Sakurai looked at Ryu with a smile and said, "Would you like to go in and try?"

There was a row of black lines on the forehead of the dragon, and then he looked at Miss Sakurai and rolled his eyes. Since it is a Pokemon dream player, what does it mean to tell him to lie in it? Does he look like a Pokemon?

Miss Jingjing looked at Long and explained with a smile: "This machine has not been completed yet, so it can't play Pokemon dreams, but we accidentally discovered that it is effective for humans, so if you want to experience it, you can Go in and try it out."

Long shook his head even more like a rattle. Dreaming is almost the same as a person's privacy. What should he do if he lies down and has the same spring & dream as last time, not to mention whether he will be embarrassing anyway Du Tianwang will definitely strangle himself to death if he knows, even if he is the great benefactor of the Yulong family, there is no need to discuss it.

Immediately afterwards, Ms. Sakurai brought the dragon to a machine with the same huge and strange shape and said: "This machine is specially designed by us to automatically translate the speeches of Pokemon. We experimented with more than two Pokemons. Elf, this machine can currently translate the words spoken by more than 40 kinds of Pokémon, such as Bo & Bo, Little Lada, and Pippi."

I am not particularly interested in the functional dragon of the machine introduced by Sakurai. Although this technology is amazing, he can have several all-purpose translators in his hand. Ghost and Hippo King are both better than this machine. Machines that are huge and heavy enough to be pulled by big trucks are much easier to use.

Sakurai then took the dragon to the third equally huge machine and said

Said: "This is a Pokemon breeding machine, which can stimulate the potential of Pokemon and help them evolve!"

"Pokemon evolution machine?"

Long said suspiciously: "Is this machine of yours the same as the 'R' plan that was destroyed by the Rockets some time ago? This thing is illegal, so don't mess around!"

Sakurai looked at the dragon and said, "You're talking about the red Gyarados incident that made a lot of noise in Kaji Town last year, I heard grandma said that she happened to pass by there and subdued the red Gyarados, so for Rocket I also know a little bit about the team's 'R' plan."

Sakurai continued: "To tell you the truth, I was the one who heard the plan for the Pokemon breeding machine. I think the idea of ​​the 'R' plan of the Rockets is good. If such a machine is really developed The machine is a great progress for the current technology. It’s just that the rocket team’s idea is very good, but the motivation is not pure. It wants to force the evolution of Pokemon to create a powerful biological army to conquer the world. It's too whimsical."

Sakurai said with a smile: "There is no distinction between good and bad machines, the key lies in the people who use them."

Hearing Miss Sakurai's words, Long said helplessly: "Even if you are right, this kind of thing shouldn't be so easy to develop, right?"

Sakurai nodded and said: "Here, I have to admire the Rockets. How can I say that they have a case of successful evolution, and their technology and creativity have reached world-class!"

Dragon deeply agrees with Sakurai's words. It is really amazing that the Rockets can extract the dreamy gene and create a terrifying Pokemon like Mewtwo.

Finally, Sakurai brought Ryuu to the last super huge machine and said: "This is a machine developed by our company with all its energy. Its main function is to revive the fossilized Pokemon that were extinct in ancient times! "

Long heard Sakurai's words and said in amazement: "This thing can revive ancient fossil Pokemon, such as fossil dragons and sickle helmets?"

Sakurai nodded affirmatively, then pointed to a row of five test tubes filled with brown liquid on the machine and said: "The culture fluid inside is the key to revive the extinct fossil Pokemon. We capture extinct pets from fossils. The genes of the elves are then analyzed through the culture fluid to analyze the genes and molecular arrangements of these fossil pokemons. Finally, the computer analyzes these data and resurrects the extinct fossil elves in this machine. In fact, it is better to say that it is resurrection. It’s a process of rebirth.”

Long listened to Sakurai's words, then looked at the huge machine in front of him, swallowed his saliva, and said, "This is really an amazing invention, but it sounds so powerful, so it has been clinically tested and has been successful. example?"

Sakurai looked at the dragon with a smile and said: "You should know the former Yoshikazu Champion League Venerable Zvuki Dawu, so who are the six main Pokemons that he became the champion and entered the Hall of Champions?" The data of the four heavenly kings in the region have been studied in detail. Even though Dawu is the outgoing champion, his popularity in the Elf League is still very high. This is the advantage of being handsome, and his family background is as prominent as Yulongdu The representative of the most motivated, rich and handsome.Joining the evil organization Team Rocket, a rich boy like Kojiro, is really ashamed & ashamed in front of Watanabe and Daigo.

Long Rushi counted with his fingers: "The six elves that Dawu entered the Hall of Champions are Armor Crow, Cradle Lily, Nianli Clay Puppet, Primordial Armor, Boss Cordora, and Alloy Cross!"

Sakurai nodded and said: "Look at the dragon and say, what you said is not wrong at all, and the two cradle lilies and the ancient armor in Dawu's hand are fossilized Pokemon that were extinct in the Fangyuan area in ancient times, and they It was born from this machine!"

Although Long had vaguely guessed in his heart when Sakurai asked him this sentence, he was still extremely shocked when he heard Sakurai's words.

At this time, Long saw the gradually forming figure soaked in the nutrient solution in a glass cover on the machine and asked: "Then what is this, is it breeding a new fossil Pokemon?"

Sakurai nodded and said: "This is the ancestor of the big black fossil we got from the Yixiu area. It is a new species we are cultivating, and it will almost be revived if we calculate the date."

"Ancestor Dawu!"

After hearing what Sakurai said, Ryu couldn't help but screamed, then quickly took out the Pokemon illustration book, and called up the information of the ancestor Dawu from it.

"The ancestor Dawu, also known as the ancient pterosaur, the ancient black Pokemon, the attribute is rock and flying. It is considered the ancestor of the modern bird Pokemon, and is the descendant of the extinct dragon Pokemon pterosaur in ancient times. Compared with flying, it is better at running, and after a run-up speed of 40 kilometers per hour, it suddenly spreads its wings and flies into the air. It runs around at a speed not inferior to that of a car to catch prey, and has the intelligence to cooperate with its companions to catch prey."

"It's really too powerful. Dewen Manufacturing Company is really powerful. Even Pokemon like the ancestor Dawu can tame it."

Long looked at the gradually formed figure in the glass container and said enviously: "After the resurrection of this ancestor Dawu, Dawu will tame it and become its trainer?"

Sakurai shook his finger and said to the dragon: "You're wrong, I pre-ordered this Pokemon, the previous cradle lily and the ancient armor have been given to Dawu, so President Zvoki said This ancestor big crow belongs to me."

"You booked?"

Long nodded and said as a matter of course: "That's true, after all, the Sakurai family is the second largest shareholder of Devon Manufacturing, so even though Dago is the son of the president and chairman, he can't give him all the good things. President Zvozki is really kind. This ancestor big crow is a very valuable pokemon. If it is trained properly, its explosive combat power is quite amazing, and it can definitely be trained to become a main fighter. !"

Sakurai looked at Ryuu curiously and said, "You seem to like this Pokemon very much, but I'm not very interested in Pokemon battles."

Listening to Miss Sakurai's indifferent words, Ryu said in his heart that it was a waste of money, what a good Pokemon, it would be useless in the hands of Miss Sakurai.When we met before, Long knew that this eldest lady was not very interested in inheriting the mantle of the Frozen Throne since she was a child, so the future generations recruited closed disciples. genius.

Seeing Long sighing, Sakurai said in a nonchalant tone, "Since you like this Pokemon so much, I'll give you this Ancestral Crow."


Long exclaimed, then supported Sakurai's shoulder with excitement and said eagerly: "You are not telling the truth, are you really going to give me the ancestor Dawu?"

Miss Sakurai was shaken like a rattle by the dragon and almost didn't get mad. This guy was not so excited when he invited him to dinner just now, but now he couldn't control his emotions. Judging by his happy look, it seems that this The value of Pokemon is higher than that of the lady of the Sakurai family.

Long felt that his actions were a bit reckless and disrespectful, and immediately patted Miss Sakurai on the shoulder in a flattering manner, as if deliberately helping her dust off.This move is clearly a representative of a typical sycophant, this guy Long really wants to lose his integrity for the sake of the ancestor Dawu.

"Hehe, Sakurai, I really didn't expect you to give me such a big gift." Thinking of this, Long sighed and said, then glanced at the R&D room and found that there was still a pot of orchids planted. He walked straight over and picked up the pot of orchids together with the flowerpot, then handed it to Miss Sakurai and said, "Look at me, I came here in such a hurry that I didn't even have time to prepare a gift. How about it?" , I will give this pot of orchids to you, and treat it as a gift to the Buddha!"

Seeing Long's sincere expression and the pot of orchids in front of her, Ms. Sakurai opened her mouth in a cute O-shape, and everyone in the R&D room was blown away by Long's move He was so shocked that his eyeballs shattered to the ground.

Long noticed that everyone was looking over one by one and couldn't help his old face getting a little hot. He immediately rolled his eyes in dissatisfaction and said, "Look at the rice, haven't you seen someone offering flowers?"

scare!This guy is so weird, I have never seen such a flower offering, and he gave it to others together with the flower pot?And the most shameful thing is that this potted flower was brought in by him, and he did such a shameful act in front of others. This is really the best.

Long handed the pot of orchids directly to Sakurai's hand. The eldest lady looked at a flower pot in her hand, and then looked at Long's disguised harmless face. The idea of ​​hitting this guy directly on the head is really thanks to him coming up with such a good method without blushing or panting.

Ms. Sakurai walked up to a dazed male researcher, gave him the pot of orchids together with the flower pot and said, "I'll give you this pot of flowers. I'm also borrowing flowers to offer Buddha. Thank you for your hard work!"

The male researcher who was sent flowers by Ms. Sakurai was overwhelmed. Looking at the beautiful face of Director Sakurai, who was regarded as a goddess in the company, he was inexplicably excited.However, seeing Miss Sakurai leaving completely and Long hurriedly chasing after her back, this fellow compatriot remembered a very important thing, this pot of orchids was planted by him in order to mediate the intense work pressure, so in a blink of an eye Does this potted flower become a gift from someone?

Long didn't know the sad thoughts in the heart of the man who was sent flowers by Miss Sakurai, he yelled as he followed the lady who was walking in front, "Oh, wait a minute, Sakurai, you Don't go so fast!"

However, after Ms. Sakurai heard Long's words, she didn't want to pay any attention to her. Her footsteps became faster and faster. When she was turning, she didn't see the road clearly and collided with a person turning from the aisle. Fortunately, Long saw the opportunity and rushed forward. Hugging Sakurai from behind hastily, this time to avoid the risk of the young lady's delicate buttocks coming into contact with the ground and even breaking into two pieces.

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