Tou Zijiang was about to reprimand him for being shameless and despicable, but Dia suddenly ran over and grabbed the great magician and said earnestly, "Badola, I beg you, please stop!"

"I will not stop, and I will definitely carry out my plan smoothly."

Badola held Diya's shoulders and tried to persuade her: "Please believe me, Diya, I will succeed!"

Diya shook her head and said to Badola without hesitation: "I don't want this kind of thing!"

Badora was taken aback by Diya's resolute tone, and Li Lin took out an elf ball and looked at the great magician and said, "No matter what decision you make now, even if you want to repent, you can stay in the prison." Go ahead. I'll arrest you on charges of intentionally hurting a Pokemon, and you'll be captured obediently!"

"Ban Kui" Bangira let out a roar, and made a powerful appearance with a high-pitched roar. A powerful evil shock wave shot straight through, and the night giant was directly affected by this huge blow and blasted away. A blow is to completely lose the ability to fight. Bangira's sharp eyes scanned Badora, the huge mouth suddenly opened, and a golden ray of destructive energy instantly condensed.

Badora's face was startled, and she pushed Dia to the ground forcefully, then ran away in a hurry. Dia wanted to get up and catch Badora again, but a devastating destructive death ray shot from her and the great magician. The ground was separated by a huge crack, and then a huge explosion occurred, and the powerful air wave directly blew Badora and Diaya out and fell heavily to the ground.

Badora got up from the ground in a panic, took out the elf ball to take back the night giant, took out another elf ball and threw it out, and the violent salamander flew out roaring.Badora jumped on the back of the storm salamander, and the blood wing wyvern flapped a pair of gorgeous wings and flew straight up.

Long snorted coldly, "Do you want to escape? It's really beautiful!"

The elf ball in his hand was thrown out in a spin, and the blood-red storm salamander flew out roaring, and the dragon jumped onto the back of the storm salamander and chased after the fleeing Badora.The top of the tent closed suddenly, and then a row of electric shock guns protruded from the top, and a burst of electric wires circled towards the chasing dragon and storm salamander.The dragon's face was startled, and he quickly directed the storm salamander to make an emergency landing at a low altitude. Unexpectedly, Badola even prepared a backhand!

"Aww man!" While the bloody storm salamander roared, he directly blocked the scattered grid with his powerful body. Bangira, who had recovered his mobility, roared again, and a strong destructive energy ray pierced through the bombardment The shot swept across the top of the tent, and there was a bang, and the top of the tent together with the electric shock guns were blown away. The storm salamander roared and rushed to the sky again, but it was impossible to find Baba when it looked around. The figure of Dora and the storm salamander.

The blood-colored salamander slowly landed after returning in vain, and the dragon said unwillingly: "That guy probably didn't run away, and is almost hiding somewhere now, do you want to dig three feet to find him?"

Lilin shook his head and said, "Just leave this matter to Miss Junsha from a nearby town. Our top priority is not Badola, but to see if Kiraqi is okay now, and..."

Lilin paused for a moment and turned to look at the beautiful assistant of the great magician with a dull expression on her face, and said, "Miss Dia, I think you can tell us what Badora wants to do with Kiraqi now!"

Diya's face was full of disappointment, and at this moment, Kiraqi in Toko-chan's arms opened his eyes and whispered in a weak voice: "I want to go back, I want to go back to Farnes..." "Farnes ?”

Touzijiang, Long and the rest of the people all had puzzled expressions on their faces.

"Farnes is the place where we found Kiraqi. Badola personally excavated the sleeping Kiraqi..."

Dia suddenly said, "Farnes is Kiraqi's hometown."

Looking at the weak little guy, Touzijiang nodded repeatedly and said, "Don't worry, I will take you back to your hometown. No matter what wish you have, I will help you fulfill it!"

Xiao Zhuang turned his head and said solemnly: "Here we will hand it over to Miss Junsha, and then we will send Kiraqi back to Farnes. This little guy only has seven days of activity in a thousand years, but he is still there." To suffer this kind of harm..." Hearing Xiao Zhuang's words, everyone was silent again, and Touzi hugged the little guy in his arms and said with pity: "Kirachi, I will take you to the Pokemon for treatment first, and then Shall we go to Farnes again?"

"Farnes, I really want to go back..." Kiraqi couldn't help but kept repeating this sentence, and Touzi stood up in pain and said with a firm face: "I've decided to leave overnight, Bring Kiraqi back to Farnes now!"

Everyone didn't object to Touzi's words, Li Lin looked at Dia and said, "Then Miss Assistant, I'm going to ask you now, you should know where Farnes is, right?"

Diya stood up from the ground and said to the dragons with a firm face: "I am willing to take you to Farnes, I want to help you and make Badora give up completely. There are still five days, as long as time Kiraqi will continue to sleep when the time comes, and Badora will wake up at that time."

Xiao Zhuang looked at the blonde assistant and said solemnly: "We are willing to believe you again, but we hope that what you say is true!"

In this way, Dia Ya drove towards Farnes with Long and the others in the RV.Xiaoxue and Toko used wound medicine to help Kiraqi heal his injuries in the back compartment, while Miss Yulong and Lilin were not very relieved of Diya, so they decided to take turns sitting in the passenger seat to monitor her.I have fallen down once before, so everyone is extra cautious this time.

The car drove all the way and left the place where the temple fair was held. Now everyone has no leisure and elegance to play and watch some comets.Xiaoxue and the others have been busy until midnight to take care of Kiraqi comprehensively. Fortunately, this little guy is a legendary Pokemon, and it is also a super power, so it has a very strong self-recovery ability, and it is finally infertile. hinder.

Long felt a little tired, so he asked Dia to stop for a while, and everyone took a rest before continuing to set off.Farnes was a location not even listed on the satellite locators, so they had to rely on Dia to lead the way.According to this beautiful assistant, it takes four days to drive to Farnes, because the road from here to there is very difficult to walk, not to mention the mountain road and the ground along the way is not very smooth.The world of Pokemon is like this. In order not to occupy the living space of Pokemons too much, roads and railways are rarely built except for the towns where humans live.

After sleeping for six or seven hours, Miss Yulong cooked breakfast for everyone, and it was at this time that Dia revealed Badora's origin and his main purpose this time.It turned out that the world's number one great magician was once a member of the Huoyan team, one of the two evil organizations in the Yoshien area, mainly responsible for finding the legendary ultra-ancient Pokemon Goladun who disappeared on the Gem Continent.

However, according to the legend, Guradon does not know which volcano is sleeping in the crustal magma. It is really too difficult to dig out this former master of the earth.Badola has been committed to investigating the traces of Guradon, and using his world's number one great magician to conceal his identity, but he has done a lot of work but in the end he was at a loss.

Badola's efforts were not in vain, he accidentally got a part of Guradon's body, so Badola suddenly had an idea to use this to extract Guradon's gene and create a new ancient one. Raton out!

I have to say how crazy the ideas of scientific people are. Badola didn't just think about it. He really did it, exhausting a lot of hard work and research to create a regenerative machine.However, just when he was full of confidence and stood in front of all the members of the Huoyan team to implement his great plan, an accident happened, and the experiment failed.

Badola was ridiculed by the cadres of the Huoyan team, and insisted on his own point of view. The great magician left the Huoyan team in a rage, but he didn't give up just yet.Badola believes that the reason for the failure of the experiment is not that there is an error in his own theory, but that the regeneration process of the machine consumes a huge amount of energy, and the current science and technology cannot provide such a huge amount of energy for the regeneration of Guradon .Therefore, the birth of a rare comet in a thousand years has rekindled Badola's hope. His purpose is to use Kiraqi's True Eye to absorb the energy of the thousand-year comet to regenerate Guradon.

After listening to Diya's narration, the faces of the dragon and the girls couldn't help becoming shocked, but Toko asked suspiciously: "Since he wants to fulfill his wish so much, why did he give Kiraqi to me?"

Diya said aloud: "Because we can't wake up the sleeping Kiraqi, we must have a pure-hearted boy and girl to wake it up. Therefore, we held a magic show at the temple fair, with the intention of finding someone who can wake up Kiraqi. Rakhi's people."

Now that he finally figured it all out, Touzijiang hugged the sleeping Kiraqi in his arms and said angrily: "It's a delusion to use this method to regenerate Guradon, and not hesitate to use it to hurt Kiraqi. Absolutely unforgivable. The purpose of the Fire Rock team wanting to get Guladon is nothing more than to be able to manipulate the power of this legendary pokemon, so to achieve their ambitions, neither Kiraqi nor Guladon can fall into it. In the hands of these people!"

Li Lin frowned tightly. This time she was dispatched to the Fangyuan area by the Elf Alliance. She and Du split up to investigate the situation of the Fire Rock Squadron and the Water Fleet. She had no clue for so long. It is to break through a big conspiracy. It seems that although the Fangyuan area looks calm on the surface, there is an undercurrent surging underneath.

After breakfast, Dia and the others continued to set off, and the RV drove into a deserted place. Since then, everyone has been farther and farther away from human settlements.Although the performance of this caravan is very good, it is very laborious to drive in this deserted place, bumping up and down all the way, and the Long 1000 people sitting in the car are very sad being shaken by the car, and they are already in the middle of nowhere without vomiting and diarrhea. I have been patient.

During this day, all the people are constantly on the road except for the time to eat, and Kiraqi's body is slowly recovering completely, and maybe he will be able to go home soon, so Kiraqi has been traveling all the way. Very happy, sticking together with Touzi.Seeing this pair of very happy two people, the dragons are very worried. The relationship is so good now, and I am afraid that they will be even more sad when they part later.

Finally, at night, the endless desert was used. At night, everyone set up tents outside and fell asleep one by one. Although there were still a few people sleeping in the beds in the caravan, everyone wandered in the car for a day, so they didn’t want to sleep at all. Time is still here.

Although the dragon and the girls slowly accepted Diya as the day progressed, Li Lin and Xiao Zhuang still did not let down their vigilance, and they agreed to take turns guarding her.Although Long thought it was too difficult for the two of them and wanted to help them share the work, Li Lin rejected his offer without even thinking about it, and asked him to stay wherever he was cool.

The black line on Long's face, he knew what this chick was worried about, but it was a doubt about his character!

098 Beautiful Farnes, after the seventh night's shocking event, the dragon and the others spent most of their time on the road in the following three days, and at least twelve hours a day were spent in the car constantly bumping with.He was driving on a narrow path between heavy mountains, and there was an abyss below him. If he fell down, his car would definitely be destroyed.Therefore, when everyone looked out through the car, they were very worried. Every bump of the car made everyone's hearts tighten.

After finally crossing the heavy mountains, there was a large area of ​​muddy swamps, and the wheels would often get stuck in the mud pits and could not be pulled out. At this time, I asked Bangira to lift the entire caravan up.Following these ordinary people, they headed to the very high snow-capped mountains. In the Fangyuan area, it is rare to see white-capped snow-capped mountains and pure lakes on the top of the mountains.

The itinerary along the way passed through various places, which was an eye-opener for everyone, and it was also through this long journey that the relationship between Touko and Kiraqi became increasingly harmonious.The worry in Long's heart is getting worse and worse. In the past two nights, Toko played with Kiraqi until late and went to bed. Maybe she knew it already in her heart. Now every day is equal to the time she spends with Kiraqi. Another day missing.The next time the two will never see each other again, for Kiraqi, a thousand years may be just a moment, but for Touko, a thousand years is so long that even if she uses her life to protect her, it is not enough.

Everyone knows that this kind of reality is really cruel for Touzi, so everyone avoids talking about time in front of Touzi. Although the time in the tallow is getting shorter and shorter, it can leave a good memory That is also very good.People can't catch everything in this life, and it would be nice to have a few wonderful moments worth remembering in a lifetime.

Finally, at noon on the sixth day, the car stopped at a cliff. Diya turned off the engine and said to everyone: "We have arrived, this is Farnes!"

The dragon and the girls got down from the car, and what came into view was the pillar-like mountain rocks erected in a lush and lush forest. attracted by the sight.Looking from a distance, the very thick rocks are at least 50 meters high, and they are densely covered in a virgin forest with hundreds of them.

Under the leadership of Diaiya, the dragon and the girls walked to the foot of these pillars on foot. This is a dense forest, and a group of green crows above the head flew over the heads of everyone under the leadership of Qixi Qingwu.A huge tropical dragon stretched its neck longer than a giraffe and devoured the bright red fruits on the tree. It didn't care when it saw someone coming, and it looked at ease.

In the dense forest, a row of ultrasonic larvae flew past the crowd, chasing and playing like dragonflies in the forest. On the giant tree above the head, a few long-nosed leaves squatted on the branches and looked down at the dragons. Rare customers.The Pokemon here are leisurely and contented, and the peaceful appearance unconsciously makes everyone feel a sense of peace and unprecedented peace of mind.

Kiraqi turned his head in Toko's arms and said happily, "I like this place!"

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