The dragon took out the elf ball and took the Tyrannosaurus back, finally got up from the ground and pulled Touzi up and said: "This road is no longer accessible. I didn't expect that Cocodora in this stone cave is so fierce. I am so glad." Alright, if it’s Kedora chasing us this time, it’s really a big deal, if it’s Boss Kedora, then we’re definitely going to finish the game.”

Touzi said weakly: "At this time, you are still consoling yourself. These Cocoa Doras probably treat us as trespassers and want to drive us away. Our luck is really too bad. I don't know What happened to the other two groups, Xiao Zhuang, Xiaoyao, Xiaoxue and Pan Xi, they might also encounter the Cocodora Legion, it would be really dangerous."

"Do not worry."

Long panted and said: "Looking at the size of the group of Cocoa Dora just now, they should have come out in full force. How can such a group of Cocoa Dora be found in a cave, so the others should be absolutely safe. If it doesn’t work, let’s go meet up with everyone now.”

Escaping in danger, Long pulled Touzi and was about to go to another cave to find Xiaoxue and Panxi, but he didn't expect the ground under his feet to sink suddenly.There was a bang, without giving them any time to react, the ground under their feet suddenly collapsed, and Long and Touzi screamed in shock, holding each other's arms and falling down.With a bang, the dragon first landed on a pile of soft soil, and then a tortoise sauce fell from the sky and hit the dragon's head directly.

"Scared... [-]" The dragon pushed away the buttocks sitting on the head, and then pulled the head out of the soft soil like pulling a carrot. The dragon spit out the soil in his mouth with his tongue & head Then he looked at Touzi angrily and said, "You hit it right, my neck almost broke."

Touzi hurriedly put his hands together in embarrassment and said to Long, "I'm sorry uncle, I didn't mean it, I'm really sorry!"

Touzi pulled the dirt off the dragon's head and then wiped the dragon's face with a small hand, but the cat's paw made the dragon's face more and more dirty.

"Okay, okay, it's no longer needed."

Long wiped his face vigorously with his sleeve, then looked up at the hole above his head and said helplessly: "It seems that we have fallen into a cave further below. It was very soft, and as a result, the two of us who were back were accidentally hit again.

Looking at the four- to five-meter-high hole above his head, Touzi asked with a bitter face, "What should we do now? Even if we want to climb out of this hole, we can't do it!"

Long comforted Touzi and said: "Don't worry, since these passages were dug by the Cocodoras, as long as we walk along this road, we will definitely climb out, and then try to go up as much as possible. Anyway, our ultimate purpose here is In order to find Mr. Dawu who doesn’t know where to dig the stone, it’s better to run around like this, maybe a blind cat bumps into a dead mouse.”

"Well, at present, it seems that this is the only way to do it."

Touzi got up from the mound, patted off the dust on his body, and then walked behind the dragon. Fortunately, he didn't meet the Cocodora Legion. It seems that the group of Pokemon were blocked by the Tyrannosaurus over there. In the cave, even if they dug the passage now, they couldn't find Long and Touzi.

The two walked straight forward. The underground cave with its nine bends and eighteen bends was like a huge maze. Touzi followed the dragon and kept drilling sideways. The girl couldn't help but wondered and asked the dragon. : "Uncle, do you know how to get around this underground labyrinth? I just saw you wandering around like this without making a mark. What are we doing?"

Long shook his head and said, "Although I don't know how to navigate this underground maze, I do know a method that can solve all the planar mazes!"

With an interested look on Touzi's face, he urged the dragon to say, "What kind of method is this?"

"Although this method is a bit stupid, it is very applicable, especially for people in the maze."

Long smiled and said: "The method is very simple. When walking through the maze, just stick to the wall on one side. It will take a little time, but as long as the maze is not a dead end, you can get to the exit. But there are mazes with traps. The same doesn’t work, like this natural cave maze dug by Cocoa Dora can be done with my method!”

Boo!Touzi smacked the dragon's face heavily, put his arms around his neck and looked at the dragon with admiration and said, "Uncle, you are really powerful, how did you come up with this method?"

Can I tell you that I learned it from watching the cartoon "Doraemon"?Long thought to himself, then rolled his eyes and looked at the girl in front of him and said: "It's just a small skill, what's so good about it, I won the Chengdu League Silver Conference champion before, but I didn't see you say I'm amazing, really It’s putting the cart before the horse.”

Touzi stuck out her tongue & head and muttered, "Do I dare to kiss you like this in front of Sundae? It's no wonder that girl didn't kill me!"

Long touched his nose, and it was difficult to comment on Touzi's words.He used to treat this girl as a younger sister, but what he did this morning was not the way a brother treats a younger sister.Even biological brothers and sisters don't want to express affection with kisses, and it's tongue kisses!Sister Qing is almost the same... Seeing that Long didn't express anything after hearing her words, Touzi couldn't help feeling disappointed, her face swelled up like a bun, but was soon discovered by Long and poked it with her fingers .Long put his arms around Touzi's shoulders affectionately, and the girl deliberately turned her head and body away to struggle symbolically, but it was only symbolic.

The two of them just walked side by side in this underground cave, and there was a sound of rushing water in front of them.Long and Touzi hurried over to have a look, only to see an underground pool.A clear waterfall flowed down and flowed down the upstream underground passage. On both sides of the waterfall were cliff walls, with a row of thick vines growing on it.

Touzi said in surprise, "Hey, is there a waterfall in the cave?"

Long smiled and said, "Didn't Miss Joy say that this place used to be a volcano, so it's not unusual for there to be waterfalls flowing in the cave."

Pointing to the water flowing from the upper reaches of the waterfall, the dragon said, "Look, we can get out of this cave if we counterattack in the direction of the water flow."

Hearing Long's words, Touzi clapped his palms happily. When Long took out the Pokemon and was about to ask Bi Diao, a little thing ran over and kept rubbing against Long's feet.


Long and Touzi were taken aback when they saw the little thing at their feet, and Touzi shook his head and looked around and said, "Could it be that the Cocodora Legion is chasing after it again?"

"Cocoa Man" This Cocoa Dora looked at Long and Touzi curiously, and then the little guy turned around and kept calling as if he was calling for something.

Long and Touzi huddled together and exclaimed in alarm: "Come again, are you calling your companions again?"

"What's the matter, Cocoa Dora?"

Unexpectedly, there was the sound of thousands of horses galloping on the ground, and a very handsome man with short blue hair and long blue hair ran over with a mountaineering bag on his back.The orange-yellow shirt has the collar turned up, and an archaeological team-style vest is worn outside, brown trousers and a pair of hiking boots.Yingting is handsome and resolute, this is the first impression the man in front of Long and Touzi gave Long and Touzi. Although he is dressed in ordinary clothes, his temperament is very outstanding.

Long and Touzi exclaimed at the same time: "Mr. Dawu!"

Dawu looked at Long and Touzi curiously and asked, "You know me, but who are you?"

Asked this question, President Zvouchi didn't show his son's photo to Long and the others, because it was necessary for Genmi to do so. If so, he wouldn't be considered an elite trainer in the league.Zifuqi Dawu, the young master of German Manufacturing Co., Ltd., the former champion of the Fangyuan Alliance, the master of using steel-type Pokemon, is good at using steel-type Pokemon to find out the opponent's weaknesses and strike hard.

Such a famous young master of a family and champion of the Champions League, but he loves to collect stones, and he also enjoys running around the world to explore, drill caves and dig tunnels to dig these.In order to be unrestrained and free to live the life he wanted, he even voluntarily resigned from the position of champion venerable, and even as the young master of a large group company, he did not want to wander around. He really collected stones to an extremely fanatical level .

Although he has resigned, the title of Pokemon Master is still there, and Long and Touzi dare not hold it up.Long smiled and introduced himself and said, "Mr. Dawu, we are Pokemon trainers who are traveling to challenge the Love Alliance. When we were in Kanaz City, we heard from President Zivqi that you were on Muro Island." , and it just so happened that we came here to challenge the Gym and Miss Joy was proud to visit you when she learned that you were in the Stone Cave."

When Dawu heard Long talking about his father, he immediately asked happily: "Do you know my father? Is my father in good health?"

Long rubbed his head and said: "Actually, we only met your father once, and we only visited Dewen Manufacturing Company~ once. Because I am familiar with the eldest lady of the Sakurai family, last time I went to see When she happened to meet my father, he treated us very warmly, and invited us to have dinner, not to mention that he also lent us a private yacht when we came to Muro Island."

Long didn't say that he helped Devon regain the important culture fluid reagents, otherwise it would look like taking credit for it, and it would be ridiculous to talk about it in front of the former champion of the Fang Yuan Alliance.

Dawu looked at Long suddenly and said: "So you are a friend of Director Sakurai, no wonder..." Touzi said happily: "Mr. Dawu, it's really nice to meet you!"

Looking at the look on the girl's face, Long almost dragged her to ask for an autograph.It's no wonder that compared to the wretched middle-aged uncle Adick of the Yixiu Alliance, the one in front of him is undoubtedly much more handsome and handsome. Even though he has resigned, Da Wuyi has a lot of popularity on the 1st.This is different from those of idol stars. The title of master will not depreciate over time, it will only slowly brew, and maybe it will become a legend in a few years.

Dawu smiled and said to Long and Touzi: "I am also very glad to meet you, and thank you even more for coming to see me. The Sakurai family has always been very close to us, and the Frozen Throne has always been a master I admire. Director Sakurai's friends are my friends!"

After hearing Dawu's words, Long smiled politely, thinking that the name of the throne was indeed resounding.The pig brother Tian Wang Huayue I met last time was flamboyant and even dared to look down on the invincible King Du Tian, ​​but he was afraid of the name of the Frozen Throne.Now, whether it is the president of Zifuqi or the former champion in front of him, everyone respects the name of the throne. The Sakurai family has this person in charge, so it really echoes the old saying that an old family is like a treasure. !

"Cocoa...--" At this time, the Cocoa Dora under Dawu's feet also jumped out actively, and Dawu introduced with a smile: "This is my partner Cocoa Dora, who is my explorer." Suo Cave also has the most important assistant for digging evolutionary stones."

"Ke Ding... [-]" Coco Dora heard Dawu's introduction, then she narrowed her eyes with a smile, and stroked Coco Dora's head with a smile. He actively cooperated and stuck out his tongue & head to lick in Touko's hand.

Looking at this cute little guy, Touzi smiled slightly and said, "This little guy is very cute, completely different from the large group of Cocodora chasing us just now!"


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