Shirona pouted at the dragon. "This kind of life is actually quite good, so I don't have to think too much about living this easy life with you every day. I really want to continue this kind of life forever like this." Long stared at Shirona with a look of happiness on his face, and said, "Is it because my heart is already too tired?"

Shirona stared at the intoxicated dragon for a while, and a few elf cries of "Qia", "Bi", "Oh", and "Huh" interrupted the two people who were in intoxication and contemplation.Before the dragon could react, the golden statuette had already knocked him down, and kept rubbing his head on the dragon with his head.


The dragon reacted and hugged Bidiao happy and hugged Bidiao together, while Shirona and Yong Zhanying on the other side, Tyrannosaurus and Minas were much more reserved.

"Hey, dragon."

"elder sister."

On the beach in the distance, Ash and his party, Sundae, Lan and Sakura waved to Long and Shirona from a distance.

"Finally, are the leisurely days over?"

Long muttered to himself and then said to himself, "I'm the one who is destined to be idle."

Chapter 025: Suijun vs Giant Stinger Jellyfish, Kings Showdown

"Hey, sister, are you going to travel with us?"

The sundae was surprised at Shirona.

"Well, anyway, I don't have anything to do right now, and I still have some things to deal with here."

Shirona glanced at the dragon either intentionally or unintentionally.

"Wow, I've decided that I want to go on a love trip with Miss Shirona too."

Xiaogang suddenly rushed over to Sushoulong, who was just about to catch Shirona, and grabbed Xiaogang's ear and said, "You don't need to travel with love, our team is already full, I think Xiaozhi's thick line The guy needs more of your care.

"I think what you should do now, Miss Shirona, duel with me."

Xiao Zhi said excitedly to Shirona.


Long patted his forehead helplessly and said, "It's really unwise to travel with Xiao Zhi and the others, they're all a bunch of weird guys."

Shirona felt that after all, she and Xiao Zhi were in trouble together, so she accepted Xiao Zhi's challenge. The result is that you don't have to guess. Shirona used Rose Ray to stay one-on-one, and each of them was a one-hit kill. It hit Xiao Zhi's fighting spirit hard, but Xiao Zhi was really tough, and he didn't give up until he was all KO'ed. Because Shirona still had to guide and practice for Junsheng's elves, Xiao Zhi and his party said goodbye to Long and set off. And Long calculated the time, and after staying for a week, he bought a cruise ship and set off directly from the sea to the city of Lampuru. The money for the cruise was deducted from the advance salary of the dragon by the despicable sundae. God knows if it goes on like this, the dragon is It's not about taking a job to pay off the debt.

"Wow, dragon, look, there are large water structures being built on the sea over there."

Lan pointed to the construction team on the sea not far away and said to Long.

"Well, it's like building a sea hotel or a tourist park."

Sakura said, "If it is completed and opened, I will definitely visit it."

"That thing is impossible to complete."

Long said lazily.

"Oh, why is that?"

Sundae asked curiously.

The dragon pointed to a sea area under the water building and said, "Look, that sea area is obviously a large coral reef, and a large coral reef like this is the habitat of a large nearby water elves, and construction there will completely destroy the sea area. ecological balance.”

"Ah, what to do then?"

Lan used to be a policeman, so he said nervously at first, "Then let's hurry up and stop them."

The dragon grabbed the anxious Lan and said, "You are too excited, Lan. Do you think we can easily stop them? The construction party will easily stop the project that is about to be completed because of our casual words. ?"

"Then shall I just let it go?"

Sakura said to the dragon.

"I really don't know how the city government of this place passed that project in the first place."

The sundae is unfair.

"I said you are all too impulsive."

Long said helplessly, "Look, Shirona is very calm."


Seeing Shirona in a swimsuit and sunglasses lying leisurely on the deck and snoring softly, Long was startled, "Fall asleep!"

At this moment, a broadcast sound came from the water building over there, to the effect that the construction team was attacked by the agate jellyfish, and the construction party recruited a powerful elf trainer who could defeat the agate jellyfish with a high salary to expel those agate that hindered the construction. jellyfish.

"Look, we don't need to stop it, the agate jellyfish living in this area took the initiative to stop it for their own living environment."

The dragon said to Lan, Sakura and Sundae, "Hey, Shirona, how did you wake up? It's really strange."

Shirona ignored the dragon and stood up and looked at the large group of d-trainers who were swarmed by the high bonus with a solemn expression. "What's wrong with you, sister?"

Sundae looked suspiciously at Shirona's expression.

Shirona pointed to a large piece of sea of ​​crystal light that was connected little by little in the distance and said, "Look. A large group of agate jellyfish are coming this way."

Lan worried, "In this case, the group of trainers attracted by the high bonuses will start a big melee with the agate jellyfish."

At this time, a yacht rushed into the group of agate jellyfish, and then a dazzling white light emitted from the group of agate jellyfish. An agate jellyfish kept growing and eventually became a super-large stinger jellyfish under the stunned eyes of everyone.

This time, Dragon, Sakura, Lan, Sundae and Shirona all stood up at once. "Roar" the giant stinger jellyfish led the agate jellyfish to start wreaking havoc, constantly attacking coastal buildings and streets, and the huge body of the giant jellyfish set off waves of huge waves in the sea.

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