panicked for a while and looked at his granddaughter who was staring straight at him. Instead of covering up, he touched his head in embarrassment and simply took off the wig on his head. She smiled embarrassingly: "Haha, I've been exposed..." "Grandpa, why are you here? Didn't you go on a trip?"

Miss Yasha looked at the beloved grandpa in front of her and asked in disbelief.

Master Mu La immediately blew his beard and stared angrily after hearing the words of his precious granddaughter. Why did he appear here? It’s not thanks to his precious granddaughter, and he didn’t care about the fact that he was still in the game, so he directly beat Miss Yasha She scolded, "If it wasn't for me not knowing that such a thing would happen when I came back, look at me, I have only been away for a few days, and the house has been messed up. How can you let me leave with peace of mind and hand over the gymnasium to you?" !"

Miss Yasha suddenly called the old man who borrowed the toilet in the morning. No wonder he felt so familiar with her family and behaved strangely. It seemed that this was also her grandfather in disguise.It's just that Long and the others think differently. It's okay for them to be outsiders, but as a precious granddaughter who grew up with her own grandfather, she didn't recognize her own grandfather, which is too unreasonable.Moreover, this legendary old Mulla is also quite funny. He was worried that his granddaughter would not be able to stand on his own, so he secretly offered to help her in this way. He said: "Could it be that you knew the inside story a long time ago, no wonder I felt that your expression was mysterious from the beginning just now, you recognized it long ago, why do you still hide it from those of us who don't know..."

Li Lin said with a smile: "Don't you think this is very interesting, if I reveal the answer in advance, will everyone have such a surprise, and the old man Mulla has worked so hard, so how can I not cooperate with it?"

The dragon and the girls are completely helpless, and it's probably because their brains are not open, they didn't even notice such an obvious disguise... A 114 fierce battle, the lava worm spit out poisonous mist in the past, but was ignited by the lava rat, and the gas exploded directly Frustrated, Touzi lava mouse directly defeated the lava worm with a surprisingly effective surprise attack. Miss Yasha couldn't think of it. A referee for a gymnasium match.

But now is not the time for nagging, Miss Yasha, who was forced to sit on the beam, threw her last elf ball with her hands, and the coal turtle stepped heavily on the ground, blowing a burst of black smoke from its nostrils and back.The coal tortoise carrying a huge tortoise shell is not afraid at all and confronts the lava mouse. This is the first time Touzi has seen such a Pokemon and fought with it. Since it is a turtle-type Pokemon, its defense must be amazing. Yes, just look at the thick tortoise shell on the coal turtle.

Such a tortoise with a large carapace makes it difficult to strike, so Tou Zijiang decided to take a tentative attack, raised his arms high and scolded: "The most powerful flame jet!"

"Storm Kaman" The lava mouse prostrated itself on the ground and blasted a hot flame from its mouth towards the coal turtle. The momentum of this flame spurt was different.

Faced with Touzijiang's preemptive attack, Yasha didn't care at all. She flicked her bangs on her forehead and shouted loudly: "The coal turtle, the rocks block it∥'Kotan Man'"The coal turtle stepped heavily on the ground with its forelimbs, and immediately Suddenly, a row of solid rock pillars boomed from the ground to block the lava rat's powerful flame attack, and the rumbling rock pillars spread towards the lava rat layer by layer.

"It turned out to be a rock-type trick!"

Touzi clenched his fists and shouted loudly: "Lava Rat, hurry up and avoid the 'Bao Karen'" The Lava Rat kept running and jumping to avoid the rock that boomed from the ground, but the attack from the ground It was difficult to predict its dynamics. After avoiding two attacks in succession, the lava rat was blocked by the rock pillar behind it.

Just at this moment, five rock pillars rose from the lava mouse's feet in five different directions, and suddenly closed, and the lava mouse's entire body was trapped in the rock pillars.Tou Zijiang frowned, then waved his hands and shouted loudly: "Lava Rat, blast the rock pillars away with the smoke-breathing trick ∥'Bao Karen'"Only heard a roar, from the gap between the blocked rock pillars Several streams of thick smoke and scorching flames were blasted out, and then a violent explosion was heard suddenly, and the bright red flames were scattered and scattered along with countless broken stones.

The coal tortoise retracted its entire body into its huge tortoise shell, and the bright red flames sprayed out by the gravel and lava rats were all blocked by the tortoise by the coal tortoise.Sure enough, this huge tortoise shell is not a decoration. According to the information in the Pokemon Guide, the tortoise shell of the coal tortoise is harder than the huge tortoise shell of the water arrow tortoise.

Miss Yasha is very confident in the defense of her Pokemon. She smiled triumphantly and then waved her hand and said loudly: "The coal turtle, the rock is banned...'Kotanman I' The coal turtle got out of the tortoise shell, and its forelimbs were heavy again. The ground slapped on the ground, and the ground under the lava rat's feet made a rumbling sound, and countless rock pillars grew out of the ground.

Tou Zijiang frowned deeply. She was really troubled by such an attack. She waved her hands and shouted: "Lava mouse, flame car∥'暴卡人'7 The flames on the back of the lava mouse soared, and then they hugged each other The ball formed a flame wheel and rolled rapidly towards the coal turtle. Rock pillars grew up in front of the coal turtle. After breaking three rock pillars in a row, the flame car finally ran out of strength, and the lava mouse failed to break through to the coal turtle. in front of.

"Very good!" Miss Yasha smiled and waved her hand and said loudly: "It's completely burnt∥'Charcoal Man'" the coal turtle shouted loudly, then shook its head and sprayed out a hot pillar of flame that hit the ground directly. The body of the lava mouse was directly overturned by a powerful force and flew out and fell heavily on the ground.

"The power of the flame-type special moves is only as powerful as the fire-breathing and explosive blows. This time, even the flame-type lava rats may suffer the same damage."

Long looked at the Lava Rat who was gasping for breath and struggling to get up on the field, and said aloud: "Although the coal turtle looks unattractive, it is indeed a hard bone to crack. With the current unique skills of the Lava Rat, it is impossible to pierce through that huge tortoise." The tortoise's shell hurts the coal tortoise, so it's better to exchange the elves immediately than continue to struggle."

"Come back, Lavarat."

I don't know if he has a heart with the dragon, but Touzi on the field took back the lava mouse that had failed several times.He took out another elf ball and threw it out forcefully, shouting loudly: "Please, King Yanwu!"

"Kapuren" The strong body of the second senior brother stomped heavily on the ground. Tou Zijiang played his trump card this time, success or failure depends on it.

The astonishing second senior brother attracted Miss Yasha's grandfather, the former Four Heavenly King of the Fangyuan area, Master Mu La, for a while.Pretending to look over his head and looking at his granddaughter, this is the time to really test her. The stronger the trainer is, the more he can judge the strength of a Pokemon from its aura, and the one in front of him King Yanwu is not the same as the previous strong chicken and lava mouse. This is the guy who can confront Bangira head-on.

Yasha could feel the pressure from the second handsome brother, so she was in doubt and took the first step. She raised her hand and shouted loudly: "The coal turtle, the rock is blocked...'The Coal Turtle slapped the ground heavily, and it was under the pressure of King Yanwu." There was a booming sound under his feet, and a burst of dense rock pillars pierced the ground and squeezed Yanwu King Yanwu layer by layer.

Touzi put off the sun hat on his head and said with a smile: "The trick to deal with lava rats won't work on King Yanwu, suddenly Zhang ∥ 'Kapuren'" King Yanwu let out a roar, and then waved himself again and again. A pair of thick arms pushed out quickly. Although the second senior brother moved very slowly because of his bloated body, the speed of this series of shots was very fast. The continuous push like an overwhelming mountain blasted the rock pillars in front of him one by one. Broken, the second senior brother went straight to the coal turtle in a threatening manner.


Miss Yasha looked at the unstoppable second senior brother and couldn't help but exclaimed in her heart, and then she reacted quickly, raised her arm and shouted coquettishly, "The coal turtle, burn out∥'Coalcoal man'"The coal turtle roared and shook A hot pillar of flame sprayed out from the head, and the powerful burn-out trick came straight to King Yanwu.

Tou Zijiang snorted coldly, clenched his fists and scolded coquettishly, "Clash of flames!"

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