Although the dragon knows that this is an illusion created by the hypnotism of the ghosts, the hypnotism of the ghosts is too powerful. The dragon is still frightened by this strange picture. He only shouted angrily to strengthen himself, and threw the elf ball. "This time I must subdue you, come on, Bangira."

"Ben" Bangira roared. "Is this the hypnotism of that ghost?"

Shirona rushed to the dragon's side at this time and said in surprise, "It really is a powerful ability."

"I don't know how you know my identity, but since you see through it, there's nothing you can do."

The girl's wandering spirit suddenly turned into a ghost and said to the dragon, "Since you want to fight, my hypnotism is equally effective on the evil-type Bangira."


Gui Si turned into a dragon under the stunned eyes of everyone. "Bangira, come back."

The ghost who turned into a dragon didn't know when he took the Poké Ball from the dragon outfit Bangira and took Bangira back.

"Ah, my Bangira."

Long was shocked.Shirona also lost her voice, "This ghost actually stole your Pokeball when we were undecided."


The dragon clenched his fist with a loud bang, "Then, I will send my most trusted partner this time, go Suijun."

"Oh, I didn't expect this time to be the incarnation of the Phoenix messenger Beifeng, Yishuijun."

Guisi was stunned for a moment, "What an amazing person."

"Suijun, use your supernatural powers."

The dragon commands the way of the water king.

"The illusion of hypnotism can't deceive the legendary elves, only a dignified fight."

Guisi said with a bitter face, "But even a head-to-head confrontation with an opponent as powerful as Suijun is really troublesome."

However, although Guisi had a bitter face, a strange red light still lit up in his eyes, and all of Sui Jun's supernatural powers bounced off.

"Does the super power system's tricks not work?"

Long did not expect Guisi to be able to fight against Suicune's supernatural power, which is a powerful superpower trick that even the giant stinging jellyfish can't compete with.

"Suizun, then use meditation... Although hypnosis can't deceive Suizun, it can still make him fall asleep."

Guisi suddenly rushed in front of Suijun and his eyes lit up strange red light at Guisi, Suijun in meditation stared at Guisi's eyes and slowly closed his eyes.

"Sorry Suizun, that's Guisi's hypnotism, don't look him in the eyes."

The dragon looked at the drowsy Suicune and shouted. "Huh!" Suijun roared and drove the drowsiness out of his mind. "What? The hypnotism didn't work?"

Ghost was stunned.

"It's now."

Long shouted, "Suicune, use all your hypnotism."

"Ow!" Suijun let out a long whistle, and the crystals on his eyes and forehead lit up with a deep blue light that enveloped Gui Si.Guisi showed a painful expression, "Okay, now, let's go, Poké Ball... One" "Wait, please stop."

At this time, the girl's wandering spirit floated out from the girl's rock and stopped the dragon who was about to throw the Poke Ball. "This is?"

Shirona wondered, "Is this also an illusion transformed by hypnosis?"

Shirona said.

"This is?"

All the hairs on Long's body stood up at once, pulling Xirona back several steps, "This is the real wandering soul."

Chapter 027: Conquering the Ghosts, Fighting Nazi of the Golden Gym

"Please stop."

The girl wandering soul begged to the dragon.

"Suzu-kun, stop."

The dragon thought that Sui-kun was there, so he didn't have to be so afraid, so he told Sui-kun to stop attacking.

"Ghost, are you alright?"

The girl Wandering Soul asked worriedly looking at the ghost who was swaying in the air and might fall at any time.


Gui Si shook his body to wake himself up a little and said with a bitter face, "As expected of the Phoenix's messenger, the strength is really strong. Right now, my ability to resist super powers is still relatively weak."

"Thank you ghost."

The girl wandering spirit said to Guisi.

"I knew that this kid was not simple. I didn't expect him to conquer Yishuijun, the incarnation of Beifeng, the envoy of the phoenix. It's really amazing."

Guisi said to the girl's wandering soul, "I'm sorry, I failed. I have no ability to let him stay."

"What do you mean by that?"

Long felt terrified, "And what do you mean by leaving me behind?"

"do you know?"

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