064 The ghost ship on the sea, explore in the dark night of the moon and successfully defeat the Martial Arts Gym to get the third badge. Long and his party rode a huge stinging jellyfish and headed for the next gorgeous contest host city, Kaina City.It was getting dark, but there was still some distance to Kaina City, so Long decided to see if he could find a deserted island on the sea, and everyone would make do with resting for a night before moving on.

Xiaoxue searched the satellite navigation system, and then unfortunately told Long that there was no place like a deserted island in the surrounding area.This made everyone disappointed. No one wanted to continue their journey against the sea wind at night. It would be strange if they lay on the giant stinging jellyfish for one night and their noses would not be stuffed the next day, and everyone was also afraid that if someone accidentally rolled over in the middle of the night Falling into the sea is no fun then.

The sun has completely sunk below the sea level, and the sky is gradually turning black. The waves on the vast sea are not rolling the waves, and the huge stinging jellyfish continues to ride the wind and waves.The sea breeze came in waves, and Touzi hugged his knees and leaned gently on Long's side. The night was as cold as water, and everyone felt a chill.

The leader rubbed his head in pain, unexpectedly, there is not even a deserted island in such a vast sea.At this time, a huge shadow loomed in the dark night, and Long quickly ordered the huge stinging jellyfish to quickly chase after that huge shadow.All the girls turned their eyes equally curiously, and the outline of the mysterious black figure on the sea, being chased by the huge stinging jellyfish, loomed in front of everyone's eyes.

It turned out to be a very huge cruise ship that seemed to last a day. Everyone opened their mouths in surprise, watching the dead silent ghost ship drifting with the waves.Reporter Pan Xi took out her glasses and put the camera on her face and exclaimed, "Mygod, Whatsthis? The USO?" There are also often unidentified submersible objects, or USOs for short.The Pokemon world is the same as the earth, 1% of the area is composed of oceans. In this wide area where human activities are relatively sparse, there are also legends of ghost ships.Long had seen reports and movies similar to USO in his previous life. Basically, the ghost ship is synonymous with mystery and horror.

The previous huge cruise ship was about tens of meters high, and looking at such a dilapidated appearance, I don’t know when this big ship was built, and why it was abandoned after cruising in the sea for a long time.Long looked at the shape of this cruise ship. It should be a luxurious passenger ship. There is no reason for such a big ship to be abandoned on the sea and let it drift with the waves. It looks weird.Long turned his head and looked at the girls. At this time, he couldn't make up his mind casually by himself, so he wanted to listen to everyone's opinions to see what should be done.

Seeing such a strange cruise ship, the faces of the girls are different. Reporter Pan Xi and classmate Xiaoyao have excited expressions, Xiaoxue and Touzi have surprised and puzzled expressions, and Xiao Zhuang has a dignified expression. .Before getting further instructions from the dragon, the giant jellyfish continued to move forward with this ghostly ship. Xiaoyao said happily: "Isn't this just right? We don't have a place to stay at night. If we fall down, we will rest on this ship overnight. !"

Long looked at this student Xiaoyao with an excited face in surprise. This girl who was usually terrified of storms, ghost Pokemon and stinging jellyfish showed great interest and interest in these weird and weird things. Hot pillow, Long really doesn't understand what this girl thinking in the four-dimensional space is thinking.

Long thought about it and felt relieved. This is the world of Pokemon and he has generals such as Tyrannosaurus and Nine Tails beside him. Could it be that he will be intimidated by such an empty ship?But even though he thought so, the dragon was still cautious. He took out two pokemon balls and threw them out. Bidiao and the fork-winged bat flew out one after the other. The dragon looked at the two pokemon and said, "Please go Check around on this cruise ship to see if there is anything unusual!"

After hearing what the dragon said, Bi Diao and Fork-winged Bat flew towards the cruise ship one after the other. Long looked at the girls and said, "Scary legends such as ghost ships are all exaggerated by movies. As a Pokemon trainer How could we be intimidated by these nonsense things, there is nothing we can do now, we will spend the whole night on this ship tonight, or set up a tent on the deck if we can't."

All the girls nodded in agreement when they heard the dragon's words. Since everyone had no objections, immediately a huge stinging jellyfish emerged from the sea, stretching out huge tentacles one by one, rolling up and stretching everyone's bodies and putting them on the deck above.Long took out the Pokemon ball and took the huge stinger jellyfish back, "Thank you stinger jellyfish, I will rest for the night tonight, and I will continue to trouble you tomorrow."

Xiaoyao walked in front of everyone excitedly and said excitedly: "Adventure fans all over the country have been waiting for a long time. This time, our Xiaoyao expedition team will explore this weird sea ghost ship. How many mysterious and weird things will there be here? What events await us?"

Long looked at the big reporter Pan Xi, who was gesturing with the finger camera and the glasses camera, and said very speechlessly: "I said, do you want to do this? Can you properly express a little nervousness in this atmosphere?"

At this moment, Bi Diao and Fork-winged Bat flew back with flapping wings.

Long looked at them and asked, "How is it? Did you find anything weird and bizarre?"

Bi Diao and Fork-Winged Bat shook their heads. The dragon didn't expect much at first, and it was really strange that he could find something in such a short time.

Retracting Bi Diao and Fork-winged Bat into the elf ball, the dragon looked at the girls and said, "The deck here is big enough, let's spend a whole night here tonight, and we will start tomorrow."

Classmate Xiaoyao said in amazement: "It's so hard to come across such an interesting thing. Do we have to leave so easily? Since we found this ghost ship, shouldn't we have a good adventure? If we just sleep like this, then we How will the Xiaoyao Expedition Team continue to shoot this show, will this episode still have ratings?"

Long rolled his eyes, then leaned over to Xiaoyao's side and said maliciously: "I said miss, don't you look at what time it is, you are still doing these boring things in the middle of the night, and the adventure show you made Are there other audiences besides the few of us?"

After the Maiden Gorge incident and the Shenshan Old House incident, Long knew that there were not only ghost Pokemon but also real ghosts in this Pokemon world.For the loyal fans and fans who have been deeply influenced by Hong Kong movies since childhood and as the director of Lin Zhengying's ghost movies, Long has no deep taboo about this dark and weird place. Don't really encounter a dirty thing at that time so that it is so fun It's big.

"Ah... this..."

Classmate Xiaoyao scratched his head and said with a smile, "It's in the recording period of the program, so it hasn't been sent to the TV station for broadcast yet, haha..." Long was speechless immediately, this girl is really hard-headed, No matter how advanced the technology is now, I have never heard of a finger camera or something. How can there be such an advanced thing.

Some students responded to Xiaoyao's words, and Pan Qian just agreed with her, but there was no other way, because she was a big reporter.Xiao Zhuang and Xiao Xue shook their heads helplessly, while Tou Zijiang shook her head even more like a rattle drum. Born in Yixiu District, the capital of entertainment, she has been influenced by blockbuster movies since she was a child. Things can't be avoided, so there is no such thing as leisure and elegance to play midnight adventure ghost ship or something.Besides, how can Tou Zijiang, who pays attention to health preservation, sacrifice sleep time to do these boring things.

Tou Zijiang took the dragon to help build the tent, and Xiao Zhuang and Xiao Xue were not interested in playing any adventure ghost ship games, so they started to build their own tents.Xiaoyao couldn't help but be disappointed seeing everyone not cooperating. The girl looked at Pan Qian and said, "Why don't we go around and come back right away? I feel a little pain in my stomach and want to make it easier. I think this There should be places like toilets and restrooms on the cruise ship, can you go with me?"

Pan Xi snapped her fingers and said boldly: "Of course there is no problem with this. I also think that the atmosphere of exploring the ghost ship at night is very difficult to come across such a good opportunity. When it dawns tomorrow, the atmosphere will be destroyed. .”

Classmate Xiaoyao and reporter Pan Xi greeted everyone and left together. Long really admired the strong hearts of these two women, they were too courageous.

Xiaoxue looked at classmate Xiaoyao and reporter Pan Qian and asked worriedly, "Are these two going to be okay?"

Long waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, the plots in the movie are all fictitious, and Pan Xi has the powerful Sonic Dragon in her hands, so even if something happens, there is absolutely no problem with self-protection. We will help them set up the tent and wait It's good for them to come back. These two people will be boring after wandering around, and they will come back by themselves in due time."

Xiaoxue took it for granted when she heard Long's words, and Xiao Zhuang helped Xiaoyao and Pan Xi set up the tent together.At this time, Tou Zijiang ran to Long's side and whispered: "Uncle, why don't you go to the bathroom with me, after hearing Xiaoyao's words just now, I also feel a little uncomfortable in my stomach, but I am afraid of the dark alone Don't dare...--" Long Yi couldn't help muttering in his mind, just now when Xiaoyao and Pan Xi were together, if you didn't say it, then it would be fine if you just went with them.And what is it like for a girl to go to the toilet and pull a big man? Although this incident is definitely a good job for some wolf friends and strange people, but my brother is a standard gentleman, so there will be no such crooked thoughts .

Long pointed to Xiaoxue and Xiaozhuan and said: "Xiaoxue and the others are more suitable than me, and it's not a big deal, why don't you ask them?"

Touzi blushed and said, "Oh, I'm sorry to bother them, but uncle, you are different, I feel more secure with you."

Long rubbed his chin, what Touzi said was very useful to Long, since this girl said so, it would be hard for him to refuse.

Tou Zijiang immediately pulled Long happily and said to Xiao Zhuang and Xiao Xue: "Uncle said that he has a stomachache and wants to go to the bathroom, but he is afraid of the dark alone, so I will go with him, and we will be back soon!"

Long's face darkened, this girl really knows how to change her mind, obviously it's you who feels sick to her stomach, okay?

Follow Touzi and turn into an open iron gate, and look at the footprints on the ground. Xiaoyao and Pan Qian should have entered from here just now. It is not clear what is dark inside the cruise ship.Touzi took out a poke ball and threw it out, "Lava mouse, help us illuminate with the flame of fighting spirit."

The flames on the head and back of the "Baoka Man" ignited blazingly, and instantly illuminated a place in the dark. Long and Touzi walked behind with the help of the burning flames on the lava mouse, watching The huge cruise ship dragon shut up and said: "This place is so big, where are we going to find the bathroom? I don't think it's that troublesome, just find a place to solve it. "

When Touzi heard Long's words, he couldn't help throwing a hygienic eye at him and said, "Uncle, what kind of idea is this, how can you let a girl do such a thing!"

Long shrugged helplessly, women are more troublesome at this point, in this case it would be much more convenient for men.

There was no other way, so Long had no choice but to follow Touzi down the stairs to a long corridor. Long looked happy and then looked at the rooms on both sides of the corridor and said: "This looks like a guest room of a cruise ship. If so, then the bathroom It should be in this corridor."

Touzi nodded and looked at Lava Rat and said: "Lava Rat, please continue to count on you ∥'Bao Ka Ren'" Lava Rat nodded his head and lit the flame of fighting spirit to help the two of them keep walking ahead while lighting up. And at this moment, a door in the corridor behind Long and Touzi suddenly opened silently, and an arm was gently stretched out to buckle on the door lintel.

Long and Touzi continued walking without the slightest notice, the silent corridor could only hear the rustling of their footsteps on the ground, old-fashioned dilapidated chandeliers above their heads, and dilapidated dilapidated buildings on both sides covered with dust. On the walls, the doors of the bedrooms are closed tightly.

With a bang, Long tried to kick an iron door, and the loud noise startled Touzi and Lava Rat in front.The girl turned around and looked at Long Bujian and asked: "Uncle, what are you doing? I was shocked when you suddenly kicked the goalkeeper. Did you do it on purpose?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Long rubbed his head and said shyly, "I was thinking that the luxury suites on this cruise ship might have separate bathrooms, so I just wanted to try to see if the door can be kicked open, who knows? It was locked."

After hearing Long's explanation, Touzi said angrily: "Then can't you change to a more gentle way, you have to kick directly with your feet?"

Khan for one, there are so many layers of gray covered here, so what if you don't use your feet to kick it? It is said that the gentle method of the dragon is usually only used when dealing with girls.

Bang, bang, bang, suddenly there were a few sounds in the silent corridor, and the rhythmic sound seemed to be knocking on something.Long looked at that he still had Touzi, which was not what they made at all.

Bang, bang, bang... The sound continued to ring and became more and more clear. In this silent corridor, each sound was like knocking on the heart of a person. Long and Touzi felt a hairy feeling in their hearts. Involuntarily, a layer of goosebumps appeared.

Touzijiang couldn't help leaning her whole body over and grabbing one of the dragon's arms and asked tremblingly: "Uncle, what is this... what is this? Let's take a moment..." Long grabbed Touzi's arm and looked around Said: "Don't be afraid, it's nothing, maybe it's Xiaoyao and Panxi, don't worry..." Although Long comforted Touzi so much, his heart was not as relaxed as he said, and he thought about whether he should Would it really be so fucked up? Could something really weird happen?

"Xiaoyao, Pan Qian, are you two?"

Touzi couldn't help but yelled out in a low voice, but after repeating it twice, there was no response, and the sound of thump, thump, thud, became clear and close.

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